4th TBR Magazine Coming Soon. Win a LunarElite 5 from Nike!

Thursday, 7 January 2010  |  News + Promos

The 4th issue of The Bull Runner Magazine will be out in stores by next weekend, January 16 to 17, 2010. Here’s a preview of our cover with no less than the first Filipina to qualify for Ironman Hawaii and multisport/ running coach, ANI DE LEON:



  • ANI AND HER IRON WILL: Accomplished running coach and triathlete Ani de Leon looks back when she began – back in the days when she dreaded running.
  • 10 BEST SHOE SHOPPING TIPS: Shoe guru Hector Yuzon of Secondwind Running Store shares practical tips when hunting for a running shoe
  • NEW YEAR, NEW GEAR: Running gear and accessories for the year ahead. Some of these products will be released in the market by mid-January.
  • 6 WEEKS TO YOUR FIRST 5K: Coach Ani de Leon shares a 5k Training Program for beginners
  • ASK THE EXPERTS: Coach Rio de la Cruz helps a reader find out if he’s ready for his first marathon
  • THE RUNNER’S FOOD GUIDE: Mitch Felipe-Mendoza discusses a balanced diet for runners
  • EAT & RUN: 2 restaurants that will satisfy a runners’ post-race breakfast cravings
  • EVENTS: Timex Run, Conquer Corregidor, New Balance Power Run, Runnr opening in Cebu, R.O.X. opening in Cebu, Secondwind’s second branch in Ortigas
  • TRAVEL: Mildred San Pedro runs across San Juanico bridge
  • PERSONAL RECORD: Several runners share their goals for 2010

And, of course…

  • RUNNERS’ CALENDAR: Races and run clinics from January to March 2010
  • RUNNERS’ DIRECTORY: Stores, coaches, race organizers


  • PRINT: Click HERE to see where you can get a TBR Magazine for FREE.
  • PDF FILE: If you wish to receive a PDF file of each TBR Magazine straight to your inbox every other month, just subscribe to TBR Newsletter by signing up on the right column of this blog.


To start the New Year with a bang, we’re giving out one pair of Nike LunarElite 5 to ONE  lucky winner.

How can you win? TBR will post a surprise question on either one of these mediums:

  1. TBR blog
  2. TBR Newsletter (subscribe on the right side of this site)
  3. TBR twitter account (click here)
  4. TBR facebook fan page (click here)

The first one to answer the question correctly wins the shoe.  (I know I’m making it hard for you.  But, that’s the way it should be with a prize like this; the LunarElite 5 isn’t even out in the market yet.)

The question will be posted anytime today from NOW until tomorrow, Friday, 12 noon. May the best runner win!

Get Out and Run Fat Ass!

Monday, 4 January 2010  |  Race Announcements

Got a fat ass after Holiday bingeing?  Then, the Fat Ass Run is the perfect running event for you.

The Fat Ass Run is NOT a race; it’s a long run for everyone to burn the extra pounds without having to deal with registration or pre-race jitters.  Here’s more info for those interested:

WHAT: Fat Ass Run

WHEN: Jan. 9-10, 2009

WHERE: Clark Parade Grounds

DISTANCE: More or less 2.2.KM loop around Clark Parade Ground (yes, you read it right!)

TIME: 6, 12, 18 & 24 hour time event

START TIME: For 24 hours, the start is 8AM of Saturday, 18 hours – 2PM and the 12 hour at 8PM. This way everyone will finish about the same time (8AM) of the next day (Sunday) and thus, more festive and everyone can have a BEERday and BBQ!

WHY “FAT ASS”: Click here to read how the idea came about in the U.S.A.

Click here for more race details.

Basically, runners will run 2.2km loops, counting the number of loops they make until they reach their goal time. Runners can take a break, eat, or even sleep.

You know, running loops was never my thing, but with a good crowd, the cool weather, plus a whole lot of food around, this event sounds like it’s going to be a lot of fun.  Too bad I’ll be in Cebu Marathon. No worries, I can still be a Fat Ass runner next year, if there’s a repeat.

REGISTRATION: Post your name, chosen event (time category), email addresscontact number and blog name on this LINK

CONTACT:  For inquiries, call or email

Jon – +63 916 6404407 – atty.jonnifer@gmail.com
Don – +63 920 9216150 – don.ubaldo@gmail.com

For more info, visit Atty. Jon’s blog: Ultra Running and Beyond

TBR Jr. Starts Not-So-Serious Training

Sunday, 3 January 2010  |  Bullish Insights

TBR Jr. has been itching to run for the longest time. In fact, he quit all other sports last year—football, swimming, and baseball—saying that all he wanted to do was run.

For the past months, I had been searching for a kid’s run club for my boy to join so he could run with other kids his age. Unfortunately, the only club I found—one at his school led by my old running coach—recruited only one interested participant: my son!

Fearful that running with an adult thrice a week would bore my son to death (no offense, Coach!) and turn him off from the sport that I’m hoping he’ll love as much as I do, I never enrolled him.  I opted instead to sign him up with the best running coach for this 8-year-old boy: his mother! Uhm, yes, that’s me!

So, last December, we had our very first training session: 2km walk/run around Ayala Alabang. It was an informal coach-mommy assessment of his form and endurance without him knowing; I kept it fun and light, just the way he likes it.

Oh boy. There was a lot of room for improvement: he bounced and tiptoed with each step, his arms were flailing, and, as with any boy his age, he started off too fast. After a few intervals, I was able to slow him down a bit and teach him about pacing. But, as soon as we crossed the 1 minute mark of running, he would ask in between breaths: “Can we just walk again?!”

With the busyness of the season, that was our last run. And, all throughout the Holiday break, TBR Jr., sounding like a true running addict who’d been bitten by the bug, would repeatedly ask me: “When are we going to run again?!”

On the first day of this new year, we finally found time to run. Plan was for TBR Jr. and I to run, while hubby and Li’l Miss Bull Runner would bike.

– Right before our run on New Year’s Day. The kids are alive and perky.  I just woke up from a 2-hour nap (is it not obvious?) and I was lethargic due to the excessive eating (the weight gain is pretty evident too. Argh!) –

I set my Garmin to an interval workout: 1 min 30 sec run with 1 min walking intervals, 8 repeats. With one punch on the start button, we were off.

By some miracle, my boy had remembered everything I taught him weeks ago. His form had improved, he ran at a good, steady pace, and even as we ran past the 1:30 mark, he was doing completely fine! Awesome!

Unfortunately, by the 3rd set, Li’l Miss competitive and aggressive Bull Runner started wailing. She didn’t like the fact that she was getting left behind. And so, our runs took on a much slower pace to accompany Li’l BR on her bike who, for reasons unknown to us all, did not stop crying for the next 20 minutes.

Amidst the background of my daughter’s bawling, my son and I did finish our 8 sets and ran extra to cover the full 2k. My son was smiling. And so was this mommy-coach.

2010 Goals

Thursday, 31 December 2009  |  Bullish Insights

“Consider goals as launching pads to something far greater.”
– Cyndi Laurin

I began last year’s post with the quote above. And, this is how I intend to start 2010 and the rest of my running years thereafter as well. Forget resolutions; work towards a specific, attainable goal instead. Here are my 2010 goals for running:

  • To run a 4:30 marathon (4:15 would be an awesome bonus!)
  • To run a sub-2 hour half marathon
  • To run beyond 42k
  • To run any one of my dream marathons this year: Tokyo, New York, Paris, Chicago, Big Sur, or San Francisco. Another goal would be to figure out how I’ll get there!
  • To lose the 4 lbs. I gained two Christmases ago…gulp.
  • To listen to my body even when my mind says “Go, go, go!”
  • To remain consistent with 2x a week strength training (I don’t think I’ll ever learn to love the gym)
  • To eat less Cheetos Jalapenos (Lord, please help me on this one!)
  • To eat more fruits (I heart kiwis!) and more veggies
  • To drink less coffee and more tea (Starbucks’ non-fat Chai tea latte is my current addiction)
  • To drink more water
  • To blog more often
  • To visit my favorite running blogs regularly and to discover new ones!
  • To reply to all your emails/ comments (So sorry for not answering sometimes. This work-at-home mommy is always running all over the place–literally and figuratively!)
  • To launch my dream project, one that will finally allow me to use running to create some kind of positive change
  • Last but not the least, here’s a repeat goal from 2009, to continue to love running as I do now and as I’ve done since the day I started in 2006.  Some people have a love-hate relationship with running, but mine is all love. I only hope that running will love me back just the same by allowing me to run longer and faster for the rest of 2010.

Have a great 2010 to all of you!

Good Morning, Runner!

Wednesday, 30 December 2009  |  Bullish Insights

Most of you pay me a visit first thing in the morning. Just as you arrive at your desk at work, or while your sipping your morning coffee and surfing the web at a wifi-ready coffee shop, or if you’re a work-at-home mom like me, just as you jump out of bed and check your laptop while in your pajamas.

For the longest time now, I felt my blog template was too stiff and heavy, almost depressing, especially for the morning reader who hoped to start the day on the right foot.  I thought this was a horrible way for me to greet you in the morning!

So, over a month ago, I designed my own layout based on a simple template, and hoped that my favorite web guy could pull it off. He (and his wife) did!

Welcome to the new look of TBR! It’s happy, fresh, and light. It leaves me with the same feeling I get after a good run on a cool December morning. It’s the same emotion I want to evoke for most of you when you think of running. And, it’s the same feeling I want to have for the most part of 2010!

This blog now says: Good Morning, Runner! Today’s going to be a great day. If not, then a good run should do the trick!

* I apologize in advance for a few kinks here and there while we’re trying to fix things in the background.