Product Review: Sensacare Universal Pack

Thursday, 8 September 2011  |  Gear + Gadgets

Ice is a runner’s best friend.  It’s surely mine, especially after a long run!

Icing an injury can help reduce inflammation or swelling and speed up recovery period. Even without injury, icing a specific body part that’s prone to injury can help prevent problems during training.


  1. Ice, ice, ice immediately after feeling the pain! Best if you do it within 24 to 48 hours.
  2. Elevate the injured area while icing.
  3. Avoid applying ice directly on the skin for a long period of time.
  4. Put ice blocks in a ziplock bag, use a bag of frozen peas (better since they conform to the shape of your body), or use a thin towel between your skin and ice.  (Or try the product I reviewed below. No, I don’t get commissions for this!)
  5. Try ice massage. The only time you should try ice on the skin is when you do an ice massage (freeze water in a paper cup and use the top portion to massage your injured area while holding the cup upside down).
  6. Leave ice on for 15 to 20 minutes only. Take breaks in between and start again if you wish.


This is the way I used to ice my foot or legs or any injured area:



A couple of months ago, I was given a new product to try: SENSACARE, a line of natural herbal hot and cold packs manufactured by a US-based company, Nature Creation.

Sensacare products are great alternatives to ice packs or hot compress especially for us athletes. To use, you can microwave the pack for 1-2 minutes or leave it in the freezer for 1-2 hours. It provides relief for up to 30 minutes.

A bonus: Sensacare products are made with 100% natural herbs and grains which emit a wonderful aroma that promotes relaxation and relieves stress.

The product line includes the following:

Sensacare Relief Sell Sheet_2011_Final
– These Sensacare will be available locally –

– Thermoshoes: P3,499 –


I was given the Universal Pack which I used to wrap around my foot as I struggled with Morton’s Neuroma the past months. Even now that I’ve recovered, I regularly use the pack after long runs or when the foot feels a bit sensitive. This pack can easily wrap around the knees, shins, thighs, and even the upper body should you need it.

– Sensacare Universal Pack: P1,799 –

– Heaven for my foot –

What I liked about Sensacare Universal Pack:

  • Convenient, easy to use, and reusable. Say goodbye to ice or a wet towel dripping all over the place. Just pull Sensacare out of the freezer or heat it up in the microwave and you’re all set for a mess-free, relaxing therapeutic session. Bonus: you can do it all over again the following day.
  • Comfortable. The pack is ergonomically designed to wrap around the body and can be securely fastened with a velcro strap. The material is also velvety soft. I felt like I could sit back and relax without having to worry about the pack slipping or dripping.
  • 100% natural. Sensacare packs contain natural herbs and grains. No artificial ingredients or fragrances.
  • Soothing aroma. The scent emitted from the herbs and grains such as chamomile, lemongrass, peppermint and more definitely makes a huge difference. It makes the entire experience even more relaxing. You can smell the scent even while it’s in the box!
  • Portable. You can leave this in an iced cooler while you’re out running your long runs.  Once done, just wrap it around your foot while having breakfast with friends.  Or, if you often travel (think: marathons abroad), this product is easy to pack and bring along with you. Throw it into the hotel freezer before your run.
  • Reasonably priced. The Universal Pack is P1,799.  Other products’ price ranges from P1,099 to P3,499.

My only concern with the product was that the pack didn’t get as cold as regular ice. Despite that, I felt like it was efficient at providing relief to my foot.

I loved this product. I highly recommend it. It’s a great tool for us runners who really must accept that managing injuries is really part and parcel of running life.


For inquiries, call Salie Guarin

  • Mobile: 09228770218/09278379440
  • Landline: 636-2847

And the Winner of the Nail-less Toe Contest is…

Friday, 2 September 2011  |  Bullish Insights

Thank you to all 83 runners who joined the contest and risked losing their appetites to stare at my toes.

This was, by far, the silliest/ dumbest/ grossest post I’ve ever published so far. But, it did bring some laughter into my day which was sorely needed, especially after my exhausting 10k tempo run last night in the rain.

Before I announce the winner, allow me to reply to some comments:

RIZZA: I’m torn between numbers 1 and 10 because they are both matte. the others are glossy so i assume they have nails. i really analyzed it, huh? haha! okay, i go for number 1. =)

Me: Rizza, you are hilarious…and may I say, a nail conosseiur if there’s such a thing. We should spend a day in the nail spa together painting our nail-less toes.

HASTE: This is the longest time I actually looked at another person’s feet. My answer is toe #8.

Me: This is a bad thing since it was my feet. Sorry for ruining your day, Haste, haha.

JAN: I rarely comment on your blog but this one is an exception. Your toes are indeed ugly. Did running do that? It’s a good thing you’re pretty and we always see you in running shoes. My wife also runs but her toes still look ok. Anyway, I really don’t want to join your gross contest but since you already got me to comment, I choose no. 7.

Me: My feet have been ugly since birth and running just made it slightly worse.  Thank you for the compliment (even if it was uhm backhanded) and thank you for joining my contest (even if you found it gross. No worries. I felt the same).  This was a post done in jest to make light of all matters. Dead toe nails. Stress fractures. Stress at work. We all have our problems but we all need to laugh sometimes too. Try it.

And now for the great reveal…

The question was: Which one was the nail-less toe?

Answer: No. 8

Wow, so many of you were fooled by Number 7 huh? That one is just about to die so you were kinda advanced in your prediction. hah!

As for the rules of the game, winner was to be the 20th correct commenter. Out of 83 comments, can you believe only 9 guessed the right nail-less toe which was…drumroll please…number 8? (Remind me to give the lady who gave me the pedicure extra tip)

So, to stick to the rule, I’ll be awarding the commenter who was closest to the 20 and this would be the last commenter…

Congratulations to CARLOS ALFONSO ARITAO (REVISED 3 PM, 2 SEPT 2011) for guessing the right nail-less toe and winning P1,000 worth of gift certificates from Chris Sports and P1,000 worth of gift certificates from Runnr. I’ll be emailing you regarding claiming of the prize.  (Note: Previously announced winner KRISTIN submitted her comment after the contest period and was thus disqualified)

Guess the Nail-less Toe Contest

Thursday, 1 September 2011  |  Bullish Insights

So I got a pedicure yesterday…and it inspired me to create this post on my toes. (Yes, I know they’re ugly but luckily I don’t really care what most people think.)


Before we begin our contest, I’d like to share some trivia on my toes (It won’t change the world or your life, but it may entertain you for a minute or two):

  1. Gray is a favorite polish color.  Why?  Because I read in a past issue of InStyle that gray is the top selling nail polish color in Boston.  Methinks if I wear this color more often I may have more chances of getting into Boston Marathon in this or the next lifetime.
  2. I never ever used to get my nails colored or even cleaned before I started running.  I think it’s such a waste of time.  But, with my terribly ugly feet and dead toe nails, I think it’s a must if I want to wear flip flops without being ostracized by friends.
  3. Whenever a dead toe nail falls off (and this happens often), I present it to the kids and they squeal in terror.  Then, I chase after them with the toenail all over the bedroom.  (Crazy mommy, I know.)
  4. I got my injury between #3 and #4 toes.  Since then, even if the pain is gone, I can’t even see the veins anymore when I wiggle my toes back and forth.
  5. My bunions are getting bigger.  I worry that I may have to have them fixed soon.  My greatest fear isn’t surgery; it’s the number of days I won’t be able to run.
  6. When I run New York City Marathon, I’ll paint R-U-N-N-Y-C-4-2 on my toe nails.  Cool huh?  Got that idea from Dara Torres.
Thank you for reading through this senseless post.  As a reward, you get the chance to participate in this even sillier Guess the Nail-less Toe Contest.  See below for directions:
  • See photo above.
  • One toe actually has no toenail.  I fooled you there huh?!  I had them paint over the skin instead.
  • Can you guess which toe has no nail? 
  • Submit your answer by commenting below.  Just write the NUMBER of the toe which you think has no nail.
  • Only one answer per reader.  Submission of more than one entry will result in automatic disqualification.
  • Contest will end by 11:59 PM, Sept. 1, 2011
  • The 20th correct commenter will win the prize.
  • Comments will not be published.  Do not follow up.  All comments will appear on Sept. 2, 2011 together with announcement of the winner.

The winner wins: P1,000 worth of Chris Sports Gift Certificates and P1,000 worth of Runnr Gift Certificates.

9th Gabriel Symphony on 3 Sept 2011

Wednesday, 31 August 2011  |  Race Announcements

Backup_of_GSF Poster 2011

Gabriel Symphony stands out as one of the annual races that’s all heart. The atmosphere is filled with generosity, positivism, and unity to make a difference in the lives of children with special needs.

Now on its 9th year, the Gabriel’s Symphony 12Hour Multi-Sport Celebration in Memory of Gabriel raises funds for children with cleft lip and palate and those who are visually and hearing-impaired. They also help indigent children develop their potential, such as the children of Daang Hari and Marillac Hills, some of whom have shown potential as runners and athletes. Click HERE to read more about their advocacies.

For this year, the event will be held on Saturday, September 3 2011 at the Alabang Country Club. Activities include:

  1. One Hour Swim-a-thon
  2. One Hour Run-a-thon
  3. Two Hour Bike-a-thon
  4. Triathlon for Adults
  5. SuperTriKids Triathlon
  6. Mile Run Races: Buddy Run and Walk Your Dog

They will also have demonstration games by the Younghusband Football Academy and an Adventure Race for Daang Hari and Marillac Hills children.

Athletes are also invited to donate old shoes and singlets through the booth and to bring old denims, old magazines and children’s books for the Recycling Depot Project.

To register:

  • Click HERE to visit the race website
  • Email

Rain and Earth Run

Wednesday, 31 August 2011  |  Race Reports

[27 Aug 2011, Saturday | 4 am]

I woke up to hear the wind howling and the rain hitting our rooftop. While bad weather never stopped our run group from doing our long runs, this Saturday was different. Most, if not all of us, had been sick, were sick, or were going to get sick if we ran under the rain. 21k LSD? Pffttt…cancelled. I hopped back into bed after eating my pre-LSD breakfast. Oh yes, I needed those 300 calories for the intense sleep workout.

[Saturday | 8 am to 4 pm]

My thought every hour or so: Crap, I never miss long runs due to rain. Never.

[Saturday | 5 pm]

I knew I was being bullheaded about this, but hey that’s me! I was hell-bent on running come hell or high water. So, like a soldier preparing for war, I put on my rain gear to keep me from getting sick: Nike rain jacket (last time used: Nike Hood to Coast in Oregon), old pair of KSwiss Kwicky Blade Lights with old Spenco insoles, ipod shuffle wrapped in plastic, and emergency money wrapped in plastic. Then, I set off for war…or more like a great running adventure.

I ran almost 10km alone from 5:30 to 6:30 PM. My pace for the first 4k was 5:20/km. The speed was gratifying. I felt like the past two weeks of training had worked its magic as I didn’t have to work as hard to hit my tempo pace. Then the hills came, then I lost my way, then the rain got so strong I seriously started to doubt my sanity. I slowed down to breathe, let go of all worries, and enjoyed the run with Mother Nature as my highly excitable running buddy.

[28 Aug 2011, Sunday | 4 am]

Once again, I woke up to hear the heavy downpour outside but, as I learned the day before, skipping runs for flimsy reasons (like, uhm, my health) was not very good for my psyche. So, I got up and ready for Earth Run. I was set to do a 5k (since I thought I was running long the day before) and the awarding of finishers for the program.

As I waited in the assembly area with Rico, a TBR Dream finisher who’s training for NYCM as well, I was still figuring out what distance I was gonna run. And, even when the gun was fired, I still had absolutely no clue!

Miraculously, the weather cleared just in time for the race. It was a cloudy day, just perfect for a run. I ran alongside the 21k runners in full speed but wondering all along what the hell I was doing there. I knew I couldn’t cover this distance unless I wanted race organizers to kill me for not showing up for the awarding. So, I just ran, and ran, and ran.

When the 21k runners hit Buendia, I went off course and headed back for the race start. I pulled out my race bib and officially pulled out of the race. I created my own course instead and tried to cover as much distance as I could. I ran for 1 hour and 3 minutes to cover over 11km. My pace was 5:47/km.

– Runners posing for the cam after the race –

– with Joel Andrada of Cherifer Premium, a co-presenter of Earth Run, along with 2nd Avenue –

– Met Babu and her dog who ran 10k (not in pic but she’s by our feet). Photo courtesy of Albert Imperial –

– Cherifer Premium girls. I am so tempted to give them shorts, pull their hair up in pony tails, and get them to start running 3k –