Organizer: Rudy Biscocho
Overall rating (10 highest): 7
– Time trials announced at the end of the race scheduled for January 10, 2010. Everyone loves a surprise—and this one was a great idea from Mizuno organizers.
– Race started on time.
– Tried and tested race route passing Buendia flyover from Bonifacio Global City. Lacks authenticity but it’s still a great course.
– Ample water and Gatorade supply at stations.
– Marshalls were everywhere and in distinct blue Mizuno uniforms.
– Kilometer markers lined the roads.
– Pacers were present from Mizuno team. (I wish they had announced this earlier though. It would’ve been better if they had balloons too so runners could spot them.)
– Balde system again at the water stations. Even if you tell me it’s mineral water in its purest form in there, I will not ingest a drop of that.
– Singlets were given out only after the race and one had to endure long lines to claim them.
– No race map in the race packet.
The Mizuno Infinity Run went by smoothly. It was a no-frills race—no marching bands, live entertainment, or food and sponges along the route—but runners got top-notch service for all the basic requirements of a race. It was so well-orchestrated that I think they even got to convince Someone up above to temporarily stop the rains and let the sun out for this event. The flaws were minor and forgiveable.
The thing that set this race apart from other races was the announcement which came at the end. This was to be the first race followed by a surprise time trial race set for January 10, 2010. A great idea on the part of race organizers that would challenge runners to improve their time in a little over 6 months.
Congratulations to Mizuno for a great race!
Training? Not enough.
Sleep? 11:30 pm the night before.
Supplements? Thank God for them!
Days before the race, my friend, Harvie, the local distributor of Hammer products and member of Polo Tri team, asked if I was willing to give his Hammer products a try. Without hesitation, I agreed.
Like a nutrition coach, Harvie gave me directions the night before. (Honestly, I thought they were all about gels but I was so wrong!):
– 2 Hammer Anti-Fatigue caps
– 1 Hammer Enery Surge
– 1 Hammer Gel
– 1 Hammer Anti-Fatigue
– 1 Hammer Energy Surge
– 1 Hammer Gel
And, like a dutiful student, I followed his orders (except for the 2 Anti-Fatigue caps at the turnaround.)
Hubby had the fantastic idea of stopping at Shell gas station before the race to avoid long restroom lines at Bonifacio High Street. Unfortunately, by the time we arrived at Bonifacio High Street, we both had to go again! When we reached the assembly area, the gun was fired so we ran towards the starting line. I spotted Team Super’s Javy and Hannah Olives hurriedly squeezing themselves between the barriers to reach the road; hubby and I briskly followed them. I learned only after that Javy was following another late runner, Mark Parco.
We caught up with familiar faces—Jun, Vince, Ben, and other friends—and chatted with them as we made our way towards the Buendia flyover. The first kilometer was my slowest kilometer split at an average of 6:27, probably because I was scrambling for my supplements while talking and laughing at the same time—talk about multi-tasking!
After the 1st kilometer, the next few kilometers’ pace hovered around 5:45 to 6, a good, comfortable pace for me; I didn’t want to go all out on this race anyway. All of us friends had parted ways, including hubby and I, so we were all running on our own. I was feeling great. And, bumping into other runner friends, even if they were just acquaintances, made the run even more exhilarating. One runner had viewed a TV interview on my baby sign language classes and started demonstrating signs he learned from my talk to say that he was in “pain” and he wanted to “eat” already—hilarious!
When we hit the turnaround, I scrambled to take my Hammer supplements and gel. I still felt okay at this point and I felt that those supplements did their job well. With my lack of training and energy, I was surprised I was even running at a steady pace at this point.
Shortly after, I saw my friend from Mizuno team, Alvin Adriano, who just finished his Sundown Marathon in Singapore. We exchanged hellos and only then did I notice the sign attached to his back “1:30 Pace Group”. I would’ve chatted with him longer, but after learning that he was the pace leader of the 1:30 runners, I decided that my goal for that race, which was initially “to finish without injury” suddenly became “to run a sub-1:30.” All I had to do from that point forward was to run as far away from Alvin as I could!
I was fine all throughout the race, even as I climbed up the Buendia flyover. It was only as we rolled down the Buendia Flyover that I started feeling the brunt of my lack of training. It was then that I realized how out of shape I was and how I just wanted to reach the finish line ASAP.
As we made a right towards Forbes Town, Alvin creeps up behind me and I exclaim “Oh great, the 1:30 runners have caught up with me!” Shortly after, he runs ahead of me and I fall behind catching my breath.
As I recovered from back-breaking Buendia flyover, I suddenly had the energy to sprint when I neared the finish. At least, when I thought I saw the finish! Turned out that 15k runners had another turn before making a left towards the finish. Arrrrgh! Fortunately, I had enough energy left to make it to the end.
I saw the clock and it hit 1:30, but since we started late, I knew my Garmin time was below 1:30. I ran towards the finish line as fast I could, stopped my Garmin, and took a quick look: 1:29:48. Average pace was 5:56 min/km for 15.15km. I listened to my body for any niggle of pain…none, nada, zilch. Mission accomplished!
For more info on Hammer products, click here.

– with Bards (Banana Running), Jay Em of Paul Calvin’s Deli, Coach Rio, Harry (Mukhang Guilty), Vimz (Kulit Runner), Art and friend –

– with Essie, Bards, hubby, Harry, Dingdong (RunMD), Tina and Alice –

– with takbo.ph main man, Jinoe Gavan –

– with Hector and Neville of Second Wind Running Store –

– with Ian Alacar of Botak –

– Tired but happy –