TRX Suspension Trainer Seminar

Tuesday, 3 November 2009  |  Gear + Gadgets

It was back to school for me last Thursday morning. Only the school was a gym. And, my classmates were athletes, such as Pinoy Ultra Runners’ Neville, Second Wind’s Hector, and super fit Mitch Felipe-Mendoza, columnist for Phil. Daily Inquirer. Last but not the least, instead of seats and desks, we were half-suspended in air most of the time.

I took a TRX Suspension Trainer Seminar offered by U.S. Certified Instructors, Gilbert Tang and Coach Jim Saret. Gilbert taught us all the exercises we could perform using TRX Suspension Trainer, while Coach Jim gave us a brief talk about running and introduced the use of the foam roller. The half-day talk was fun, informative, and (gulp) completely exhausting.

– Class pic: Lisa Tang, Mitch Felipe, Neville Manaois, myself, Gilbert Tang, Joseph Pagulayan, Coach Jim Saret, and Hector Yuzon –

TRX Suspension Training develops functional strength while improving flexibility, balance, and core all at the same time. I’ve been using the TRX for over a month now and here are the benefits I see for runners:

  1. Functional exercise. It doesn’t isolate muscles, but uses a whole range of motion. In other words, it doesn’t strengthen just one muscle group but builds optimal strength and performance.
  2. Core is used all the time. No matter what exercises you do using the TRX, the core is working all the time. For runners, a strong core is vital to maintaining your running form especially for long distances.
  3. Adjustable intensity. One can progress from easy to hard workout just by changing the resistance levels and position (stability).
  4. Quick workout. It takes as little as 25 minutes to get a good workout.
  5. Can be used for stretching. I got some good stretching using the TRX, none that I could do on my own.

– Nevs and I looping the handles for single-hand exercises. Very serious work! –

– Gilbert teaches us how to do the TRX squat and single-leg squat. Great exercise for runners –

– Mitch and Hec doing the chest press to strengthen triceps, shoulders, and core. Yeoouch! –

– Neville and Mitch doing the deltoid fly for strength and stability in the shoulders. Nevs, don’t forget to breathe! –

– Demo of the single leg chest press. None of us attempted to do this. –

– Gilbert assists Hec as he does his suspended prone planks –

The next day, my body was tired and sore all over. It made me feel a wee bit better when I heard that the Pinoy Ultra Runners felt the same!

For those interested in taking this seminar, click here. TRX Suspension Trainer is available at Chris Sports. More info here.

NEXT POST: Coach Jim Saret teaches us basics on running and how to use the foam roller.  It was, by far, the most informative talk I ever heard on running.  And, you know that I’ve been to a lot.

* Thanks to Hector for some of the photos.

8 Reasons Why You Should “Conquer Corregidor” on Dec. 6

Monday, 2 November 2009  |  Race Announcements

corregidor poster 1 hi-res

On December 6, 2009, a unique 10-mile race will be staged at the historical island of Corregidor.  Here are 8 reasons why I wish I could “Conquer Corregidor” had I not signed up for Singapore Marathon on the same day:

  1. Historical course.  How often can you run a race while learning more about the country’s past?  The course will start at the Malinta Tunnel and take runners through the trails and rolling hills of the island.  I’ve never been to Corregidor and I think it’s hitting two birds with one stone if I could tour and race!  (Bonus: the island will be closed to regular tourists on race day.)
  2. Challenging course.  Having used the word “tour,” don’t expect the race to be a stroll in the park. I heard the rolling hills in the island will, uhm, give you a thrilling experience.  
  3. Scenic view.  They say the view of Manila Bay and the South China Sea is breathtaking near the finish line. Take a break from the usual concrete roads of the city and treat your eyes to a more spectacular sight.
  4. Limited number of participants.  There are only 750 slots available.  This won’t be a chaotic, overcrowded city race, more like an out-of-town adventure race for those who are willing to explore.
  5. Reasonable fee.  The fee of P1,000 covers roundtrip ferry to and from Corregidor, entrance to the island, lunch buffet on race day, and race singlet.  Not bad, eh?
  6. Nice singlet.  Love the singlet design. Simple yet classy. See below.
  7. Family affair. You have the option to convert the race into a family trip.  If you wish to stay overnight with the whole family in tow, you can book your hotel accommodations along with the race registration for a discounted rate of P1,500 per night.  
  8. TBR Magazines to read on the ferry.  TBR Magazines will be distributed upon entrance to the ferry on the way to Corregidor island.  (Sorry, shameless plug!)
  9. corregidor singlet rev 2

I’ll be in Corregidor this weekend to run the route.  I’m pretty sure I can add a few more items to this list come Saturday!

Now, to make things more exciting (and as a reward for reading this far), I’ll be giving away two (2) round trip ferry rides to Corregidor and  overnight accommodations and meals for two from Dec. 5 to 7, 2009.  Stay tuned for the contest!

Registration details:

  • Registration runs from November 9 to 29 at Second Wind in Maginhawa St, UP Village and R.O.X. in Bonifacio High Street.
  • P1,000 covers roundtrip ferry to and from Corregidor, entrance to the island, lunch buffet on race day, and race singlet.
  • For details, call 409-2948.
  • Download registration form: CONQUER CORREGIDOR REG FORM.

Click to read PRESS RELEASE.

Click here to read FACT SHEET.

Conquer Corregidor is presented by Hypehouse Production Company and Sun Cruises, in partnership with,, RunRadio in NU107,, Activelink, Second Wind, and R.O.X.

Smart Sports on Subic International Marathon

Friday, 30 October 2009  |  Race Announcements

Smart Sports issued a statement regarding the recently held Subic International Marathon below…


At the outset, we at Smart Sports would like to extend our congratulations to all the runners, most especially to the marathoners of the recently concluded Subic International Marathon 2009. However, it has come to our attention the numerous comments of the participants of SIM 2009 regarding the technical aspect of the race and if there are shortcomings we will make it a point to discuss this with the race organizers. Rest assured to the running community that all these comments, feedbacks and suggestions are carefully being reviewed and will be kept as reference for other marathons Smart will be supporting.

Allow us to take this opportunity to share with the running community the reasons why Smart Sports decided to support SIM:

1. We are a sponsor. Much the same way we will be when we sponsor other marathons

2. We believe in the transformational advocacy of the Philippine National Police through its program director Ret. Gen. Sam Tucay and Chief PNP Jesus Verzosa

3. We realize that through SIM, we will be able to identify Filipino runners that can represent the country in international races. Kudos to the only 2 Filipinos (Hernanie Sore and Alquin Bolivar) to make it in the top ten who gave every ounce of willpower for flag and country

4. We simply want to promote a sport where hundreds and thousands of passionate Filipinos love

5. Sports tourism: to showcase the beauty of the Philippines. Particularly the beauty of SCTEX and Subic Bay

Since Smart Sports has committed to support Philippine marathon in the long run, we ask for the running community’s understanding and patience as Smart is very new to this. Smart has already pledged to support several international marathons for 2010 and we assure the running community that through partnerships with seasoned race organizers, we will make these marathons enjoyable and memorable which running enthusiasts (both local and foreign) can look forward to each year.

Smart – we’re helping sports… we’re helping running…

Maraming salamat po sa inyong lahat!

Patrick “Pato” Gregorio
Head – Smart Sports

For comments and suggestions please email project officer Anton Almeda at

Missing Dad

Friday, 30 October 2009  |  Bullish Insights

It was one year ago from this day when my Dad passed away in his sleep. Those days, I ran as much as I could to deal with the pain—and also to celebrate his life.


Memories of him started flooding back the past few days. He worried a lot about my running. I still remember how, after each Sunday race, he would tell me “Running is bad for your knees.” and I would nod my head, but laugh it off in my head. There was no point in arguing with Dad.  And, seeing how much weight I had lost, he would always remind me to eat more; sometimes, he would even drop more food unto my plate.  Despite his concerns, he knew me well enough to know that he couldn’t stop me from pursuing my passions—whether it was art, choice of career, or running.  This man knew he had a bull for a daughter, yet he gave her wings to fly.

So many memories, so many days since I last saw him.  I miss him terribly.  

Today, I woke up in desperate need of a run.  But, plan was for the gym in the morning and the rest of the day with the family to hear mass and visit Dad at the cemetery.  I’ll have to wait till Sunday for my long run. A slow and easy 25km for Dad.  A run to relieve the pain of missing him, to tell him he is always in my thoughts and prayers, and to honor and celebrate his life.

And the Winners of the Second Wind Singlets are…

Friday, 30 October 2009  |  Race Announcements


The first three correct guessers for the location of the 2nd Second Wind branch win brand spankin’ new Second Wind singlets.  And the winners are…

  1. Running Safety Pin
  2. Lauren
  3. Ronald

We also have an additional singlet for Javy O. aka Robocop (Positive Split) who guessed the correct location even before the contest was announced! 

The winners’ answers were: ORTIGAS AREA for the location of Second Wind’s next branch.  

Others had guessed Alabang, Bonifacio High Street, SM Mall of Asia and more.  I hope Hector takes a long look at that list and considers all of them for his next branches…most especially the South!

Congratulations, guys! I’ll email you directly to inform you how to claim your prizes.