Love Thyself

Tuesday, 14 February 2012  |  Bullish Insights

Just ran a tough 10k up and down a hilly course this morning. After 8 months of absolutely no speedwork due to injury and subsequently an 8-pound weight gain, I’ve spent the past weeks savoring every minute of my solo run where I push hard until my lungs want to explode out of my chest and then push some more.  I love it.  That, my friends, is how I practiced self love this morning.  And, that’s how I celebrated Valentine’s Day today.  (Well, after the hubby and I exchanged greetings, of course, and I opened up the little gift he gave me!)

So, this Valentine’s Day, I encourage you to spend some time loving yourself, too.  It’s not being narcissistic or selfish; it’s about giving love to someone who deserves it and usually spends 364 days of the year caring for others.

Run alone just the way you want it.  Challenge your mind and your body.  Try out that new recipe you never had time for.  Buy the gear you’ve been pining for all month. Say a prayer.  Run more. Walk faster. Run slower. Rest.  Last but not the least, if you received chocolates this morning, indulge.

Happy Valentine’s Day to all!

Sorry I’m not in a cheesy mood today, but if you wanna feel all soft and mushy inside, you may wanna read one of my favorite posts again: Date a Girl Who Runs.

What Are You Doing this Valentine’s?

Thursday, 12 February 2009  |  Bullish Insights

So, what are you doing this Valentine’s Day?  

Please don’t tell me about your candlelit dinner by the bay nor the meal you plan to whip up for your partner;  I don’t care for that (although you could tell the hubby so he’d get some ideas.)  I’m more curious to find out how active, adventurous couples plan to spend Valentine’s Day, which lands perfectly on a Saturday—the best day for a romantic long run before the sun rises…aaaah, if only I could run long!

Last week, I got an email about Valentine’s Yoga Classes at Yoga Manila.  I thought it would be fun, doing pretzel poses and head stands with the hubby, so I enthusiastically asked him “Hey, you wanna do this?”  He barked back “No way!”  Well, it was worth a try.

A long run together would’ve been ideal, but I can’t run over 5k just yet.  Swimming is not a good idea too as hubby doesn’t enjoy it as much as I do.  We’ll probably end up biking as scheduled in my program.

After that, I’m thinking we could go to Clark to watch the Philippine Hot Air Balloon fiesta.  (Thanks to my siblings for the idea.)  No workout for us and I’m sure I’ll be drooling when I see the roads of Clark, but it should be fun.  Anyway, those balloons may serve as a perfect distraction to the long runs I’m missing.