Last Call for 2010 Condura Race Wishes

Monday, 9 November 2009  |  Race Announcements

Ton Concepcion of Condura is asking for any more suggestions for Condura Race 2010.  He gave me a sneak peek into what they’ve planned so far, and let me tell you that I think they’ve got everything (and more!) covered.  But, if there are still some items you’d like to share from your “Marathon Wish List,” for the race and pre- and  post-race events, share it now and Ton says that they’ll try their best to make our marathon dreams come true on Feb. 7, 2010.

As for my Marathon Wish List, I just have two requests:

  1. Well-organized race (from redemption of race packets to leaving the parking lot after the race!)
  2. Marc Nelson to run alongside me throughout the entire marathon

Okay, fine. You can skip No. 2. Just give me No. 1 and I’ll be a happy camper.  All those below would be great too:

  1. Carboloading party for 42k runners Friday before the race
  2. Quality race singlets
  3. Race bibs with runners’ names on them
  4. Pace groups
  5. Bananas, gels, and sponges at stations
  6. COLD Gatorade and mineral water at stations with long tables
  7. Portalets along the route
  8. Timing chip with RunPix analysis
  9. Free race photos from PhotoVendo 
  10. Pleasant and knowledgeable race volunteers and marshals (believe me, this makes a big difference when one is exhausted)
  11. Entertainment at every other kilometer (e.g., Marc Nelson yelling me name)
  12. Nice, heavy, unique medals
  13. Additional singlets only for 42k finishers
  14. Food after the race
  15. Free massage after the race

For now that’s it. I’m sure I’ll think of more.

Feel free to list your own requests by commenting below.  Ton will definitely read it.

I Conquered Corregidor! Part 1

Monday, 9 November 2009  |  Bullish Insights


Oh Corregidor, how I wish I discovered you sooner! I wanted to yell this out from the top of the cliff towards the vast sea before me as I, together with Edward Kho, Conquer Corregidor Race organizer, my husband, and photographer Levy, ran down the meandering trails to end our run through the island.

As online media partner for the Conquer Corregidor race, I was fortunate enough to have been invited by Edward to run in Corregidor last Saturday, while he plotted the race course for the December 6 race. I decided to pass on Pasig Marathon and chop my 28km mandated long run into two just to run in Corregidor, and am I glad I did.

The race course is 10 miles or 16km. For this day, since we started running at 11a.m., I only covered a total of 11km alone (ran the balance 17k Sunday) while the others rode the motorcycle and van (Edward was busy plotting, the hubby had a headache due to heat and exhaustion from a busy work week, and the photographer thought I was insane for running in that heat!) It was an awesome run! The kind that made me smile from ear to ear while my heart wanted to burst out of my chest due to extreme happiness. I’ll let the photos below do the talking, but I do hope you experience it for yourself.

– 1.5 hr ferry ride to Corregidor. with Li’l Bull Runners and Edward, race organizer for Conquer Corregidor –

– Kiddos try to get shut eye during the ride. They were ecstatic over the trip, especially my boy who is taking up Philippines’ scenic spots in Civics –

– My first time in Corregidor. Awesome view. I was itching to run –

– Dec. 6 race starts in Malinta Tunnel. How cool is that? –

– San Jose Church –

– I shall return! –

– One of my favorite portions of the route with the strong breeze from the sea blowing against my face. As you round the corner, you’ll be in for a surprise…should I tell you already? Hmmm –

– Okay, this is the surprise! A long, steep, lung-busting climb uphill. The photo makes it look short. Believe me, it was much longer. Runners will run this twice over in the race. Woohooo! –

– I couldn’t resist running along the shore. This isn’t part of the race course though –

– Niiiiice! I wanna go back already! –

– It was around 12 noon already here. I was exhausted and out of breath, but I was having the time of my life! –

– Running past the barracks. Spooky but a great historical sight –

– The view in the middle of the run –

– Race will take you through a 500 meter trail course! Another one of my favorite portions! –

– And the trails begin –

– The lighthouse is the first thing you see when you step out of the trails. There’s a small sari sari store and toilets too –

– Another trail portion near the finish. This is at the edge of the cliff overlooking the sea. It’s beautiful up here –

– So beautiful I had to stop and act like a tourist –

– Aaaah, Corregidor! I shall return!


NEXT POST: Running in Corregidor – Trip Details

Strength and Conditioning for Runners

Monday, 9 November 2009  |  Gear + Gadgets

After our TRX Seminar last week, Coach Jim Saret came to talk about the benefits of the foam roller, but as the Philippine Olympic Committee’s Sports Training and Fitness Consultant for all national teams and Speed and Conditioning Coach for RP SMART GILAS Basketball Team (plus many more!), he ended up giving us a Running 101 talk that I believe every runner, especially beginners, should hear to prevent injuries and further improve performance.

A few things I learned from Coach Jim that day:

1. The most important leg muscle for a runner is the HAMSTRING, not the quads as commonly mistaken. Hamstrings are used for the lift off of the foot from the ground.

2. It is important for a runner to exercise the foot too since this is what makes contact with the ground. Best equipment for this: ELASTIC BELT.

3. Runners should spend 40% of their training working on their CORE. Core and strength exercises can help make you a faster runner, not just speedwork.


 Coach Jim had us perform a simple test to check which leg was more stable:

1. Lift one foot off the ground. Other leg has knee slightly bent.
2. Do the same with the other leg.
3. Based on that test, which one feels more stable? (Less shaking, more balanced)
4. Now, close your eyes.
5. Repeat no. 1 and 2.  (Try not to laugh as I did!)
6. Based on your performance (less falling or swaying), which leg is more stable?

The leg that performed better when your eyes were closed is actually the stronger, more stable leg.  Which one is yours?


1. Lift one foot off the ground. Other leg has knee slightly bent.
2. Point your leg towards 12:00, 6:00, 3:00, 9:00, etc.
3. Do the same with the other leg.



The stability ball is another useful tool for runners. Here are two important exercises runners should perform:

1. PLANKS for the CORE

– Crawl forward with the stability ball moving from your thighs down to your feet. –

– Hold this position for 30 sec. You can progress to 1 minute or more as you improve. Poor Neville! –

2. HAMSTRING exercise

– For beginners: move the hips up and down in a straight line
– For advanced: keeping the hips up, move the ball back and forth using your feet. To add difficulty, keep one leg up

– Beginners –

– Advanced –

Previous posts: TRX Suspension Trainer Seminar and How to Use the Foam Roller for Runners

How to Use the Foam Roller for Runners

Thursday, 5 November 2009  |  Gear + Gadgets

After our TRX Suspension Trainer Seminar, Coach Jim Saret arrived to discuss a product that I believe all runners should have: the foam roller.

The foam roller is a product that I searched far and wide for during my ITBS days earlier this year.  I had done extensive research on stretching and loosening up my tight ITB muscles and I learned that the foam roller could be a good ally in the battle against ITBS.  Unfortunately, to my knowledge, it wasn’t available locally.  

I did the next best thing. I wore my Martha Stewart hat and proceeded to create my very own foam roller.  I bought a PVC pipe at the local hardware store, cut up my old yoga mat, wrapped it around the pipe twice, and voila, I had a foam roller that was a quarter of the cost of the original!  I foam rolled on my ITB thrice a day.  A couple of days later, when I paid a visit to my doctor, he looked at my black-and-blued thigh in horror and said “What have you been doing?!”  I replied proudly, “foam rolling!”  He advised me to stop it unless I got a real foam roller, which was probably 10x softer.  So much for resourcefulness!

So, here I was in the gym.  This time, with the real foam roller in my hands (yes, it was a lot softer than my PVC pipe or a rolling pin…duh!) and, even better, one of the most sought after coaches was right before me to teach me how to use it!

It’s very simple, really. Here are tips from Coach Jim on how to use the foam roller effectively:

1. Place hot compress on the area or warm up with jumping jacks or easy run.
2. Foam roll on the area:

ITB: lie sideways and slowly move up and down the upper thigh (Click here to view the You Tube video I followed during my ITBS days. A quick search in youtube will provide you with enough demos to guide you on proper use)

– Hec demos foam rolling on ITB. Tongue exercise need not be followed. For progression, you could lift both legs off the floor –

CALVES: sit up with legs outstretched and foam roller under the calves. Variations: foot outward, inward, straight

– Mitch Felipe rolls on her calves, muscles that get extremely tight for runners –

QUADS: face downward and place foam roller under the quads

– Coach Jim rolls on his quads –

3. The slower the movement, the better.
4. Run.
* You can also perform the exercises anytime during the day.

PREVIOUS POST: TRX Suspension Trainer Seminar 
NEXT POST: Coach Jim Saret on Core, Stability & Strengthening for Runners (Best brief talk I had ever been to for runners!)

Foam rollers are available at Chris Sports.

2009 Adidas King of the Road Results

Wednesday, 4 November 2009  |  Race Announcements

For all those who’ve been waiting for Adidas King of the Road results, here are 21k race results from Taki of Tech Spech, click here.

As for the 10k and 5k, again, we shall wait.