Bull Session 3: TBR Dream Marathoners Longest Run

Sunday, 2 May 2010  |  Bullish Insights

We were all set for the longest run of TBR Dream Marathoners early this morning at NUVALI.

TBR Dream Team and NUVALI provided free transportation, water and Gatorade stations, mobile hydration stations, marshals and security, baggage check in, ambulance, portalets, showers, and a coach.  (Thanks to NUVALI and TBR Dream Team members Neville and Edward for the fantastic support!)

The runners, over 150 TBR Dream Marathoners and guests, came well prepared, too. They showed up bright and early for the 4:30 a.m. call time.  We started slightly late after a short briefing and proceeded with our 3 hour 15 minute run in four different pace groups through a portion of our marathon route.

This was one run that will be forever etched in my memory.  The sun was beating down on us, and some runners were challenged by the course, but the positive energy was palpable and the camaraderie among runners was invigorating.  TBR Dream Marathoners certainly DREAM BIG and RUN STRONG!


– Running with the TBR Dream Marathoners… –

– …is always something to look forward to…-



– But, chatting with each runner, one at a time… –

– …and getting to know other passionate runners…-

– …is priceless –



– The TBR Dream Marathoners are a fun, crazy bunch… –

– But, we’re serious about marathon training –

– We can’t wait for May 22, 2010 –

– with Jun Bisnar, GM of NUVALI and TBR Dream Marathoner, and Kim –


Saturday, 1 May 2010  |  Bullish Insights

This is DAY ONE of TBR’s 5 Days to 5/5 Anniversary Contest 2010. For more info, click HERE.


WHAT CAN YOU WIN? Two (2) free race entries to CHASE THE SUN, THE NEUTROGENA RUN on May 16, 2010 from FINISHLINE. Race distance of your choice.

HOW MANY WINNERS? Four (4) Winners of two (2) race entries each


Fill in the blank to this line with the funniest, silliest answer you can think of…

I LIKE TO CHASE AFTER _________ BECAUSE _______________.

  • Submit your answer as a comment on this post.
  • Please keep answers brief.  We’re not looking for essays!  Refrain from submitting any other posts in this portion except entries to the contest.
  • You may submit several posts with DIFFERENT answers, but you may only win once.
  • TBR and family will choose the top 4 funniest answers.
  • Day One contest closes on Monday, May 3, 2010 at 9:00 a.m.
  • Winners will be published on this blog and will be advised how to claim their prizes.

Good luck!

Thank you to Vince Mendoza and Coach Rio de la Cruz of FinishLine!  Visit upcoming events of FinishLine on their site. Click HERE.

P.S. Some of you answered the 5 to 5/5 Contest answers from LAST YEAR.  Sorry about the confusion!  Contest for 2010 starts NOW 🙂

Win Prizes Daily for the Next 5 Days

Saturday, 1 May 2010  |  News + Promos

How time flies! It feels like only yesterday when I launched the first 5 to 5/5 Contest last 2009. I contemplated on a second run for 2010 a couple of months ago. And, today, I got the shock of my life when I realized it was May 1 already. Aaack!

After a number of texts and calls with generous and supportive sponsors (you can email me at thebullrunner(at)gmail.com if you would like to donate prizes for our runners), I can now give you the good news…

This is the official launch of the 5 DAYS TO 5/5 CONTEST. EVERYDAY for the next 5 days until May 5, 2010, I shall be giving away cool running prizes on this blog.


5/5 is the anniversary of thebullrunner.com. It’s also my birthday. I really couldn’t ask for anything more when it comes to running (uhm, on second thought, a PR at NYC Marathon sounds good). And, I believe the hubby will take care of his gift for me in 5 days (ehem ehem).

So, I thought it was best to celebrate my anniversary and birthday by thanking you all for being here.  Whether you’re a lurker, a frequent commenter, an FB pal, or one of the great, wonderful friends I’ve met through this blog, know that I feel blessed to have crossed paths with you through our common love for running.  This is my way of giving back after receiving so much from you all.


  • Everyday for the next 5 days I will post an entry on 5 to 5/5 Contest.  Only one contest entry per day with no particular schedule.
  • Rules, prizes, and contest period will vary from day to day and will be explained in detail in that specific post.  (Clue: Usually the early birds have more chances of winning.)
  • Winners can win as many prizes as they want. So, let’s say you win on Day 1, you can win again on Days 2, 3, 4 and 5. By May 5, you could accumulate enough prizes to retire from your day job and just focus on running! (Yeah right!)
  • Day One starts TODAY.

Let the games begin!

Epic Relay 250 Registration: Now Open

Friday, 30 April 2010  |  Race Announcements

Registration for Epic Relay 250 is now open. Click HERE to download registration forms and their oh-so comprehensive race bible at their site.  Oh, before that, make sure you have a team already!

Last Reminders for Bull Session 3 on May 2

Friday, 30 April 2010  |  News + Promos

It’s the longest run for TBR DREAM MARATHONERS (and friends) this coming Sunday, May 2, 2010, at our race route, NUVALI, Sta. Rosa, Laguna.

Again, this is open to the public. Free of charge. Just show up and join us for the run if you are interested.

Here are final reminders:

    • May 2, Sunday, 4:30 a.m.
    • Activity Area at Solenad (in front of Yellow Cab)
    • Tented area with floodlights
  • Short briefing before we proceed to run.
  • Restrooms at Solenad will be open
  • Portalets and mobile shower available
  • Water will be provided at Solenad and stationed along the route. (Thank you to Jun Bisnar and entire NUVALI team!) But, we advise you carry a hydration belt
  • Gatorade will be provided at Solenad and through a mobile station (roving vehicle will carry Gatorade and distribute to those in need)
  • Baggage check in with security available at Solenad
  • Lighting along the route will be installed by NUVALI, but we recommend you bring headlamps, torches, reflectorized vests if you have any
  • 10 motorcycle escorts and 5 support vehicles provided by NUVALI
  • Ambulance on standby

For those who registered for the bus ride:

  • 3:45 a.m. Bus departs R.O.X. (2 buses)
  • 10:00 a.m. Bus departs NUVALI for R.O.X.

Solenad merchants agreed to open their stores early to accommodate BULL SESSION runners. Pls see store openings at Solenad:

  • Starbucks – 7 am
  • Yellow Cab – 8 am
  • Brother’s Burger – 7 am
  • Conti’s – 7 am
  • David’s Tea House – 7 am
  • Italianni’s – 8 am

The rest rooms will be open by 4 am

NUVALI amenities
– Map of amenities at NUVALI –

See you then!