Part 2: Thank You!

Tuesday, 22 March 2011  |  Bullish Insights

TBR Dream Marathon wasn’t just like any other marathon; it was a celebration of the human spirit.  Our 311 runners triumphed over cramps, pain, soreness, fears, anxieties, doubts and apprehensions as they took each step of their 42km journey.  While the race ended when they crossed the finish line, their achievement that day gave them lessons they’ll carry throughout their lives.

It was a race where everyone—organizers, volunteers, Dream Chasers, sponsors, suppliers, family, friends, and spectators—set their own needs aside to make this one day the most positive and memorable experience that a future marathoner would forever hold dear.

I would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone who helped make TBR Dream Marathon come true for our runners.  I still get goosebumps thinking about how everything turned out better than expected.  We are blessed!

(1) Thank you to COACH JIM LAFFERTY. If it weren’t for that one day that we sat in your house throwing ideas around, TBR Dream would never have been born.  Thank you for flying into Manila just for this race, for developing our TBR DM Training Program and answering each and every question emailed by our runners, and for the knowledge that you generously share.  Thank you for giving me the confidence and strength to push myself further while reminding me to care for myself too.  I will never forget riding that motorcycle through the race course with you, Jim!


(2) Thank you to TBR Dream Team.  Neville, I know I nitpick, and I get anxious, and I freak out when things aren’t perfect.  But, you always deliver perfectly with your calm and relaxed demeanor.  Jun, you were there for Bull Sessions and Bull Circles and race day even if it meant no sleep, injury, or having to deal with my constant teasing about your being old.  (Oops, did I do it again?!) Lit, you led the Bull Sessions so well that you properly guided our runners into embracing the run-walk method while inspiring them to train through these months with your sincere passion for running and teaching.  Rayms, thanks for your legal counsel again. Thank you guys!


(3) Thank you, Miguel. Thank you for giving me the wings to grow so that I could do the same for others.  Thank you for allowing me to reach for my own dreams.


(4) Thank you to NUVALI our Partner. TBR Dream Marathon found the perfect setting in the vast open space of NUVALI.  And, we were fortunate enough to work with its awesome team led by Jun Bisnar.  To NUVALI, your team was efficient, supportive, and wonderful to work with. You went the extra mile to provide our runners with the best race possible. I hope you know how many lives we’ve changed together.


(5) Thank you to Creative Juice. I loved working with CJ for logistics, especially since it was led by my sister and brother in law.  Thanks to Micky who managed our race superbly.  Looking forward to more exciting projects with you.


(6) Thank you to our sponsors. Our co-presenters: New Balance, and Cherifer Premium.  Thank you for the all out support and presence during the race. Thank you to our major sponsors: Runrio, Secondwind, Gatorade, Photovendo. Our Minor Sponsors: Timex, ROX, Nathan, P&G, Omron, Thermos, Hammer Nutrition, Robinsons Supermarket, Forward Lean Running, Nutribar, Milo 3-in-1, Chris Sports, Starbucks, Kinesio Tex, Cadbury Zip, Health Food, Tiger Biscuits.  Our Hotel Partners: El Cielito, Paseo Premiere.  Our Media Partners: Men’s Health, Women’s Health, and Runner’s World.

– with Coach Rio of Runrio. Coach Rio provided his D-Tag system for the race and other race essentials. He provided more support than I could ask for.  Until the end of the race, he was there to hug and congratulate runners at the finish  –

– with Ron, Pacer Lara Parpan of Women’s Health our media partner, TBR DM runner Ton Gatmaitan of GroupM for Gatorade, and new marathon mommy Jaimie –

(7) Thank you to our Dream Chasers and Pacers. I think it was just as tough to run the 42km as it was for our Dream Chasers and Pacers to support our runners.  For over 8 hours, they ran back and forth to escort runners, cheered their lungs out, spent their own funds for food, hydration, and even their own masahistas in tents, and last but not the least, thought less about themselves that day and more for those who were running the race.  This was and always will be the essence of TBR Dream Marathon!  I salute you and I’m inspired by you. You guys rocked!  Thank you!

– The Tiongco Ermac Family of Dream Chasers escorts their runner into the finish –


– Dream Chasers show no signs of tiring cheering for the runners at their stations along the course –

– TBR DM Alumni Batch 2010 Mai and Bic. Both were out there at the start of the race at 2AM until our last runner crossed the finish at 11:30AM. Bic escorted both the first finisher (sub 4) and the very last (9 hrs 30+ mins) –

(8) Thank you to families and friends. Running a marathon has more to do with life than running.  And, when one finishes his/her first marathon, you only wish that your loved ones are there to celebrate the momentous occasion with.  To family and friends who woke up in the wee hours of the morning, waited (and worried) for their runners, created banners and flags for their runners, brought cakes and flowers and gifts to congratulate their runners, I would like to thank you for seeing the importance of this event in your loved one’s lives and contributing to the success of the race.

– Tonyo with his 4 boys. Wife Maita ran TBR DM too –

– Let receives a bunch of roses from her hubby and a card from her kiddos –

(9) Thank you to everyone. I may not be able to thank every single person who contributed to TBR Dream, but please know that I am grateful for the blood, sweat, and tears that went into this event. This was a success only because of the community’s effort behind it. Each one of you helped runners dream big, run strong, and achieve the impossible in their lives.

Part 3: More Photos

TBR Dream Marathon 2011 Results

Monday, 21 March 2011  |  Race Announcements

To download official results of The Bull Runner Dream Marathon 2011 provided by Runrio, please click TBRDM2011 Results rev03 UPDATED: March 24, 5PM

Race: The Bull Runner Dream Marathon 2011
Venue: NUVALI, Sta. Rosa Laguna
Distance: 42km
Date: March 20, 2011

Part 1: Dreams Can Come True!

Monday, 21 March 2011  |  Bullish Insights

Congratulations to our new marathoners: The Bull Runner Dream Marathon Batch 2011! 311 marathon dreams were fulfilled and conquered on March 20, 2011 at NUVALI…and we know that hundreds of other lives will be changed.

For now, I shall leave you with images of the race that was blessed with everything we could ever ask for: a super moon that shed extra light on the road, a safe and accident-free event, perfectly cool and cloudy morning weather with just a brief shower, the most selfless Dream Chasers and pacers we could ever work with, supportive sponsors that went the extra mile, an efficient and fast-moving team of organizers, and last but not the least, a batch of first- and second-time marathoners who dreamed big and ran strong.

NEXT: Part 2: More Photos

To our TBR Dream Marathoners: Each one of you have your own stories to tell about your own journey towards your 42km.  By sharing your story, you inspire others to dream big and achieve the impossible in their own lives.  Now, it is your turn to pay it forward.  If you wish to share your own marathon story, feel free to email thebullrunner(at)  Place in the subject line: TBRDM 2011 STORY.  Selected stories will be featured in this blog.  Congratulations again!  You are now a marathoner!

– Christine Jacob-Sandejas –


– Sweet victory –




– My dearest friend Banggi is now a marathoner! –


– Couple runs to the finish with their daughter –

– Champion weight lifter Ruby Gan supported by Dream Chaser Peter Ros (my trainer) and Mitch Felipe-Mendoza, head of our TBR DM Weight Management Program and writer for TBR Magazine –



– The last meters to the finish –


More photos to follow…

TBR DM Announcements

Friday, 18 March 2011  |  Race Announcements

2 Days to Go to our TBR Dream Marathon at NUVALI!

Do you want the good or the bad news first? Let’s go with the bad because it’s much shorter than all the good…


We regret to inform you that HAMMER GELS will not be available during the race. Unfortunately, Hammer’s shipment of stocks was delayed and all parties were only informed this noon.  Apologies for the mishap.

The good news is that, when the stocks arrive, you will still receive the 3 Hammer Gels that we promised. We will be providing another brand of gel at Key Stations. Limited supply only.


We’re highlighting below what you can expect from TBR Dream Marathon this Sunday:

  1. Kinesio Taping. Certified Kinesio tapers will be available at the start and during the race to apply Kinesio Tex on runners.
  2. Entertainment. After 21km, we’ll have a band playing at Solenad to keep you energized throughout each kilometer. We’ll also have a mobile playing at the major turnaround.
  3. Hydration Stations. We’ll have water stations every 1.5-2 km. Gatorade stations every 1.5-2 km too.
  4. Aid stations won’t just have band aid. We’ll have Aid Stations at every 3-4km (beside Hydration Stations) which will provide the following: Basic first aid kit, Petroleum jelly, Tiger Tail Foam Rollers sponsored by Chris Sports to loosen up tight muscles, and Bodivance for increase blood flow to be applied by Bodivance therapists in selected Aid Stations
  5. Key Stations. There will be Key Stations along the route which will provide the following: Bananas, Cadbury Zip chocolates, Sponges and Ice
  6. Dream Chasers. We have Dream Chasers—volunteer runners to support and encourage you along the route. We will have 3 stations with 10-14 runners in each tent. This year, Dream Chasers will be decorating their own tents to make it fun, unique, and special for all of you. One tent will photograph runners and upload the images real time unto Facebook!  Click HERE to be a member of the newly created Facebook Page.
  7. Dream Mobile. Families and friends can hop on a van that will take them around the course and cheer for you!
  8. Flags and Poster-making. We’ve got art materials ready for your families and friends, especially the kiddos, to create flags and banners especially for you.
  9. Free Starbucks for all. Starbucks VIA™ ready brew coffee will be served for free. You can also get free samples sticks of VIA™.  Both for spectators and runners.
  10. Free post-race massage. Omron will provide massage therapists after the race to soothe sore and tired muscles.
  11. Loot, loot and more loot. Each finisher will receive a loot bag loaded with food, mineral water, P&G, Gatorade, and Milo 3-in-1, Nutribar products, and other items.
  12. Cold towel and Gatorade. Once you cross the finish line, a matador (no Bull!) will provide you with a cold towel and chilled Gatorade to cool you down.
  13. Free Photovendo Pics. Photovendo will shoot photos of you during the race.  They will also have a booth where you can show off your medals and ham it up with friends and family.  All photos will be available for download for free after the race.
  14. Free showers. Don’t go home sticky and sweaty.  There will be showers available if you want to freshen up before your drive home.
  15. Finisher’s Shirt. You will receive a high-quality New Balance branded Finisher’s Shirt.
  16. Finisher’s Medal. Get your hands on the first unique and colored TBR Dream Marathon medal. Now where have you seen a medal like that locally?  And last but not the least…
  17. Positive atmosphere and vibe. You’ll be surrounded by happiness, good cheer, and support from everyone around you.  We are all here to support our runners whether you come in first or last, you run fast or slow, or you are looking exhausted at 35km or smiling all the way until the end.  At TBR Dream, everyone who crosses the finish line is a winner.

Thank you once again to our generous sponsors.  Our partner: NUVALI. Our Co-Presenters: New Balance and Cherifer Premium.  Our Major Sponsors: Secondwind, Gatorade, Runrio, Photovendo. Our Minor Sponsors: Timex, ROX, Nathan, P&G, Omron, Thermos, Hammer Nutrition, Robinsons Supermarket, Forward Lean Running, Nutribar, Milo 3-in-1, Chris Sports, Starbucks, Kinesio Tex, Cadbury Zip, Health Food, Tiger Biscuits.  Our Hotel Partners: El Cielito, Paseo Premiere.  Our Media Partners: Men’s Health, Women’s Health, and Runner’s World. Our Logistic Partner: Creative Juice.

Brooks Run Happy on 22 May

Thursday, 17 March 2011  |  Race Announcements

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