3 More Benefits to Being a TBR Dream Marathoner

Friday, 28 October 2011  |  Bullish Insights

Aaah, the many benefits of being a TBR Dream Marathoner. We work hard to give our runners these privileges because we know they’ll work hard to finish their 42km come marathon day. Right guys?

Allow me to share details of being a TBR Dream Marathoner. To those registered, please avail of these especially if you wish to sign in for any of them:


All our runners received the TBR Dream Card in their Registration Kit.


The benefits and privileges are listed below.

Runners, please click TBR DREAM CARD BENEFITS 2012 to download full details of discounts (validity period, branches, etc).

  • NATHAN: 15% discount on Nathan products at ROX
  • NEW BALANCE: 20% discount on all regular priced New Balance items
  • CHRIS SPORTS: 10% off on regular priced items
  • BROTHERS BURGER: 10% discount on all food purchase for every minimum purchase of P500.00 and 20% discount on all food purchase for every minimum purchase of P500.00 for dine in or take out between 2pm to 6pm every Mondays to Fridays


100 lucky TBR Dream Marathoners will receive FREE consultation and personalized instruction with fitness couple Armand and Mitch Mendoza. While they usually charge for their services, they’ve waived all fees just for us. They will meet with the 100 runners once a month for weigh ins, discussions on diet, nutrition, and more.

50 slots were taken up during onsite registration during the last Bull Circle. We are opening 50 more slots for online registration. This is only for registered participants of TBR Dream Marathon 2012.

Are you interested?  Click on the link below to sign up.  First come, first served basis only.



One of the members of TBR Dream Team, our organizing committee, and head coach of our Bull Sessions is Coach Lit Onrubia, Chi Running instructor. He will be offering Chi Running Workshops exclusively for TBR Dream Marathoners at a discounted rate of P1,200 (regular fee is P2500).

What is Chi Running?
Chi Running is a revolutionary running technique developed by Danny Dreyer that focuses on energy efficiency (through “focused relaxation”) and injury prevention (through proper alignment and balance). Chi Running emphasizes that the correct running form is the foundation for longer, faster, effortless and pain-free running.

What is the format of the Chi Running Workshop?
The Workshop will be a 3-hr session, specifically targeting the areas you need to develop for The Dream Marathon. We will discuss correct posture and balance, the advantages of having a slight forward lean, how to relax the feet and ankles, cadence, breathing techniques, how to tackle uphills and downhills, mental strength, racing strategy and several other topics. The session includes a few kilometers of running so please wear your running outfit.

How will Chi Running help me while training for TBR Dream Marathon?
We will analyze your form and correct the flaws in your biomechanics (if any). With the Chi Running principles, you will understand how to run more efficiently and safely as you pile on high mileage in training. All this will translate into less fatigue, faster time and greater confidence during your marathon because you’ll have the tools to allow YOU to control your race instead of letting the race control you.

Chi Running Workshop for TBR Dream Runners
Dates: November 15 OR 24, 2011 (choose one)
Time: 630 to 930 PM
Venue: Colegio de San Agustin Indoor Track
Participants: Max of 20 TBR Dream Runners
Fee: P1,200 (Regular price is P2,500)

How to register: Call the hotlines to make a reservation: +63915.638.5801 or +632.507.4507. Or email Ina Buan: ina.buan@forwardleanrunning.com. Slots are on a first come, first served basis.

For more info: click HERE to access Forward Lean Running website

Download: Chi Running Workshop FAQ for TBRDM

Bull Circle 1: The Marathon Dream

Thursday, 27 October 2011  |  Bullish Insights

It was a full house last night for the 1st Bull Circle entitled: The Marathon Dream at ROX, Bonifacio High Street.



I started with a talk on my life as a runner, mother, wife and my journey towards my first marathon. I also shared the story of how the concept of The Bull Runner Dream Marathon was born.



Neville Manaois, team principal of Team Pinoy Ultra Runners, co-owner of Secondwind Running Store, and the guy who paced me in the last 10k of my first unofficial marathon, gave a great talk on the history of the marathon and the reasons why thousands of people all over the world are enamored by it.


TBR Dream alumni Bic Ferreria and Ton Gatmaitan shared how they despised running in the past and ended up loving the sport. They shared their experiences running TBR Dream in 2010 and 2011 and gave tips on training for the big day.



Fitness couple Armand and Mitch Mendoza gave a brief introduction on the free TBR DM Weight Management Program that 100 TBR Dream Runners will undergo for free while training for the marathon.


I had a great time meeting some of our runners face-to-face and seeing the excitement and thrill in their faces. Until the next time, TBR Dreamers!

And the Winners for the Adobo Run Race Kits Are…

Wednesday, 26 October 2011  |  Bullish Insights

Man, something must be wrong with me.  I chose these winners as soon as I spotted the words: TOILET, FART, BONGGACIOUS, and TIKBALANG in their answers.  Just goes to show the kind of humor I have!

Congratulations to our winners below!  (Remember I said we’ll have 3 winners winning 2 race kits each in THIS post?  Correction: I’m getting 4 winners to win 2 race kits each instead!

And the winners are:

  1. TOEL – whew! rule #10 made me join this contest. what a relief because i guess i can’t muster enough courage to wear this costume yet it would have been really funny!!!  http://www.fugly.com/pictures/12619/toilet_costume.html
  2. JOEY – It’s called Fart-O-Meter…well it may not be the most enviable job, but surely it will cause riots with your friends and family. The Fart-O-Meter costume includes: tunic with hose and humorous meter print, and gas mask. Try to put this on and you have a very one of a kind costume. Happy Halloween!
  3. RIKKI SUAREZ – My running monicker is RunningInDrag, the very pseudonym I use in running forums. Unfortunately, I have not had the chance to run in one since I have yet to procure a bonggacious outfit. Nevertheless it is one of my dreamed running moment, to be able to run in the most glamorous, avant garde, mardi gras outfit that can rival those worn in Rio!
  4. JAYMAR – A running “TIKBALANG” or petrang kabayo. would be an eye-catcher. Pinoy na pinoy at initimidating dahil mabilis ang kabayo tumakbo. Then ill ask my friend to go ask Vice Ganda para partner na partner kami.

Congratulations!  Please pick up your 2 free Adobo Run race kits at Runner’s Runner, 2/F ROX, Bonifacio High Street during ROX store hours anytime starting today.  Please present a valid ID. Thanks!

Win Free Race Kits to Adobo Run After Dark!

Wednesday, 26 October 2011  |  News + Promos


If you’re game for a night race this weekend, good news: Adobo Run After Dark registration has been extended!

The in-store registration (R.O.X. BHS, Toby’s Arena EDSA SHangri-La Mall, and Runnr Trinoma) is extended to October 28, Friday. There will also be on-site registration on Oct 29 at the Aseana City Business Center lobby (just beside McDonald’s in Macapagal Blvd cor Bradco Ave) from 10am till 6pm.

Now for even better news:  I’m giving away 6 race packs to Adobo Run After Dark!  I’m choosing 3 lucky winners to win 2 complimentary race packs each.

Care to win this treat? Here’s how:

  1. Answer this question in 1-2 sentences: WHAT’S THE WACKIEST, WEIRDEST, OR WILDEST COSTUME YOU WOULD RUN IN? WHY?
  2. Try to give the funniest, most entertaining, or out of this world answer you can come up with. (Is it obvious I need some Halloween excitement in my life?  My kids, ages 7 and 10, have boycotted trick or treating this year, you see! Sob sob)
  3. Post your answer in the comments section below.
  4. Runner may only submit 1 entry. Submitting more than 1 entry leads to automatic disqualification.
  5. Contest ends October 26, 2011 at 3:00 PM.
  6. All answers will NOT be published until after the contest period.
  7. Winner will be chosen by TBR and will be notified via email and will be announced on this blog.
  8. Three winners will be chosen.  Each winner will win 2 race packs each.
  9. Winners may claim complimentary registration form and sign up for the race at Runner’s Runner booth, 2/F ROX, Bonifacio High Street immediately after notification. Please present an ID to claim your prize.
  10. In case you’re wondering, winners need not wear the costume during the race if they win the complimentary kit. It would be great if they would though! Hah!

May the best runners win!

Gatorade Sweat Test for NYCM

Tuesday, 25 October 2011  |  Healthy Food + Recipes, Running + Triathlon

In preparation for New York City Marathon, Gatorade invited Anthony Pangilinan and I for a Gatorade Sweat Test, a test conducted by the Gatorade Sports Science Institute (GSSI) more commonly to elite athletes from Philippines National Teams to the Azkals. They’ve also done the test for the Polo Tri Team.

The Gatorade Sweat Test basically analyzes an athlete’s sweat rate and provides an adequate hydration program to ensure that the athlete performs at his/her best.  For Anthony and I, Gatorade offered to conduct the test to help us plan our hydration for NYC Marathon on November 6.

– with GSSI Consultant and Gatorade Sweat Test Director, Nino Sinco –

Gatorade Sweat Test director and consultant of GSSI, Nino Sinco, a 3:20 marathoner, mind you, gave us a briefing. Here’s what I learned about hydration:

  1. For every 2% below proper hydration level, you experience a 20% reduction in performance. For us runners, this could mean months of training flushed down the drain just because we failed to drink properly before or during a race!
  2. Our sweat rate does not change whether in hot or cold weather. This means that regardless of the amount of sweat you feel, you should make sure you are hydrating properly because you sweat the same amount whether you’re running in Manila heat or New York winter. In cold weather, you’re just less soaked because the sweat evaporates quickly.
  3. Most athletes—including you, dear runner—start a workout dehydrated without even knowing it. I plead guilty.


A week before the test, we were informed that GSSI would simulate race conditions for New York City Marathon. What did this mean? They booked a function room at Mandarin hotel, brought two treadmills in, and reduced temperature to 55 degrees. Only a limited number of people were allowed in the room to keep the temps low. The kicker: two fans were placed on each side of the treadmills to simulate wind chill! Brrrrr. My Li’l Miss Bull Runner must’ve felt the cold because she asked: Is it also going to snow in here?

Before I got into full NYCM Gear, GSSI took my weight and urine sample. Once done, I was not allowed to eat or drink anything but water or Gatorade.


Nino then placed two patches on my body: one on my forehead and another on my forearm. This would collect my sweat and would be removed until it was fully saturated. They did the same with Anthony.

– Putting on those patches –

– I heard these sweat patches cost a bundle! –

– with Angel of Gatorade. Her first marathon was at TBR Dream. Her 2nd will be NYCM –

We were handed 1 bottle of Gatorade and 1 bottle of mineral water and we could drink as much as we wished. Our heart rates were taken and would be monitored every 10 minutes or so during the entire run.


Anthony and I hopped on our treadmills ready for the long and cold run ahead. We were instructed to run for 1 hour and 30 minutes at any pace we desired.

Ooh boy. I love to run, BUT not on a treadmill. It is dreadfully boring for both the legs and mind and I do it only as a last resort. I was thankful that Anthony was there as company.  (Gatorade, I only do this for you!)

– Running with Anthony P. –

We agreed to keep our pace at 4. But, when Anthony wasn’t looking, I increased mine to 4.5 haha. When GSSI staff checked on us, I learned he had increased his speed to 4.6 and proudly announced to them that he was faster. So, of course, I hiked mine up to 4.7! Yes, Mr. Pangilinan, you were 0.1 faster than me for uhm 5 seconds hah!

We talked about New York preps, running, triathlon and more as the X-Men DVD prepared by GSSI staff for our entertainment played on. We talked about how we were slaving away like hamsters while GSSI and Gatorade people were probably dining at a buffet in the warmer room next door. Once in a while, Anthony would sprint or run sideways like a dancer. It may have been out of boredom, but it may also have been an attempt to distract me from finishing the run. I suspect it was the latter!

– Talk, laugh, drink, run. Anything to keep the boredom at bay –

During the last 20 minutes, Nino removed my patches because they were saturated with sweat already. I then began my countdown to the finish. I would yell: 19 minutes to go…10 minutes to go…5 minutes…1 minute. It was around this time when I recall Anthony saying: Ang kulit mo pala! Poor guy. The Gatorade Sweat Test must have also been a test of his patience and tolerance with The Bull Runner tsk tsk.

– Every minute counts! –

– Nino removes the patches on the forehead and then the arm –


We both ran all 1 hours and 30 minutes.  It was the longest I had ever gone on a freakin’ treadmill. Wow, I felt like a winner when I finished.

Once we were done, we had another weigh in to check fluids lost. Anthony then proceeded for the post-test interview first and I followed.


Even before the Sweat Test ended, GSSI had confirmed that I was dehydrated when I started the run. Scary how I felt completely fine and I was completely oblivious to the risks I was putting on my body!

Our full results will be released early next week before we leave for NYC Marathon and I’ll post them up here.  I’m pretty excited because the info will surely be useful in planning our hydration for the race and all other future races. They will be able to tell us exactly how much fluids we should be taking during the race and how often. How cool is that?!

As for my running buddy (or was it fierce competitor?), he texted me that evening: I won Part 1!

What Part 1?!  Why didn’t anyone tell me this was a race?!  And how exactly did he win it?!  Apparently, Mr. Pangilinan’s basis for the win was that he accomplished the urine test + actual run + interview faster than I did!  Much to my hesitation, I conceded. After all, he did leave hotel premises earlier. And, the Gatorade Sweat Test was just that – a test.

Too bad Mr. Pangilinan didn’t know that Part 2 was the Adidas KOTR 21k the following day.  I ran the 21k while he stayed in bed to rest and recover.  As soon as I crossed the finish line that day, I declared myself the winner of Part 2!

As for Part 3, let’s see who crosses the finish line first at the NYC Marathon!  Care to place any bets?

Thanks to Anthony for keeping me sane during the run.  I couldn’t have thought of a more hilarious and entertaining treadmill running partner for the day.  See you in NYC Marathon and carry that flag for us with pride!  Thanks to Gatorade for giving me the opportunity to undergo this test. You can make me your guinea pig or hamster anytime and I’ll willingly run another long and boring treadmill run just for you.  No sweat! And, no pun intended!

– with Ton of GroupM and Oz of Gatorade –

– with Gatorade and GSSI team. Thanks guys! I know I said it was boring, but it was as fun as we could possible make it! –