Runner’s Interview: Patrick & Ton Concepcion

Wednesday, 11 March 2009  |  Interviews + Features

With the The Condura Run drawing near, it was imperative that I featured running brothers, Patrick and Ton Concepcion, the men behind what is expected to be one of the best races to ever hit Manila…


When did you start running?  How did you get into the sport?

PATRICK: I started running May. 30, 1980 in Vancouver Canada. I was a fat “pig” weighing in at 220lbs.  The reason I started running is NOT to lose weight but simply because I enjoyed running. When I took  my first running step I knew I was hooked. It gave me great pleasure a sense of freedom and confidence. The weight just melted away as I continued running on a daily basis. Now my weight is down to 133lbs.


TON: My brother Patrick inspired me to run as a kid. I saw how much he loved the sport and how he transformed from a “fatrick” to a “thinrick”. 

I started running again before i turned 30. I had been married for 6 years and I gained 30 pounds with my wife and mother in law’s cooking.  I wanted to be in the best shape i could before i turned 40. 

I remember I was so out of shape that i could not even run 1km. Each step though took me farther and every run ended with such a profound sense of accomplishment. My first 10km race was such a thrill that I even emailed my dad what a great experience it was. It was truly fantastic to be running with a sea of humanity who share your passion. 

This passion ultimately made my join countless of 10k races and doing the unthinkable…joining 5 marathons in 14 months!.

Do any other members of your family run or are interested in starting?

PATRICK: My father (Raul T. Concepcion) is the original runner in the family. My father is the greatest influence in my running Life. I remember when I was a young age of 7. That was the year 1971, I would see my father run around the village in Forbes Park to do his usual 5km run.  and sometimes I would join him if I could but only for 200 meters. I remember him lacing up his Bata – Brand running shoes. (Nike, Asics, Adidas etc. was not available in the Philippine at that time) . Up to this day it is still very clear in my memory. At present, my father still does a little jogging in his treadmill. He is still is very strong at the age of 77. 

My wife, Mabu, runs once in a while too. Sometimes after my Saturday long run I would wake her up and we would go for a 3km run. I enjoy running with my wife it’s a great time to connect and to spend some quality time together.

TON: There are those that are seriously into running like Patrick, my brother in law Jimmyton Araneta who is a full ironman and myself. 

My wife, Karen, also runs but every time she get up to 7km she gets pregnant (haha) we are now expecting our 5th child.

But last year’s Condura run created a “running boom” within the Concepcion clan. In fact there are 30 or so family members joining the Condura run this year.

Then, there is my dad who used to run a lot when he was younger. During last year’s run, he fell because the road was uneven and ended up with a nasty cut on his eye that had to be stitched. But despite this he refused any medical help and still ran to the finish line all bloodied and bruised. What a fighter he truly is. He truly is the Condura “durable” man.

What do you enjoy most about running?  

PATRICK: Running is something I enjoy doing. I believe it moulds your character to be a better person. Running makes me feel unique. It gives me confidence and I feel alive. When I run, I run NOT for others but for myself.  “It is a time for me and my God to connect.”


TON: It’s the best way to de-stress. It’s like I pressed a reset button in my mind after every run and I suddenly feel great again.  I feel very calm and peaceful. It’s almost like a spiritual experience.  Most of my best ideas come from running. 

Can you share with us your weekly training program?  Do you train together?

PATRICK: I average at least 75 – 85 km/wk. Saturday is my long run day usually about 21 – 25km. Depending on how I feel. I would also incorporate 1 day a week of speed and tempo run. I usually have 1 or 2 days rest in a week. Wed is usually my rest day. While Sunday is my Race Day.  

I don’t get to run with Ton because I run in the morning around 4.30am and Ton is usually an evening runner. And because I reside in Alabang and he resides in Makati it’s difficult to meet.

TON: When i’m training for a 42km marathon, I follow the FIRST training program which I picked up from Runners World magazine. It follows a “less is more” marathon training philosophy spread over 4 months with only 3 runs a week. Tuesday is speed work, Thursday is tempo and Saturday is a long run. Its perfect training program for those who have a hectic work schedule. I also lift weights to strengthen my core and my legs which i find very effective in making you run your best and to prevent injury. 

I don’t train with Pat because he will find me too slow.

What was the most memorable race for you?

PATRICK:  The most memorable race has to be the Vancouver International Marathon 1983 I finished in 3hrs. 52mins and 20 sec. The 2nd most memorable race has to be the Philippine “Pasig” Marathon 2008 because after 24 years I did my 2nd marathon.

TON: Every marathon is like a baby and they are all special. But the New York City marathon would be on top of the list. It felt fantastic running along side 39, 000 people and being cheered by the crowds of over a million people throughout the entire 42km distance. You will truly feel like an olympian for the day. 

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A close second is Lake Kawaguchi in Japan. My breath was taken away with the beauty of running in and out of a forest with resplendent golden leaves in its full autumn glory and by a placid lake with Mount Fuji as the back drop.

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What was the toughest race?

PATRICK: Philippine “Pasig “Marathon 2008. The reason is because at the last 10km of the race I was really hurting. My Legs wanted to quit. I was cramping all over but my heart and soul made me continue. When I reach the finish line I couldn’t help but cry because i felt an accomplishment as a runner as a person. “Sometimes the moment that challenges us the most defines us” – Joan Benoit Samuelson

TON: My second milo marathon in July 2007 was the toughest because of the heat. I remember cramping really bad at 35km. But I refused to give up. So you just learn how to run with a cramp. 20 feet before the finish line, every single muscle in both legs cramped and locked up! I could not move! I said oh no this is truly a case of so near and yet so far. It was really embarrassing to stop before crossing the finish line instead of sprinting towards it. Luckily the cramp released its vice like grip on my legs and I was able to walk the remaining steps to complete my 3rd marathon.

Congratulations in advance for setting up one of the most awaited races of the year, Condura Run.  What sets this race apart from other races?

PATRICK: Thank you so much. In my opinion, what sets the Condura Run apart from other races is not only because the 21k marathon event will partially pass the skyway which is a first in the Philippines. But I think it is because the Condura Race was created by a Runner for the Runners. In Concepcion Durables Inc. (CDI) we are very particular to the details in our business which we also apply for the Condura Race.  

TON: The Condura Run is a run made by a runner for runners and is inspired by international marathons. I wanted to take my race experiences abroad and bring them to the Philippines to come up with an international standard run. Our vision is to be the premier running event in the country. 

Key to making this happen is the route. That is why I chose the skyway for the 21km half marathon. Surprisingly this is our fastest selling event even beating out the 10km run. I thought that the Skyway would be a really cool place to run on and we were very happy that they were very generous enough to grant our request. We have cheering zones and marching bands to get the adrenaline levels up during the toughest parts of the run. 

I am very “OC” when it comes to planning out the details of the run. From how much water we need per hydration station to the content of the web site and how it should look like.  Runners sacrifice a lot and train very hard. So we want to make sure when they run the Condura run, they have such a great experience that they can say to themselves that all of their pain and sacrifice was worth it. I want runners to feel truly proud of themselves and coming up with a truly special race is one way to achieve this goal. The dream is to make runners feel like an Olympian for the day.

Aside from being a runner, I also am a scuba diver and our mission is to show people the beauty that lay beneath our seas. That is why our races have a marine inspired theme. This year we partnered with Bantay Kalikasan to help protect the whalesharks of Donsol. We have a marine life costume contest and several photowalls of whale sharks as photographed by international acclaimed photographer Gutsy Tuason. Last year we raised 100 thousand pesos for the marine rangers of Tubbataha and helped propel it as one of the top contenders for the new 7 wonders of the world.  So runners will not only be experiencing a world class run but also will be helping to save the environment.

What advice can you give to those who will make Condura their first race ever?

PATRICK:  Just enjoy the race. “The Miracle isn’t that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start” – John “The Penguin Runner” Bingham.

TON: Be proud that you actually woke up early to join the race.  Have a light breakfast and pray that you accomplish all your bathroom duties before you leave the house. Play your best tunes. Run at your own pace. Suck in the energy that is all around you. Enjoy the experience and treat yourself to a fantastic breakfast after the run then have a good sleep!

Can we expect a Condura Marathon next year?

PATRICK: Yes that is the Goal, but planning for something like this is definitely no walk…in our case run in the park. It takes very careful planning and resources. Hopefully by God’s grace a full marathon will be a reality soon.

TON: Definitely yes. It will be a tough one to do. But like running we break it down into small steps. Last year we did 10k. This year 21k. And next year 42k. And the year after an ultra marathon ?

What is your dream race?

PATRICK: Hummmmm my dream Race is a Manila to Baguio City Ultra Race. We start in Quirino Grandstand, Manila and the finish line will be in Burnham Park, Baguio City.  It will be an Individual run not a Team relay race. That for me is the test of ultimate endurance. “Running is a head game, it is more mental than physical.” 

TON: to run the Paris marathon


Favorite shoe…

PATRICK: Asics 2020 and 2030 / Nike Lunar

TON: For 10k and 16km races I use Nike Lunars. They are very light and provide excellent cushioning. For the marathon, I use the Asics Kinsei 1

Power song…

PATRICK: Music? I don’t run with music. I can’t enjoy my run with music. Music distracts me. I like the peace and quiet when I run. 

TON: The theme from Rocky and “Don’t give up” by Chicane. But these days I prefer to run without music.

Best running accessory…

PATRICK: Garmin 205

TON: Garmin 405 

Solo or  group…

PATRICK: Always solo. Running is a time for me with God. I’m not a good running Partner, If I run with a group I always think about how the group is doing ( am I running to fast…to slow… do I talk to much……etc.) total distraction from what running enjoyment is.

TON: mostly solo. Running is often the only time I have alone.  However, I do enjoy running with my best friends and R40- runners for others

Favorite race distance…

PATRICK: any distance between 10k and 42k.

TON: 42km – would you believe?

10k PR

PATRICK: 41 min. 10 sec.  UBC (University of British Columbia), 1983

TON: 51 min. 37 sec.

Marathon PR

PATRICK:  Vancouver International Marathon 1983 I finished in 3 hrs. 52 mins and 20 sec.

TON: 4 hrs. and 49 min.

For the run, Condura partnered with Runners for Others (R40) and Operations Smile for children with cleft deformities. For P100 pesos more, you get a really cool R40/Operations smile race bib that will help make a child smile again.

For more TBR Runner’s interviews, click here.

3 Days to Register for Run for Their Lives

Tuesday, 10 March 2009  |  Race Announcements


WHEN: March 15, 2009
WHERE: Fort Bonifacio Global City, Taguig City
TIME: Assembly 5:00 am | Race Start 6:00 am
FEES: 3K (P150) | 10K (P250)

Have you registered for this Sunday’s race? Obviously, I can’t join this one.  But, I can think of a few good reasons why you should join:

  1. Perfect training run right before Condura Race on March 22.  Why don’t you run 10k plus another 5 to 10k after?  That’s what I would’ve done.
  2. It’s for a good cause.  Funds raised will help save the lives of children with congenital heart defects.
  3. It’s organized by ExTribe, same raise organizer as New Balance 25k last November.
  4. You’re not injured like me so you have no right to skip a race on a whim when I’m itching to join one.


  • Download registration form here
  • Call: (0922)8196672 
  • Email: 
  • Deadline: March 13, 2009
  • Limited to 2,500 participants
  • Register at:
    • Planet Sports – PowerPlant, Trinoma and V-Mall 
    • New Balance Stores – Glorietta 4, Shangri-la and Festival Mall 
    • Athlete’s Foot – Robinson’s Ermita 
    • eXtribe office – 20-D Fourth St., St. Ignatius Village, QC (Mon-Fri, 10am-5pm) 
  • Visit ExTribe for more info.  Click here.

    Freedom to Shoes

    Monday, 9 March 2009  |  Gear + Gadgets


    If there’s one good thing that arose from the ITBS injury it would be this: the freedom to shift from motion-control to neutral shoes. Yeah baby!

    The good news came straight out of my doctor’s mouth a couple of weeks ago. It was the same doctor who ordered me, early last year, to use Spenco insoles and, later on, switch to motion-control shoes to correct my overpronating flat-feet.

    You know, it’s bad enough to discover that you are a flat-footed runner because you will face issues that those fortunate, biomechanically efficient runners will never have to contend with. But, the worst thing about it is the lack of motion-control shoes locally. (Is it because we flat-footed Filipino runners are a rare breed?)  Mizuno does not sell motion-control shoes, Nike only sells the Nike Zoom Elite 4 for motion-control for women (correct me if I”m wrong), and Asics does not have the Gel Evolution 4 here. Adidas offered the Adistar Control 4 so I made the big purchase. The Adistar Control 4 was what I wore last year, including New Balance 25k and Singapore Half, with my Spenco insoles inside.

    So, the doctor did order me to shift to neutral shoes and put a halt to wearing spenco. Woohoo!

    The moment I found out, visions of various running shoes in all colors, models, and brands flashed before my eyes. I finally get to wear some of the shoes that have been gathering dust in my closet! And, when it’s time to go shoe shopping again, I get to choose from the wide variety of handsome, fast-looking, neutral shoes displayed on the shelves!  

    Oh god, I better get back on the road soon. My feet are itching for some neutrals already…

    Run For Your Life: Manila to Tagaytay

    Friday, 6 March 2009  |  Race Announcements


    While many of us will use next week to train (or taper?) for the upcoming Condura Half Marathon, the Pinoy Ultra Runners will have a long run next Saturday, March 14. How long? Uhm, just the distance from Manila to Tagaytay.

    The beneficiary of this run is the Brain Foundation which aims to help neurosurgical indigent patients. If you wish to help, email or visit their websites:

    Pinoy Ultra Runners site

    ROX site

    Myotherapy at Intercare

    Friday, 6 March 2009  |  Therapy + Injury

    Thank God for thoughtful friends.  Concerned about my injured state, Kim, our 2nd mommy during the Singapore Marathon last year who is currently training for the Bataan Death March Ultramarathon, called yesterday to offer some wise advise: Get a deep massage…regularly.  Her doctor advised her to get a massage after EVERY run and she swears that were it not for this one-hour indulgence she would’ve been sidelined by tight leg muscles by now.

    I followed 2nd mommy’s advice.  In a little over two hours (I move fast, don’t I?), I was already lying on the massage table of Intercare Center, awaiting my very first Myotherapy session. 

    Myotherapy, according to the Intercare website, aims to isolate specific problem areas and fixes it, something that your typical massage therapist is not trained to do. Myotherapy is a muscle treatment and relaxation therapy that results in the reduction of tension; with the direct effect of releasing muscle spasms, improving circulation and bringing about proper functions and a healthy tone to ailing muscles.

    I was excited.  I thought this could be the answer to finally popping those stubborn nodules that weren’t hit by dry needling.  At the same time, I was nervous and apprehensive.  Thoughts of me screaming in pain, collapsing, or fainting floated about in my head.  I shut my eyes and repeated the mantra, no pain, no gain.  Then, to add to the anxiety, my therapist enters the room and he is…a man!  I had never been massaged by a guy before!  Clad in a robe with only my underwear underneath, I lay on that massage table, closed my eyes again to repeat a new mantra:  Bahala na!

    The therapist first asked me to lie on my stomach while he placed heavy heating pads on my back for around 10 minutes.  I felt like I was melting; I actually fell asleep here.  

    He re-entered the room to begin the deep massage session.  He used slow, steady strokes, as if he was squeezing all the tightness out of my body.  He started on the right leg and found nodules in my calves and hamstrings.  What?  That wasn’t even my injured leg yet.  As he tried to pop those bubbles, he asked me if it was painful.  He said I could scream if I wished, as others have done in the past due to the pain.  Surprisingly, the pain was manageable for me.  I learned that taking deep breaths as he pressed on a nodule helped to ease the discomfort.

    Now for the exciting part.  He started massaging the left injured leg.  He found nodules almost everywhere: calves, hamstrings, ITB, hip, and up to the back.  I pointed out some lumps on my ITB and asked if he could pop those nodules too.  He pokes at them and says “Oh they’re not nodules ma’am.  They’re just fat deposits.”  Great.  I believe that was the one time I wish I had nodules instead.

    He went on to massage my back and shoulders which were all, as expected, very very tight.  I end the session in exactly one hour, completely relaxed and satisfied.  

    By the time I got home, the kneecap pain which bothered me for two full weeks (even at rest) was completely gone.  GONE!  Not even a hint!  I woke up this morning and cheered as I realized that it wasn’t a dream.  The leg is still completely pain free as I write this.  I could do cartwheels right now but I run the risk of tightening my ITB again, plus being laughed at by the baristas here at Starbucks, so maybe I’ll do a little happy dance in a week or so.

    The Myotherapy session at Intercare is P1,100 a session.  Pricey, if I may say so, but truly worth it.  I have promised myself a massage session (not necessarily at Intercare unless I win the lotto) every other day until Condura race.


    MAKATI – Intercare Bldg.,
8420 Kalayaan Avenue, Makati City.
Tel Nos: 890-3378 – 79           
    Fax: 890-2547
    Mobile: 0922-811-3651, 0920-953-2309

    ALABANG – Unit D, Upper GF, Westgate Tower, Investment Drive, Madrigal Business Park, Alabang, Muntinlupa
    Tel Nos: 807-6863    
    Mobile: 0922-811-3649, 0917-866-4156

    GREENHILLS – 26A Eisenhower Street 
Greenhills, San Juan. 

    Tel Nos: 724-6631
Telefax: 722-1846
    Mobile: 0922-811-3650, 0917-859-9479

    Big big thank you to Kim!  You didn’t have to call, but you did.  And, it made such a big difference!