TBR Clean & Mean Routine for 2014: Get Fit and Lose Weight with Us (Part 2)

Friday, 10 January 2014  |  Healthy Food + Recipes, News + Promos

The start of the New Year always calls for New Beginnings. Most of us make New Year’s resolutions that include our health and wellness from dropping 10 lbs. to eating less junk. The question is: How do you do it? Better yet, how can you stick to it?

Enter the TBR Clean and Mean Routine of 2014.  (Read Part 1 Introduction HERE.)


TBR Clean and Mean Routine is a series of health, wellness, and nutrition tips that I’ll publish every Monday morning from January 13 to February 24.

It’s called Clean and Mean Routine because we will focus on the following:

(1) Eating MOSTLY CLEAN food. These are foods that come from nature. If it comes with a list of ingredients then most likely it is food you want to avoid. You want to eat fruits and vegetables, whole grains, lean meat, fish, and nuts. I said MOSTLY because we will eat clean MOST of the time, but SOMETIMES we can allow ourselves to indulge and enjoy not-so-healthy food.

(2) We will practice being MEAN.  Kind (!), but MEAN as in…

  • M is for MEALS: Eat 3 meals per day. Have 2 snacks per day.
  • E is for EXERCISE: Exercise 4x a week.
  • N is for NOURISH YOUR BODY, NURTURE YOUR SPIRIT. We’re not just caring for our bodies, but also our spirit and our soul.

(3) ROUTINE because by the end of this plan I hope that you pick up at least one healthy eating tip that you incorporate into your life so naturally that it becomes a habit. Essentially, that is the key to getting healthy. It’s not about getting into a temporary quick-fix diet; it’s about adopting a healthier lifestyle.

Anyway, that’s just an introduction. We’ll get into more detail each week.


  • Anyone and everyone can join.  Non-runners, runners, ultra marathoners, triathletes, anyone!
  • Post a comment on TBR FACEBOOK PAGE that you wish to join and state your goal. If you don’t have FB, you can post your comment on this blogpost. Example: I’m in! I want to join because I want to drop 10 lbs. and live a healthier life for my children.
  • Watch out for our weekly TBR Clean & Mean Routine tip every Monday. I will ask you to post a comment on each of those weekly tips. By doing so, you commit to practice that tip for the next 7 days and you hold yourself accountable for your actions.
  • Throughout the week, feel free to chat and converse with others in the TBR FB Page who are trying to apply the weekly tips in their lives.
  • By the first week of March, I will ask you to submit a story on how this plan worked for you and what changes you saw in your life. The most compelling and interesting submission will win a pair of running shoes from me.

Are you in? I am! I’m the first person to join! My name is Jaymie aka The Bull Runner and I want to eat cleaner to run stronger and faster, to be more toned, and to just live a healthier life.

Let’s do this! First post starts next Monday, January 13.

P.S. You can also follow me on Instagram and Twitter where I’ll be posting our Clean & Mean Weekly Tips.

TBR ULAH Dream Marathon: Volunteer as a Dream Chaser

Thursday, 9 January 2014  |  News + Promos

The Bull Runner Unilab Active Health Dream Marathon is not just about letting first-time or second-time marathoners achieve their marathon dream. It is also about experienced marathoners being given the opportunity to give back to the running community, to give new runners the same support and motivation they received from others. To basically pay it forward.

If you are NOT a participant of TBR ULAH Dream Marathon, but you want to be a part of it. This is the way.

If you are NOT interested in running your own race and you are willing to set aside the time and effort to help others run 42km by providing them support, without receiving anything in return but a smile and a huge Thank You, then this could be your chance.

You can sign up as a DREAM CHASER.  We will open only 60 slots for Dream Chasers.  Acceptance will be on a first come first served basis, but priority will be given to runners who have provided support for TBR Dream Marathon during our Bull Circles, Bull Sessions, or past races.  The slots fill quickly (just like the race) so do sign up as soon as you can.  If you’re interested, please read the details below and find the sign up sheet at the bottom of this post.

– Vibrant and supportive Dream Chasers line the routes of TBR ULAH Dream Marathon –

– Dream Chaser Peter Ros with Ruby Gan at TBR Dream Marathon 2011 –


Dream Chasers will be assigned to one station along with his/her teammates. Each station will have 15 Dream Chasers including its DC Team Leader.  There will be 4 Dream Chasers stations along the course.

  • From the assigned Station to the next, run with a random group of DM participants or a particular participant with an apparent need to be paced.  Run should be a maximum of 3k only.
  • Provide creative and positive means of motivation, encouragement, and enthusiasm that will buoy the will of TBR DM participants during the race.
  • Assist in providing hydration to any participant in need.
  • Alert the Medical team and Course Manager of any participant needing outright medical / first aid attention.


  • Experienced runner, but not necessarily a marathoner
  • Serious passion for running
  • Positive, pleasant, cheerful attitude
  • Willing to provide exceptional moral support throughout the entire race
  • Believes in “paying it forward” to first time marathoners who need the same support as he/she received in the past


Upon acceptance as Dream Chaser, the following will be required of you:

  • Active participation in coordination/planning meetings with your DC Group
  • Submission of signed DM and Nuvali waivers
  • Must wear the DREAM CHASER shirt as uniform during race day.
  • Present during the entire course of the race

If you are interested in applying as Dream Chaser, please click on the link below.  You will be notified via email or text if you are accepted.  The final list of Dream Chasers will be posted on tbrdream.com before the end of January 2014.


Unilab Active Health Camp Alpha Triathlon Weekend

Tuesday, 7 January 2014  |  News + Promos

If you’re looking to improve your performance in triathlon, here’s a training camp led by my Coach Andy Leuterio.  Get ready to enjoy…and suffer!  Mwahaha (That’s evil laughter, by the way!)

The Unilab Active Health Camp Alpha triathlon weekend is happening this January 25-26 at The Village Sports Club, BF Homes, Paranaque and February 8-9 at Sandari Batulao, Batangas!

Presented by Specialized, this training camp will have technical swim sessions led by Coach Martin Carandang, and advanced lectures on training with Pace, Power, and Heart Rate by Coach Andy Leuterio. With their proximity to excellent riding and running routes as well, the Unilab Active Health Camp Alpha will also have epic training sessions designed to help the Age Grouper make 2014 a Breakthrough Year!

The Unilab Active Health Camp Alpha is OPEN TO ALL TRIATHLETES.

Leg 1: Jan. 25-26 : The Village Sports Club, BF Homes, Paranaque
Training with Pace, Power, and Heart Rate
Baseline tests for Swim, Bike, and Run
Plotting the 2014 Season

Leg 2: Feb 8-9: Sandari Batulao, Batangas
More volume-focused training with plenty of hills and scenic roads, an ideal tune-up for upcoming Standard and 70.3 races.

Unilab Active Health Camp Alpha is also a “tri-out” series for athletes who would like to apply for the 2014 Alpha Training Systems “Red” and “Black” programs.

The “Red” program is ideal for the athlete who would like to finish races strong,  but on limited training time, while the “Black” program is for the athlete who would like to go all-in this year with a highly customized and variable program. There will only be 10 slots to the “Black” program in 2014.

Participants who would just like to have an awesome training weekend with like-minded folks can opt for either Leg, but applicants to the “Black” program must sign up for both Legs to be eligible for “Selection”.


  1. Download and fill-out the Registration Form (Encircle or Highlight which Leg(s) you are joining).
  2. Deposit payment to Union Bank S/A 102520026685 “Alexander Leuterio”
  3. Email Deposit Slip and filled-up Registration Form to alpha_tri@yahoo.com
  4. Wait for Confirmation Email

Inquiries can also be sent to Coach Andy at alpha_tri@yahoo.com

TBR Clean & Mean Routine for 2014: Get Fit and Lose Weight (Part 1)

Tuesday, 7 January 2014  |  Healthy Food + Recipes

I woke up on the first day of 2014 and, guess what, I was unafraid of the numbers on the weighing scale! Yeees!

You may be thinking: “What’s the big deal?”

First thing’s first, remove that scowl off your face. Di na uso ang Scrooge. Start the year with a smile.

Secondly, it’s a big deal for me because, for the first time in my adult life, I didn’t stress over my weight during the Holidays. Truth is, I usually gain 3 to 5 pounds during the Holidays and I spend the first quarter of each year working out to death to melt the fat off my jelly thighs.

But, this time, I was pretty confident that my weight was stable not just through Christmas but all throughout the entire 2013! What did I do differently? I finally made peace with food.

I would say 3 things helped me to maintain my weight and change my eating habits:


All my life I would go on periodic diets in futile attempts to drop a few pounds. I tried the Cabbage Soup diet, Skyflakes and Skim Milk for dinner diet, Nothing after 6pm diet, fasting on bread and water (like a true Catholic school girl LOL), and even diet pills. I would cancel out entire food groups—no carbs, no meat, no dessert—for weeks. I even tried Cheat Day Sundays last 2012, which only taught me to deprive myself all week and binge on weekends so much so that I’d wake up with a migraine on Mondays.  I lived many many years in fear of food thinking it was my biggest enemy. Worse, I would lose weight then gain it back…or even more.

In 2013, I didn’t diet AT ALL. But, before you think I could eat everything I wanted, it was more of just adopting a healthy lifestyle so that I didn’t feel like I was dieting.  I ate healthy food most of the time, but I allowed myself to eat junk—Cheetos, soda, brownies—once in a while and in moderation. (Hey, life is short and I believe we all should live it fully!)  By never feeling deprived, I realized that I rarely even craved for junk and, on the rare occasion that I did, I wouldn’t even devour the entire pack like I used to.

REMEMBER: It’s not about what you eat sometimes, but it’s about what you eat most of the time.


I had a paradigm shift with food. I stopped thinking about what I shouldn’t eat. I changed my focus on all the good, nutritious, delicious food that I could nourish my body with and those that could help fuel my running and triathlon. This is called “crowding out.” By filling myself with nutritious, wholesome food, I didn’t have much space for the junk.

REMEMBER: Food is fuel.


I worked out 6 days a week with Monday as my only rest day. I would run 2-3 times a week, swim twice a week, bike twice a week. Earlier in the year, I would also do Bikram Yoga. After Ironman Cebu 70.3, I enjoyed my workouts immensely as I focused more on fitness rather than a particular race.

Working out isn’t about dropping pounds anymore (unless I overate the night before LOL). It has become a regular activity that is as routine as brushing my teeth and showering.

If you’re too busy to commit to 5x a week, then 3x will do.  Just make sure they are efficient workouts so as not to waste your precious time away from work or family.  Workouts should also be fun.

REMEMBER: Don’t think about it. Just do it.

So, in case you woke up this morning fearful of the numbers on that scale or fitting into your favorite jeans, don’t stress. You are not alone! That’s exactly why I shared my learnings above for you.  Just like you, I’m still a work in progress.  I also have a lot of healthy resolutions and goals for the New Year.  I’m also taking up a course on Holistic Nutrition and Wellness and I try to practice everything I learn to nourish my own body and mind.  I would say what I learned was one of the key factors that helped me adopt a healthier lifestyle…and also the fact that I’m aging haha.

In my next post, I’ll be launching my TBR Clean & Mean Routine for 2014.  It’s a plan I initially made on my own for myself.  But, I realized I could share it with all of you and invite you to join me on this.

It’s a very simple plan on how to live a healthier, happier life without over complicating matters.  (I hate diet plans that have you making baon fruits while everyone is eating normal restaurant fare or those that have you counting calories before you dig into dessert.)  I’ll be sharing with you weekly tips on how to eat well and live well and you have to agree to work on the tip for the entire week.  I’m hoping by the end of the entire program, you would have at least kept one of those tips and practiced it as a habit.  This is a plan that can get you to lose weight and get fit in a simple way without taking too much time or causing inconvenience with the rest of your life.

Are you game?  Watch out for it!

One Run Update: See the People You’ve Helped in Agutaya

Friday, 3 January 2014  |  News + Promos

Remember One Run? The run we organized a week after Typhoon Yolanda struck our country? All of you runners who participated helped us to raise P615,000 in cash and quite a large number of in kind donations. Majority of the funds were donated to Javiertown while P100,000 was donated to New Tribes Missions through Philip Leroux and Hector Yuzon of Secondwind Running Store.

Just before Christmas, Hector, owner of Secondwind Running store, and Philip, triathlete and missionary of New Tribes Mission, flew to the islands of Agutaya to deliver the goods they purchased funded in part by One Run. I’m sharing with you Hector’s recounting of what he says was a truly humbling experience. It’s worth a few minutes of your time to really put into perspective what you have in your life and set the tone for you in this coming year…

On a Mission to the Islands of Agutaya
By Hector Yuzon

I am still amazed of how organized and structured New Tribes Missions is. What is happening now from an operational standpoint: they made the island of Cuyo their base of operations as this is one of the bigger islands that has an air strip and electricity. Cuyo is an hour and five mins away from Puerto Princesa via a Kodiak plane, which is a 6 – 10 seater propeller powered plane. This was sent in by New Tribes Indonesia to specifically help the typhoon victims in Philip’s area. And for the past 4 weeks, they have maximize everyday their 2 planes to haul supplies and relief from Manila to Puerto to Cuyo. And from Cuyo, the 2 choppers distribute the goods to the 6 islands which are under the municipality of Agutaya.

The guy (far left) is from New Tribes Aviation Head Office. He is the overall Pilot chief for their group, and here he is on Cuyo manually refueling the helicopter to continue with relief operations.

Their group is so organized with highly trained experts from different countries. Even though the group is lean staffed and so diverse that I am the only brown man that day flying in and out with them :D, their group is so amazing, that they even flew in a third party group to continuously do daily computation of the goods and personnel being loaded per flight so they know if they are maximizing each trip or if they are overloading the planes so as not to waste fuel and of course, monitor the goods being shipped out.

Philip (New Tribes Agutaya) with Donovan (from New Tribes way up north of Luzon), who came down just to help with the relief operations.

Philip with Red Cross Palawan and the mayor of Agutaya (wearing backpack) discussing priorities of aid

Here’s how its done: basically they all move within only Philip’s instructions and area of responsibility; (with coordination with the mayor of Agutaya) anything that needs to be done outside should be first cleared with him. Everything and everyone is being inspected by Philip himself. From the moment where the packs and goods are sorted in Manila, to where the goods are further divided on a family level – he inspects for himself if each family got what they should. What this means from an operational standpoint is, that this eliminates error in calculation, redundancy in work and non-essential personnel.

What would normally take a day’s worth of trip or even a week’s trip (depending on water conditions for the small pump or fish boats) – only took a half a day to reach 4 of the 6 islands.

Agutaya – check how good the pilots of New Tribes are, we landed on a pier!!!

Basacar – locals are giving our pilot, Brian sea shells, which according to Philip is a huge gesture, almost like celebrity status!

Mandit – Philip making further assessments and reassuring them that New Tribes and the mayor of Agutaya are all busy at work looking out for them

Some of the residents have started rebuilding their homes and boats, gathering spare wood and whatever materials that may be still lying around –materials for reconstruction are still needed.

Their main source of livelihood is seaweed, this is actually a primary ingredient for all things plastic, specifically for plastic tables and chairs. And as I am writing you now, New Tribes is now transitioning into giving them raw materials for their homes, boats and livelihood so as they can now move forward from the typhoon and slowly have a sense of normalcy in their lives.

I already told Philip this, and I just want to share with you – as I was collecting the first shipment of relief for Philip, I was just overwhelmed with a feeling of joy and sense of purpose, that I was suddenly wiping tears from my face as I was driving from one shop to another. Simply put, I was just so happy and lucky to be able to do this small thing for the people of Agutaya, whom have lost so much. I was just so happy knowing that all our efforts will directly reach and be felt by those who are in need.

I was only able to visit 4 of the 6 islands, and man oh man – both Philip and I were knocked out on our trip back to Puerto. Loading and unloading the goods, flying in and out of islands, and talking to everyone just really takes a lot from you – it felt like a marathon. Really.

Everyone in the islands that we went to said that, if it hadn’t been for New Tribes and the aid they got from Manila and all over the world – they would have starved, and continued with nothing. Anarchy, starvation and chaos which we heard from the news that happened in Tacloban and Leyte was all avoided here.

With One Run being the biggest contributor – I wanted you to feel how tight the handshakes I got were, and how their look was full of joy just to meet one of the people who gave them aid, even if it was just little. It was really humbling, and puts how small all our problems are compared to what they went through and are still facing.

I am so thankful that I was able to help, thankful that I know Philip – someone on the ground who we could trust to oversee everything and make sure the relief reached those who are in need.

Thank God for New Tribes. Thank God for everyone who helped.

For more information on New Tribes visit their FB page: New Tribes Mission
To contact Philip Leroux for more financial aid: Philip Leroux


Hector Yuzon is the owner of Secondwind Running Store.  He is a runner and triathlete who is currently enjoying the trails whether on foot or on his bike.