The Rappler DO MORE Awards “aims to recognize Filipino achievers who have the courage to challenge the status quo. The awards will be given to those who take the initiative to go beyond the call of duty.”

A couple of weeks ago, I got a call from Rappler informing me that I was a finalist for the Challenger category of the Rappler DO MORE Awards. I was stunned. Then, I was overjoyed. Then, I was thankful. Cliche as it sounds, being chosen as a finalist already makes me feel like a winner. I am deeply honored.

Now, here’s the thing.
The Rappler DO MORE Awards winners will be chosen via online voting. And, if you know me, I like winning. Heehee. BUT, I like winning fairly. So, I’m not twisting your arm to win your vote. I hope you can vote for me if and only if you think I deserve it. (Spoiler alert: If you read until the end, I will give you an awesome thank you gift for believing in me!)
Now, here’s what I suggest you do:
1) Read my profile on Rappler. Click HERE.
2) Next, pretend you interviewed me one-on-one and asked me this:
YOU: TBR, why should I vote for you for the Rappler DO MORE Awards?
ME: Vote for me because you believe in my cause and what I’ve been trying to do. I don’t just DO MORE than is expected of me or what I expect from myself. I think a lot of athletes and non-athletes are capable of that.
But, beyond that, I (and the rest of my wonderful Dream Team and generous supporters of TBR) have DONE MORE and we try to continue to DO MORE by changing lives through our passion, running. Through TBR Dream Marathon, we have helped over 2,000 individuals to DREAM BIG, to ACHIEVE what they once thought was impossible, to live as WINNERS who live healthier, better, fuller lives, and, last but not the least, to serve as INSPIRATION to everyone around them (ripple effect, baby!).
TBR is not just a blog, a magazine, nor an event. It’s not about me. It has gone beyond me and even beyond running. TBR is about transforming lives and helping others to do the same.
3) Now, read the profiles of the other finalists in the Challengers category. They are Coach Arnel Aba, the amazing one-legged national athlete, and Mimi Lucas, a 24-year-old triathlete. I am in good company and I’ve got great competition, noh? If I met these two, I think I’d be starstruck and inspired.
4) Decide on who to vote for. If you wish to vote for me, then please click on the link below, scroll down and click on my photo to vote for me…
<< Click here to VOTE for me at the RAPPLE DO MORE AWARDS >>
5) Lastly, if you did vote for me, please leave a comment below with the following:
– Your name
– Email
– Shoe size
– Optional: Suggestion or idea on how can DO MORE for running/runners
As my token of gratitude, all those who comment below and voted for me (honor system please!) will be eligible to win one (1) pair of Brooks Running shoes. Only comments entered by November 14, 2013, 11:59 PM will be considered for the raffle. The raffle will be held on November 15, 2013. Winner will be announced on the blog. Only one comment per person please. This is my little thank you gift for your continued support through the years. Mwah!