5/5 is the 2nd anniversary of TBR Blog. It’s also my birthday then. Since I expect the hubby to give me my own running gifts (notice the S after “gift”), I thought it would be a good idea for me to give you guys and girls gifts instead.
This is the official launch of the 5 DAYS TO 5/5 CONTEST. EVERYDAY for the next 5 days until May 5, 2009, I shall be giving away prizes on this blog.

This is about the only information I can give right now (and may I warn you it’s very vague):
- Contest details will vary from day to day depending on my mood.
- Prizes will vary as well depending on our good sponsors’ generosity (hint hint) and will be announced in the specific post.
- Contest period for each post will change too (sometimes it will close in 1 hour and other times in 1 day), but I’ll be a little more lenient for the next 3 days as many of you are out of town for the long weekend.
- I’ll tell you now though. Winners can win as many prizes as they want. So, let’s say you win on Day 1, you can win again on Days 2, 3, 4 and 5. By May 5, you could accumulate enough prizes to retire from your day job and just focus on running! (Lest I raise your expectations for the prizes, let me tell you now, I’m just kidding.)
This is my way of thanking you for listening to my daily rants and raves about running for the past two years. I started running (and this blog) knowing absolutely no other runner except for a triathlete dad at my son’s school. (Hi Jamike!) Since then, I have watched the running community grow by leaps and bounds and felt blessed to be a part of it. I’ve met so many runners—some of whom have grown to be dear friends—who have touched my life in one way or another. It’s been an amazing ride that I hope to continue until I can no longer run (that day would probably be on 5/5/2079)
May the best runners win!
For sponsors who wish to donate prizes for TBR readers, please email thebullrunner@gmail.com.