Photo: Cres Yulo
TBR turns 10 today! No, not me silly! This blog! Yup, thebullrunner.com is 10 years old! Who would’ve known that this little online running journal of mine would grow into a magazine, a marathon, and even a community of runners who support beginners and truly love the sport.
Since I created thebullrunner.com on my birthday, it also means that I grow another year older this year. I turn 41 now. Sure, I worry about the white hair on my head, my failing memory, slowing metabolism, longer days of recovery, and bulges here and there, but for the most part, I’m thankful for all the blessings I’ve received the past 41 years I’ve been on this earth. It’s been a wild ride, especially the last 10 years when I became “The Bull Runner” but I look forward to many more adventures to come.
To all of you who have lurked, messaged, waved hello, joined TBR Dream, run with me, or even just supported one of my TBR runners, thank you. To all who greeted me today, family, friends, and even those I’ve never met but took the time to message me online, thank you. To my two kiddos who surprised me with their works of art today and who truly make this life worth living, thank you. Mwah.