Milo Manila Eliminations 2010: 12th Place for Women’s 21k

Monday, 5 July 2010  |  Race Reports

TBR Race Review: Milo Manila Eliminations

Details: July 4, 2010, Quirino Grandstand
Organizer: Rudy Biscocho

– good management of foot traffic (runners)
– clear course with marshals
– directional signs and kilometer markers
– plentiful portalets at the start and along the route
– free gels and bananas along the route
– elite athletes as pacers (although I only found out about this after the race)
– medical aid stations along the course
– entertainment from bands
– use of timing chips
– announcement of names near the finish
– qualifying time per category
– lootbags for finishers
– various post-race activities at race area
– medical aid and marshals’ prompt response
– improved registration with satellite registration centers
– fantastic marketing campaign with worthy advocacy

– insufficient water at stations, specifically at Km 8 and stations during the last 3km. A marathoner friend informed me that they didn’t have hydration for the last 10km.
– lack of stations, there could’ve been more
– slow refill of water by marshals at stations
– water marshals were freely giving out water to non-runners
– no sponges
– crowding at the timing chip mats
– lack of control with pedestrians or finishers who leisurely crossed the route, especially near the finish
– 5:30 a.m. too late a start for 21k
– more expensive race fee compared to previous years

27,000 runners gathered at Quirino Grandstand for the Milo Marathon yesterday. The race start went by smoothly and the 21km started on time.

With the change of course—from out and back last year to loops along Macapagal-Roxas Blvd.—runners were concerned about heavy foot traffic among half and full marathoners who were likely to converge along the route. The foot traffic was capably handled by organizers, a feat considering the enormity of the race. The high-traffic areas were where the timing chip mats were located. (Methinks Milo should invest in more mats next year. A gift to those who will be gunning for PRs.)

Free Hammer gels and bananas were distributed, but there was no water within the area to drown both. Missing were the blaring Milo jingle from last year (which I surprisingly wanted to hear to pump me up!), sponges, or even cheerers along the route.

What was astounding and devastating was the poor management of water stations. A few stations had water but glasses were not quickly filled. This runner had to pick a cup out of a stack and pour her own from a pitcher! Some hydration stations, especially the last few kilometers, were empty, which left runners suffering in the heat or worse from dehydration.

Coming from a well-organized Milo Marathon finals last year, all that was required was a repeat of that race at the very least. The failure of this race to provide the most basic requirement: proper hydration was, in itself, enough to cause a huge disappointment among runners.

Milo Marathon is an institution; it is and always will be one of the most anticipated races of each year. This is a double-edged sword as runners have high expectations from Milo and its organizers. Runners will continue to look forward to Milo Marathon (as this runner does) and have faith in Nestle and its organizers to improve the race next time. After all, they came so close to perfection already last year.



Bumper to bumper traffic. That’s what greeted hubby and I are 5 a.m. on the way to the assembly area. We hopped out of the car and left our driver to battle the traffic alone as we sped off to run what we thought was a 1.5km warm up to the race start. It turned out to be a 3km warm up for our 21km.

We entered the starting chute to meet Jay (Prometheus Cometh), Jun (The Solemates), and Jun Bisnar of Nuvali. They looked fresh while hubby and I were sweating like pigs.


We started the race as a group. Slowly, we broke away from each other with Jun and Hubby running at an easy pace, while Jun, and I were made to believe (by Jay) that we were running at an easy pace.

– Jun, Jay, and I –

– Happy happy! –

For the first 5k, we happily chatted along Roxas Blvd. as we do when we, along with Dindo who was running 42k that day, meet up for lunch every now and then. We talked about NYC Marathon (all three of us are registered), triathlon dreams, and more.

It wasn’t too long after when Jay confessed his strategy. He planned on chatting us up throughout the race hoping to have us run at a fast clip (and hopefully a PR) without our knowledge. I laughed and told him I was actually panting already so I had a clear idea of how fast we were running even if I refused to glimpse at the pace on my Garmin.

Shortly after, Jun asked: Is this the first flyover we’re climbing? Jay answered: No, it’s the second. I guess Jay’s strategy worked enough to have Jun obliviously attack an ascent!

For us to forget about climbing another flyover, I advised Jay that he could promise to cover our airfare for NYC. Perhaps, that way, we could even PR in the race without breaking a sweat.


By around 8k, we had parted ways. Jay was ahead of me, so I just focused on him and followed his lead. I enjoyed feeling like I was in full race mode, without distraction, and focusing on the game.

– Serious mode –

It was at this time when I was completely parched and the water station was nowhere in sight (over 2.5k distance I believe). I was even more annoyed to find free gels and bananas being distributed as my throat dried up. I ran 5:24 and 5:34 mins/km at Km 9 and 10 respectively in desperate search of water.

After finding water after 10k and using it to drown my own Hammer Gel from my pocket, I forged ahead.


Except for that brief water problem, it was smooth-sailing all the way. In my mind, I thanked KL Marathon last week for the preparation.

I thoroughly enjoyed the race. Climbing the flyovers a total of four times was exhausting, but it was a welcome challenge that made the race more colorful. (I heard the marathoners climbed it 10x. Oh boy.)  The new 21k route was quite enjoyable for me, actually.


From 10k until the end of the race, except for Km 11 when I walked to swallow the gel, I ran sub-6 minute pace, which told me that my body had finally climbed out of the out-of-shape phase I was stuck in for months and that my speed was gradually returning.


The last 3k was torture. I was thirsty and exhausted, but there was no water in sight. I bumped into Donna Cruz who was battling the heat too, but still ran at a fast pace.


I mentally blocked the thirst, heat, and hurt from my body and just started counting from 1 to 100 until I reached the finish line. I don’t remember much anymore, except for those annoying pedestrians who crossed the street and stopped you midway through the run. My counting reached 6 sets of 100’s in my mind before I entered the finisher’s chute.

My unofficial time was 2:02 for 21.03 km with an average pace of 5:50 min/km.  1 minute shy from my PR at Cebu Marathon last January.  And, over 2 minutes shy of a sub-2 half marathon, which is fine because I had no plans of breaking any personal records at Milo anyway.  The good news: tI placed 12th for 21k Women’s category!  Click HERE

My reward after the finish? 2 Nestle Twin pops! Perfect food for recovery and the best twin pops I’ve ever had in my life.

Photos courtesy of Ben Chan of Photovendo.  Visit

Standard Chartered Kuala Lumpur Marathon 2010: Shoulda Woulda Coulda

Thursday, 1 July 2010  |  Race Reports

Did we miss the race? That was the sole question on my mind as hubby and I stepped out of our taxi onto the empty street of the assembly area, Dataran Merdaka, on the drizzly morning of June 27, 2010. Race start was 6:15 a.m. and we arrived 5:30 a.m. In Manila, the starting area would have been bustling with runners, but, here, the entire street was empty.

– Light rain before the race start was a blessing –

– Almost like a ghost race or so I thought –

– The street was all ours –

Turns out, runners were near the stage area or lined up at the portalets, which were not enough I tell you (or I could’ve been spoiled by our local races.) We checked in our baggage and sat by the sidewalk trying to keep our eyelids from closing. Shouldn’t have slept at 11pm. Shouldn’t have gone touring the entire day before the race. Shouldn’t have binged on too much noodles and sumptuous Malaysian food. Ok, we may not have been THAT regretful about the last one.

By 6 a.m. the assembly area was packed. We managed to squeeze into the crowd of runners packed like sardines. I noticed that runners in KL aren’t as gear-crazy as we are in Manila. I didn’t spot too many Malaysians donning Garmins nor Polars, compression tights, or even caps or visors.

Amidst the mass of runners, it was a pleasant surprise when Lim (RunwitMe), a running blogger from Malaysia who I had been following for a couple of years, called out to me. (He said he spotted my bright pink Newtons, which not many Malaysians weear either. Not yet, at least.) After a few photos together, we got to chat about running in his country. He said that running is slowly picking up in Malaysia with races scheduled every weekend.

– It was a pleasure meeting you, Lim (runwitme)! –

– with the hubby –

Soon, we heard the gun start and we were off. The weather was cool and damp from the slight drizzle. Roads were still wet. Hubby and I had no idea what to expect from this race. Our mindset: training race mode.


The first thing that greeted us was a steep climb up. Wonderful. If this was a sign of things to come, then I planned on taking it easy all the way. Our initial pace for the first 2k was a slow 7:00 min/km both due to the ascent and the heavy traffic among runners. The road was not that wide, so traffic was a problem.

Hubby and I ran side by side with our pace relaxed at around 6:00 to 6:30. I even stopped to wait for him when he went on bathroom break. At around 7k, he advised me to go ahead as he wanted to maintain 6:30 pace all the way.


It was then that I went a wee bit faster running at 5:30 to 6. As the course was unveiled to me, I thought with a pang of regret: Man oh man, this is a PR course! I should’ve gone fast from the start. (And I should’ve trained for it harder, too!)

The route was composed of gentle rolling hills, a slightly easier version of Ayala Alabang, my training ground. There were twists and turns through the streets of KL with nature and architecture (we passed mosques and Petronas Twin Towers) in our surroundings. Except for the first climb at the start, all ascents were easy on the legs while the downhills were a treat.

This was my third Standard Chartered Marathon. I’ve run Singapore Half in 2008 and full in 2009 and I completed Hong Kong full last February. Among all three, KL Marathon is my favored course.


There was considerably less fanfare in this race compared with other international races I’ve joined. Just a few cheerers, one of which was a group of shirtless, teenage Malaysian boys and girls in bra tops with drums enthusiastically singing and dancing their hearts out. Honestly, I’d rather have one of that then a bunch of entertainers acting like drones who chant memorized cheer lines.

I noticed that Malaysian runners aren’t as talkative as Filipinos. Locally, we’ll have groups running together and chatting throughout the entire race. In KL, there was a peaceful kind of silence for most part of the race. Occasionally, you’ll have a partner chatting, but not a rowdy or noisy group in the crowd.

I spent much of my time targeting male runners ahead of me. Most of them caucasian, for reasons unbeknownst to me! I would overtake one then search for another one to target. This was a good strategy for me as I felt like racing (and winning) smaller events within the 21k.


I felt strong and invincible in the latter half of the race. It was at this time that regret started to seep into my mind: A PR course! Why didn’t I run it like a race from the start?! What a waste!

But, as with all things in life, you can’t dwell on regret for too long as it’ll eat you up. So, I focused on enjoying what was left of the course and running as fast as I could to make up for such a slow race start.


I enjoyed this race so much that it went by so quickly. Before I knew it, I was crossing the finish line. I finished 21.4km at 2:09 with a pace of 6:02 min/km. According to official results, I rank 90th (most likely among women but it’s not written anywhere on the website). I didn’t see anyone I knew at the finish, so inside I was screaming: I loved the route! What an amazing course! Woohooo!

I claimed my fantastic medal. Got a free banana. I was on Cloud 9.

– Showing off my medal. Nice! –


From Cloud 9, I was immediately dragged back down to earth when I spent the next 30 minutes (yes, I timed it), waiting in line for my bag. I watched the festivities from that baggage redemption line, devoured the banana without a drop of liquid (I don’t take 100Plus so Gatorade, my sports drink of choice, was imprisoned in the bag I was claiming!), and then I got my bag right before my sweat dried up in my running clothes. Awful.

– Lines. Lines. Lines. –

Hubby and I found each other and we waited for Mary Grace to congratulate her for her 2nd Place win in the Half Marathon Women’s category.

– with Mary Grace de los Santos –

– with the better half after our half –

Hubby and I then boarded a taxi back to our hotel and feasted on a wonderful buffet lunch.

KL, perhaps we’ll see each other again next year if I attempt to PR on such wonderful roads!

– with Renze and Grace for our celebration dinner –

Thank you again to Toby Claudio, Renze Banawa, and the entire staff of Newton and CW-X for the trip!

Runner Dies at Kuala Lumpur Marathon

Monday, 28 June 2010  |  Bullish Insights

This is tragic news.

Click HERE to read the article on The Malay Mail.

One of the Pace Partners I met during the KL trip, Armi, mentioned that she met a young male runner at the 10k who asked for directions on the course. She replied to him and he thanked her. She told him “See you after the race.” and he sped off. She says he was strong and fast. Shortly after, Armi was shocked to see him lying in a stretcher being carried into an ambulance.

I’m not sure if this is the man she was talking about. But, it’s just frightening how, in a split second, one’s life can be taken away. I’m certain none of us signing up for a 10k—heck even a 42k—even thinks this could happen to us. But, it can.

Stories like these simply remind us all to always practice caution when we run. Whether we signed up for a 10k or a 42k, or even if we’re just going on a training run, it’s important to ensure that we are physically fit (get a doctor’s clearance if necessary), we are eating properly, and that we know when to stop if something feels amiss.

It’s also a reminder to race organizers to have medical assistance at all times and at key areas of the race for quick response.

Careful on the road, guys!

Mary Grace de los Santos Bags 2nd Place at Standard Chartered Kuala Lumpur Half Marathon

Monday, 28 June 2010  |  Race Reports

I’m back from a fantastic Kuala Lumpur trip sponsored by Newton and CW-X where I joined the Standard Chartered Kuala Lumpur Half Marathon yesterday.

While I try to catch up on sleep (our flight was in the wee hours of the morning), allow me to share the good news: Mary Grace de los Santos, a Cebu-based 25 year old runner from Zamboanga, bagged 2nd Place female category at the KL Marathon.  Mabuhay ang Pilipinas!

Mary Grace with medal2
– Mary Grace de los Santos wins 2nd Place Women’s Category KL Half Marathon –

It was a proud day for our small Filipino contingent. It was actually just Mary Grace, Renze of Newton, and myself in this video:

During dinner after the race, I asked Mary Grace if she felt any pressure or stress to win the race.  In all humility, she shook her head saying that she felt confident about winning.  She did admit that she was shivering as she stood at the starting line, but it was due to the cold from the slight drizzle. Hah!

Grace at starting line
– Grace at the starting line –

Mary Grace’s PR for a half marathon is 1:24 recorded at The Great Lapu Lapu Run last March 2010.  The winning time of the 1st placer at KL half marathon, a Kenyan, was 1:24.  The 3rd placer came in 2 mins. after Mary Grace.

Both 1st and 3rd placers had pacers by their side, but Mary Grace was all by her lonesome.  She said that she slowed down considerably when 42km runners and half marathoners filled water stations.  (I was actually surprised to hear that she even stopped to drink considering her time!)

Grace awarding

– Grace at the awarding –

Congratulations once again to Mary Grace who did the Philippines proud yesterday!  Hats off to Toby Claudio, Renze Banawa and the entire Newton and CW-X team who provided support and exposure to Mary Grace.  I was a witness to how Renze of Newton took good care of Mary Grace during the entire trip.  He contacted the race organizer to ensure that Mary Grace was included in the front line with the elite and woke up at 3 a.m. to accompany her for the elite warm up sessions before race day.  He did all that and still managed to finish his 1st half marathon with a time of 1:51.

More stories about KL Marathon within the week!  For now, I’ll leave you with this video of the awarding of the 1st Placer at the 42k Male division:

Kuala Lumpur: Pre-KL Marathon

Saturday, 26 June 2010  |  Bullish Insights

Hubby and I arrived in rainy Kuala Lumpur in the wee hours of this morning.  We did so much today, I feel like we’ve been here for a week.

We checked into Citrus Hotel at 2 a.m. where Renze of Newton and CW-X and our best bet for a half marathon podium finish, Cebuana runner Mary Grace, were already booked the day before. Citrus Hotel is a low-cost hotel with an old bathroom and a spider as special guest, hotel service that was reluctant to provide more than one extra pillow, and a carpeted room that just made me itch wondering if it was clean at all. I woke up at 8 a.m. on my hard mattress to receive good news: Renze was moving us to a better hotel. Thank. You. Lord!

– The only thing good about Citrus Hotel was 1) free wifi and 2) a good view of Kuala Lumpur from our room –

At 10 a.m., we rushed off to meet Pinoy running friends Pace Partners.  I was excited to see April again, one of the founders of Pace Partners who had recently moved back to Penang from Manila.  We had a filling brunch over great conversation at Central Market.  It was there that I learned that the Pace Partners are great runners, but even better eaters!

Together, we visited the race start at Dataran Merdeka…

– Race start is right behind us –

– There you go…the race start without us blocking your view –

– When you gotta go, you gotta go –

We picked up our race packets together at Stadium Titingwasa…

– Just one of our many photo op stops on our way to the Stadium –

– Once again, here’s the view that we blocked –

– Ang iniiiiit! Let’s hope it’s cooler tomorrow –

– Organizers provided free shuttle service for race packet redemption –

– Nice park near the stadium –

– Hubby and I after claiming our race packets. It was quick and efficient –

We shopped briefly at the small expo at the side of the stadium…

– Pace Partner girls definitely know how to shop –


We ate again at Suria Mall (told you PP know how to eat!) and parted ways with the Pace Partners. Thanks to the Pace Partners for the wonderful time!

Hubby and I shopped to our heart’s delight at Suria and Pavillion Malls.  Well, all I took home was lipstick (so if I mess up tomorrow at least I look good…kidding!)

– At Pavillion Mall with aching feet. Wish me luck tomorrow. I’ve never done this much walking before a half –

– Whoops…wrong sport. KL is going gaga over soccer…like the rest of the world –

Then, we had a fine dinner with Renze at an Italian restaurant in Pavillion Mall before we moved into our new hotel, Impiana Hotel which is just wonderful.

– with Renze, our gracious host and sponsor, and hubby –

Mary Grace was probably the only one who was doing the right thing the night before the race.  She was resting in her hotel room.  We dropped by to wish her all the best for tomorrow…

– Thanks to Newton and CW-X, Mary Grace can take a shot at a podium finish for half marathon at KL Marathon –

I’m all set for my half marathon tomorrow…and so is my gear…


Hubby is fast asleep, so I better get some shut eye too.  Otherwise, he might outrun me! Sssshhhh…


– Love the name that Renze put on the bib! –