Christmas Fun

Thursday, 17 December 2009  |  Bullish Insights

In the middle of work, last-minute Christmas shopping, and of course, running, some of us running friends spent time to celebrate the holidays together.  Last night was an evening of bountiful Pinoy food in Kabisera, live entertainment from Atty. Raymund and Tiffin, and endless chit chat and laughter with friends that I’ve met through running. Just another wonderful gift that running has blessed me with.


– Christmas Class Picture –

Check out our Christmas Get Together 2008 here.

Conquer Corregidor Race Results

Tuesday, 15 December 2009  |  Race Announcements

For those who “Conquered Corregidor,” click here to view your race results. Congratulations!

Frosty the Snow-woman

Monday, 14 December 2009  |  Bullish Insights

Exercise ban my foot. Last week, I told you all about how I was enjoying the R&R after Singapore Marathon, how the down time made me feel like I was happily “floating” along with life.

Well, it’s been 6 days of 0 physical activity and I’m floating all right; I feel like blubber on the underside of the whale, or that film of fat that climbs up on the surface of a deadly Bulalo bowl.

The past week, I’ve gained over 2 lbs. doing absolutely nothing. I can barely breathe in my favorite jeans and my cheeks have gotten all puffy. I’ve turned all cranky and angry, almost Scrooge-like in nature. My kids love it though since Mom has turned into Frosty the Snow-woman practically overnight.


Who was that woman who finished a full marathon just 8 days ago? I have no clue. Hopefully, with the Dentist giving a one-day advanced go signal to start running again (I twisted his arm just a few minutes ago to allow me already), I get to find that woman soon. For now, Frosty has a scheduled 10k run in the afternoon to burn off all the fat.

The Wisdom of the Tooth

Wednesday, 9 December 2009  |  Bullish Insights

I can almost hear my Wise Tooth speak this Chinese proverb below:

The runner who runs 26 miles must rest his weary legs.

Okay, no such proverb exists. But, pretty much every serious runner will agree with what my Wise Tooth said.  After a brutal marathon, one should rest and recover.  The type of recovery varies depending on the runners’ experience and preference: some run easy, others cross train, others do nothing at all for weeks, but the key is to take it easy and listen to your body the week after the marathon.

This Wise Tooth of mine has been speaking proverbs since he got yanked out of my mouth yesterday.  You see, two months ago my dentist delivered awful news: I had an impacted wisdom tooth that had to be pulled out.  I cringed in fear as I could still vividly recall the pain from the last time they removed another wisdom tooth seven years ago.  Then, she dropped an even bigger bomb: After the procedure, no strenuous activity would be allowed for a full week.

No way.  I could not skip running for over two days!  To make matters worse,  I was in the middle of Singapore Marathon training and nothing—not even all my teeth falling out—could stop me from messing up my program. (Of course, I’d have to shut my mouth lest I scare people with my toothless grin.)

Suddenly, I had a brilliant idea. I could schedule it the week AFTER the marathon when rest from running would actually be good for me.

And so, yesterday, after two months of stalling, I finally went forward with the procedure.  I went through three injections and several minutes of twisting and tugging before the dentist proudly showed me the wisdom tooth: my Wise Tooth.  I nonchalantly dropped old Wise Tooth into my pocket and asked the most important question there was for me (in case the answer changed): “So, no strenuous activity for 7 days?”  Sadly, the dentist nodded.


Today is the second day of my exercise ban and, surprisingly, I am loving every minute of it.  I thought I would get antsy and I would spend half the day quelling urges to run or cross train.  But, nope, it’s quite the opposite.  I’m enjoying this time when I have no concrete goals yet no injuries to worry about.  I feel like I’m just…floating.  Yes, seven full days of peace, enlightenment, and relaxation thanks to the Old Wise Tooth.

20% off on TRX Suspension Training

Wednesday, 9 December 2009  |  Gear + Gadgets

For my many friends who have been pining over TRX Suspension Training, go visit Chris Sports from Dec. 3, 2009 to Jan. 3, 2010 to get a whopping 20% off.

TRX GET IT_xmas03_revised