Giving in to the Gym

Thursday, 7 May 2009  |  Bullish Insights, Running + Triathlon

Still reeling from the five consecutive games I rolled out this week, I managed to find my way to the gym yesterday.  I have said it many a times that I have an aversion for the gym.  There’s just nothing motivating about working out within four walls when you’re used to running freely outdoors; half the time I’m thinking, I wish I was on the road instead.

But, yesterday, I forced myself to take on a new mindset.  I decided to give importance to gym work in order to provide my muscles, especially those in the legs, the much needed strengthening exercises that they’ve been asking for.  I figured that if I don’t do it know then I’m setting myself up for more injuries in the future.  Gotta nip this in the bud before I get any fractures or major problems.

I met with a gym trainer yesterday for an initial assessment before we start on regular one-on-one sessions for the next 1.5 months.  I chose this trainer after a “comprehensive” interview the day before, which he passed with flying colors by the way.  This is how it went:

ME: Can I possibly get one-on-one training with an instructor?

Instructor: Yes, of course.

ME: Okay. I want an instructor who runs since I want a program geared towards improving my performance in running.  Do you run?

Instructor: Yes, I do.  But right now I can’t. I have ITBS…

ME: You do?!  Great!  (Should I have said that?!)  You’re my instructor!  When do we meet?

So, I did get an assessment yesterday, which was partly disturbing and partly encouraging.  Bad news: my perenially injured left leg—the thigh to be exact—is half an inch smaller than the right thigh, I still haven’t lost the excess Christmas weight (as if I didn’t know that hehe), and I looked so much chubbier as I did my step test in front of the mirror (haha!)  Good news: my body fat percentage is ideal for my height (but I still aim for a runner’s lean body…don’t we all?) and my heart rate recovers fast (perhaps a sign that I haven’t completely lost fitness.)

With the results of the initial assessment, the gym instructor will now create a program and present it to me later this afternoon.  I’m pretty confident that the new program will provide good results, but I just have to remind myself to be patient.  I can’t count how many times Annie, my running buddy, told me that results from strength training don’t happen overnight; in fact, it usually takes over two months.  For now, I just hope this new program will motivate me to head for the gym even if my mind is on the road.

5 to 5/5 Winners!

Wednesday, 6 May 2009  |  News + Promos

Congratulations to the 5 to 5/5 Winners!  I know you’ve been waiting for this (I apologize for the delay. I had a big deadline to meet, an assessment with my new gym trainer, plus a deep tissue massage today) so I won’t delay this any further.

Here’s the list of winners:


Each winner gets 1 coupon for one hour of Swedish/Shiatsu massage from Cocoon Spa & Salon…

  1. Jeremy Uy
  2. Jon Ogsimer
  3. Runri
  4. I
  5. Let Guieb
  6. iandmac
  7. marga
  8. Simon Miranda
  9. Cougcat
  10. Sam
  11. Rene
  12. Mikey
  13. Student Athlete
  14. Bobby
  15. Bing
  16. Macky
  17. Jard Gerona
  18. Boggs
  19. CJ Orcine
  20. Malds


MALDS gets four (4) free race entries into the next Finishline race of her choice


Each winner gets three (3) high-resolution, soft copies of his/her chosen photos from PhotoVendo

  1. Bing
  2. Runri
  3. Student Athlete
  4. Jeremy Uy
  5. Carlo Mostoles


Each winner gets P500 GC from Paul Calvin’s Deli

  1. Sappy
  2. Ross
  3. Archmage
  4. The Running Ninja


The comment that received additional 5 entries to the raffle was from GANN (how long did it take you to write this?  You must’ve brainstormed during a long run)…

Monday is “No Run Day” with my pair of Nike shoes;
Tuesday, I go shopping with a GC I can use;
Wednesday, I won’t run because I squeeze in Levi’s jeans;
Thursday, drink the Gatorade with protein-rich green beans;
Friday, I pig out at Paul Calvin’s great lunch buffet;
Saturday, a massage at Cocoon before Sunday;
Sunday, though they say a Sabbath does your body best;
seven days without a run is quite an awful test;
I’ll go to sleep that night with shoes on and firmly tied laces;
because the next day, Monday, I am sure to join the races!

After listing down the first 20 commenters plus the 5 entries of Gann, Little Miss Bull Runner picked out the winner (see, her eyes are shut tight…well, she can’t read yet anyway):


And the grand prize winner, who will take home the following—1 pair of Nike running shoes, 1 Nike gift certificate worth P2,000, 2 pairs of Levi’s jeans – Levi’s 501 jeans for men & Levi’s Red Tab “Patty Anne” jeans for women, 1 case of Gatorade, 1 Paul Calvin’s gift certificate worth P500, 1 coupon for free Shiatsu/Swedish massage at Cocoon Salon and Spa—is…


– Congratulations Ja! You got the shoes you needed! –

To all winners, I will email you regarding the claiming of your prizes. Please expect the email by this week or the next.

Thank you to everyone who participated in this contest! It was a great way to celebrate my birthday and 2nd blog anniversary. I hope you had as much fun browsing through the comments as I did. Actually, I had a lot of fun making you wait for the last contest to pop up 🙂 Until the next time…

Day 5: 5 to 5/5 – Win the Grand Prize!!!

Tuesday, 5 May 2009  |  News + Promos

Are you ready to win over P10,000 worth of prizes for the 5 to 5/5 Contest?


  • 1 pair of Nike running shoes
  • 1 Nike gift certificate worth P2,000
  • 2 pairs of Levi’s jeans – Levi’s 501 jeans for men & Levi’s Red Tab “Patty Anne” jeans for women
  • 1 case of Gatorade
  • 1 Paul Calvin’s gift certificate worth P500
  • 1 coupon for free Shiatsu/Swedish massage at Cocoon Salon and Spa
  • HOW MANY WINNERS? Just one lucky winner


    • Please limit answer to one sentence. Anything more and you’ll be disqualified.
    • The first 20 commenters will be eligible to win the grand prize through a raffle.
    • TBR’s favorite answer (for its humor, creativity, or wit) will receive 5 additional raffle entries regardless of its place in the race. In other words, that commenter, even if he/she didn’t make it to the Top 20, will automatically be included in the raffle and gain 5 additional entries.
    • The raffle among the top 20 (plus 5 from the favorite commenter) will be conducted under the supervision of my Little Bull Runners.
    • Participants may only submit one answer. Runner who submits more than one comment will automatically be disqualified. No cheaters allowed here.
    • Comments will be moderated and NOT be published until May 6, 2009, 12:00 noon.
    • Winners will be published on this blog and will be advised how to claim their prizes.

    Contest starts NOW! May the best runner win!

    Thank you so much to:

  • Tony Atayde of Nike for the shoes
  • Birthday boy Wilbert Lacbay for the Nike GC
  • Ronnie Celestial for Levi’s jeans
  • Tonton Mapa for Gatorade
  • Jay Em for Paul Calvin’s GC
  • Gelo Arellano for Cocoon Spa and Salon coupon
  • Day 5: 5 to 5/5 – Win the Grand Prize worth P10,000+

    Tuesday, 5 May 2009  |  News + Promos

    This is LAST DAY of TBR’s 5 Days to 5/5 Anniversary Contest. Today is my birthday and’s anniversary, so I thought of giving away prizes everyday for the past five days as my birthday treat and thanksgiving present to everyone.

    Today is a BIG day because I’m giving away BIG prizes to just ONE lucky winner…


    1. 1 pair of Nike running shoes
    2. 1 Nike gift certificate worth P2,000 
    3.  2 pairs of Levi’s jeans – Levi’s 501 jeans for men & Levi’s Red Tab “Patty Anne” jeans for women
    4. 1 case of Gatorade
    5. 1 Paul Calvin’s gift certificate worth P500
    6. 1 coupon for free Shiatsu/Swedish massage at Cocoon Salon and Spa

    HOW MANY WINNERS? Just one lucky winner 


    Wait for the next post I’ll publish TODAY.  It’s a contest for the fastest fingers and the wittiest minds (just like last year).

    See you again later.  Can’t tell you exactly what time.  That’s for me to know and you to find out.  (No peeing in your running shorts, please. Heehee)

    Thank you so much to:

    • Tony Atayde of Nike for the shoes
    • Birthday boy Wilbert Lacbay for the Nike GC
    • Ronnie Celestial for Levi’s jeans
    • Tonton Mapa for Gatorade
    • Jay Em for Paul Calvin’s GC
    • Gelo Arellano for Cocoon Spa and Salon coupon 

    Day 4: 5 to 5/5 – Win P500 GC from Paul Calvin’s Deli

    Monday, 4 May 2009  |  News + Promos


    This is DAY FOUR of TBR’s 5 Days to 5/5 Anniversary Contest.  For more info, click here.

    WHAT CAN I WIN? One gift certificate worth P500 from Paul Calvin’s Deli

    HOW MANY WINNERS? Four winners


    1. Submit a comment telling us about your DREAM POST RACE MEAL—no matter how big or small, cheap or expensive, fattening or healthy.
    2. The 2nd, 4th, 6th and 8th commenters will win the prize.  
    3. Comments will be moderated and NOT be published until May 5, 2009, 5:00 PM.
    4. Winners will be published on this blog and will be advised how to claim their prizes.

    Good luck!

    Thank you to Jay Em of Paul Calvin’s Deli.  Unit F 111  Forbes Town Center, Rizal Drive, Bonifacio Global City, Taguig.  For reservations, call 856-5900.  Click here to visit their site.

    Tomorrow is the fifth and last day for this contest; it will also be the BIGGEST.  From now until tomorrow, I’ll be wracking my brains thinking of the best way to give the grand prize away to just one winner.  Clue: it’s worth close to P10,000.  Phew…can I just join my own contest?