Mizuno Run Club in Ayala Alabang Tomorrow

Friday, 12 February 2010  |  News + Promos

Mizuno Run Club is now in the South!

What: Mizuno Run Club: Ayala Alabang Edition
When: Saturday, 13 February 2010
Start Time: 6:00 a.m.
Where: St. James the Great Parking Lot
Distance: 1 loop is 7km around Ayala Alabang
Coach: Patrick Joson

For inquiries, call 757-3160 loc 515

Running with Annie

Thursday, 11 February 2010  |  Bullish Insights

My best running buddy is back!  She came home from Singapore to run the Condura Run and to spend time with family.

Would you believe that the first time we saw each other since she got back was on the Skyway during Condura Marathon?  It was shortly before Magallanes when I spotted her a few meters ahead of me. I ran faster and managed to catch up with her; I tapped her on the shoulder and we laughed as if we had never been apart.

This was a rare scene. Annie and I running at the same pace in a road race.  You see, she’s much faster and stronger than I am.  But, crazy and stubborn Annie girl insisted on running Condura 42k despite a nagging injury, which started to bother her even before we hit the turnaround.  Still, she was the same Annie who, despite the pain, was laughing and smiling every now and then and still managed to finish with a respectable time.

– Annie and I were lucky enough to bump into our favorite photographer Ben Chan of Photovendo. Thanks Ben for the photo! –

Today, we met up at our favorite meeting place, the same place where we used to meet every Saturday for our long runs.  So many things had changed.  Annie lost her way.  She now wears earrings, shades, and even wanted to take a hydration belt along.  So different from the purist Annie I used to know!  But, as soon as we started running, everything was the same again.

We talked about Condura. How from the moment we saw each other, we started to compete with each other.  From Magallanes to Bicutan, we were outrunning each other. I would leave her behind only to find her pop out of nowhere in front of me.  And vice versa!  We’re such good friends and we’re alike in so many ways that it’s this kind of healthy competition that sort of binds us together.

– Race Mode on the Skyway. We can be friends again after the finish line hah! –

For the next easy 5kms this morning, we filled the road with laughter talking about anything and everything just like the way we used to.  Aaaw, it’s nice to have crazy, competitive Annie girl back.  Can’t wait to run with her again this Saturday.

TBR Dream Marathon Registration Now Open!

Wednesday, 10 February 2010  |  Race Announcements


To the 200 runners who RESERVED a slot for TBR Dream Marathon and subsequently received a confirmation email from us, along with Coach Jim Lafferty’s 16-week Marathon Training Program: REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN!
WHERE: Nike Park, Bonifacio High Street
TIME: Mon-Thu 11am to 11pm, Fri-Sun 12nn to 12midnight
LOOK FOR: Raymond or Julius (running specialists)


  1. Your reserved slot will be held from now until SATURDAY, 13 FEBRUARY 2010, 12 MIDNIGHT.  After this, your slot will be open to other interested participants.
  2. You will receive the following:
    • Registration Form – fill in completely and clearly
    • Waiver – fill in completely
    • Rules and Regulations – take this home with you
  3. After payment, you are already a CONFIRMED PARTICIPANT unless you fail to pass the qualifications stated in our rules and regulations anytime prior to race day.
  4. Please bring a 2×2 Photo for the registration form. You may submit this later on if you wish.  (This is for our Souvenir Program/Yearbook after the race!)
  5. As a CONFIRMED PARTICIPANT, you will receive the following perks:
    • 15% discount at Nike Park, Bonifacio High Street from now until May 22, 2010.  Please show your ID so they can verify your name with our master list for the race.
    • automatic inclusion in our e-group.  This will be our primary means of communicating with you, so please check email regularly
    • Priority seating for BULL CIRCLE: talks from running experts from now until race day.  Our tentative date for our 1st talk will be February 17, 2010, Wednesday at ROX.  Topic: Marathon 101 with a panel of marathoners who will inspire and motivate you.  Super exciting! More details soon. This is free and open to the public.
  6. You may download the form, print and submit at Nike Park BHS.  Click HERE to download.


  • We will have the timing chip to track your time!
  • Each runner will receive 3 Hammer Gels and 1 Recoverite (recovery drink) on race day.  (I’m telling you we know how to spoil our runners!)
  • Gatorade is our official sports drink during all our BULL SESSIONS (clinics) and on race day
  • Each runner will receive a box of Cecon 100 caps worth over P600
  • More to come!

Condura Run 2010

Monday, 8 February 2010  |  Race Reports

DETAILS: 7 February 2010, Sunday
ORGANIZERS: Condura and Rudy Biscocho

RATING: Very Good

5 TBR medals – Excellent | 4 TBR Medals – Very Good | 3 TBR Medals – Average |

2 TBR Medals – Poor| 1 TBR Medal – Terrible


  • Only race on the Skyway. 42k runners went as far as the Bicutan exit.
  • Condura Hill, Condura’s own version of Boston’s Heartbreak hill on the Skyway heading towards Villamor, was a great idea; it provided a scenic view of the city while runners trudged up the hill
  • Abundant supply of water and 100 Plus at stations. Cups were readily filled with fluids and prepared on long tables. Marshals were on standby handing out water to runners.
  • Traffic was well-managed
  • Water shower from the tank. I personally avoid this, but I’m sure it was well appreciated by runners
  • Sponges at two points during the race
  • LCD screen and fireworks at the race start
  • Plenty portalets at the race start and some on Buendia
  • Distance was 42.5, not perfect but good enough
  • Quick and easy redemption. Start of Day 1 was troublesome but with more tents and manpower deployed the redemption problem was solved
  • Philstar supplement with details about the race included in the race kit
  • Organizers kept the runners well informed regarding the route and weather in the days leading up to the race
  • Cotton shirts now had better fit and design
  • Immediate release of race results for 42k, 21k, and 10k (Click HERE to view CONDURA RUN 2010 RACE RESULTS)


  • Lack of kilometer markers.  Some were off
  • Unlit roads for 42k runners at Bayani Road. It was pitch black!
  • Friends informed me that 21k was actually 21.8k
  • Oversight on the missing barcode for the race bib but this was quickly addressed
  • Entertainment was a wonderful treat, but the bands lacked enthusiasm.  Band members barely smiled. On Condura Hill, half the band members were asleep!
  • No medals for some runners as I was informed that the medals were “stolen” and later found near the trash. Condura promises to mail medals to those who didn’t receive. For inquiries, email secretariat@condurarun.com

For the past couple of years, Condura Run has always been one of the most anticipated races of the year.  This year was no different with 8,500 runners registered for the race.  Condura running brothers Patrick and Ton Concepcion with race organizer Rudy Biscocho left no stone unturned in trying to give the runners the race they wanted.

How did they fare?  It was a good race with no major issues.  There were a few road bumps but it turned out fairly well with majority of runners enjoying the overall race experience.

Having said that, if Condura Run hopes to remain as one of the best races in the country, it must step up its offerings next year and inject newer, fresher ideas to compete with world-class local races that runners will definitely see this year.

Hats off to brothers Ton and Patrick Concepcion and the entire team!  I was a witness to how you all worked so hard to make this event the best for runners. Congratulations for putting up a wonderful event!



My coach-friend Alvin and I had discussed our Condura Run strategy over a hundred times during training runs. But, for some reason, I couldn’t recall exactly what we agreed on.  Perhaps it’s because, no matter what anyone says, I listen to my own body and run based on how I feel.

For the Condura Run, Alvin was supposed to pace me all the way.  Unfortunately, he didn’t know that the race start was at 4 a.m.

– with Team Secondwind –


– with good friend Jay and his burger conveniently stashed in his race belt –

– Fireworks before the race start –

When the gun went off, I found myself running alongside Jay (Prometheus Cometh) who is currently deep in training for Bataan Death March 102km.  He obviously had no plans of running fast that morning while he chomped down on his sumptuous burger as we crossed the starting line.

Shortly after, I found myself running alone.  And, without Alvin there, I thought I could implement my race strategy that he hated (as I’m sure many of you will not agree with as well.)  My plan was to run the first half full blast, no holds barred.  Then, with plenty of time saved in the bank, I could run-walk the last half of the race to reach my goal time of 4:30. Positive splits, baby!


I ran full speed ahead knowing full well that I was risking a lot.  I could suffer cramps or bonk by the latter half.  But, in the back of my mind, based on my training runs, I was also pretty confident that I could reach 32k without any worries.  As for the last 10k, that was like the twilight zone.

The first half was magical.  At certain moments, especially on the Skyway, I felt like I was in a complete trance.  My gaze was fixed on nothing and everything, my body was relaxed, and my thoughts focused solely on my footsteps.  It was here that I practiced what I learned at Chi running by just allowing my body to fall forward with gravity.  I felt like the Energizer Bunny on caffeine overdose.

My time for the 1st half: 1.58.  First time I did a sub-2!  I beat my Cebu Half Marathon PR of 2:01.


At the 21k turnaround, Alvin appeared from nowhere yelling: “You are going too fast!”  I smiled and shouted back: “I know!” and I pushed forward.  He caught up with me and paced me all the way till the end.

My favorite part of the race was Condura Hill at around 27km.  This was also where Alvin and I just decided to walk up the hill than suffer climbing it. The view from the top was breathtaking.  While the sight of Metro Manila was beautiful in the morning, it was seeing the runners on the Skyway below, all lined up like little working ants, that truly amazed me.

After Condura Hill, we started employing my run-walk strategy.  My legs were tightening up and I knew my heart rate had increased.  We laughed and chatted while walking, completely confident that with all the time I had saved from the 1st half we could reach my 4:30 goal.


As luck would have it, the last stretch of the course took Alvin and I through our usual training ground.  Alvin told me that we couldn’t possibly mess it up as “We own that route!” Yeah right.

My legs had turned to lead and I was so exhausted that, in the last uphill climb, we just had to walk.  I tried to forget the fact that we had ran that ascent a couple of times at 5 min pace.

When the road went flat, I trailed Alvin from behind as he sped up. I followed him all the way to the finish line.

My official time for 42.53 km was 4:24:39, 6 mins ahead of my 4:30 goal.  And, a whopping 25 minutes ahead of my time at Singapore Marathon.

– Sprint to do a sub-4:25! Thanks to Natz (I2Runner) for the photo –

– To Alvin, my coach-friend, I could never have done this without you!  Thank you for pushing me to run faster or longer! –

– with best running buddy Annie who flew in from Singapore. She’s in pain here. Crazy girl ran the full with injury! –

– with Francis and Marge from CDO. Nice meeting you both! –

– with fun group Pace Partners. Congrats to April Lee for finishing her first marathon! –

– Runners resting after the race. Nice background, don’t you think?! –

Click HERE to view more photos of CONDURA RUN 2010

Condura Run 2010 Photos

Monday, 8 February 2010  |  Race Reports

– Race area was packed with runners. Running ka-boom! –

– Hector of Secondwind –

– Injured Banggi watched from the sidelines. Miss you Banggi! –

– Dr. Yong Larrazabal flew in from Cebu to run his nth marathon –

– Itong of Polo Tri –

– Yeoooowch! –

– Marc Parco with wife Tiffin in the background in their signature sea animal hats. Congrats to the new marathon, Marc! –

– Bautech running group –