Once Upon a Time

Monday, 13 September 2010  |  Bullish Insights, Favorite Posts

Once upon a time, there was a young sedentary mother who completely fell in love with running. It allowed her access to worlds she never thought existed and gave her the ability to attain the once unimaginable. It changed her life so much that she wanted others to learn about it too.

So, she wrote…and she wrote…and she wrote.

And, family and friends were moved by her words.  Then, friends of friends were interested.  And, soon, strangers both near and distant were inspired, or even changed.

And, she was happy.

But, as time passed, somewhere along the journey, she lost her way. The tales she once shared about her adventures and experiences slowly diminished. Her words, sharing her raw and sincere emotions about the sport she loved, dwindled.  These were replaced by matter-of-fact articles on gear and gadgets and information on events and conferences. It was quite ironic that her words were lost in the whirlwind of opportunities that running offered her.

What once was a labor of love for her started to feel like labor alone.  And, she was no longer happy with writing. She felt bored, forced, and uninterested.  Worst of all, she was tired.  And, it showed in her work.

Her love for running, however, never faltered nor faded.  She continued to run, covering the roads on her own as she always wished.  After all, she never ran to be with others or to socialize, to gain acceptance or be admired, just as she never wrote to be popular or to collect freebies.  She started running because she loved the freedom it gave her to be herself.  And, she sorely wished she could be herself again in her writing.


Today, she returns to the blog with a new sense of direction.  As her running has never been this strong so is her determination to bring back the old and the good.  As she is more passionate about running than when she began four years ago, so will she give the same vigor and focus to her writing. Products, reviews, and race info will be present because they are and always will be a part of running.  But, heartfelt stories will prevail because these are wings for her feet on the road, just as they are for others.  It was never about what or who, it was always about the why.

Inspiration had to come from a well-meaning friend who provided advice so simple yet so significant only a few hours ago.  He said:


And, with that, the old Bull Runner was brought back to life.  With a new desire to write.  With more stories to be told, just the way they were shared not too long ago.

* thanks Raymund!

Fort Striders Run and a Little Bit More

Monday, 13 September 2010  |  Race Reports


DETAILS: Sept. 12, 2010, Bonifacio High Street


– nice route
– simple but attractive singlet
– enough marshals
– directional signs and kilometer markers
– loot bag with bananas, Pocari Sweat, plus free Goody ponytail holders (I like!)

– started late
– sudden gun start for 5k/ 10k
– could’ve had more water stations

An annual event by one of the more popular running clubs, Fort Striders, I expected not much fanfare, but a well-organized race much like the past couple of races they staged in previous years. The Fort Striders Run was once again clean and simple with an enjoyable course and enough marshals along the route although there could’ve been more water and sports drink stations lining the course. The only negative about this race? The late and confusing start for 5k/ 10k runners. All else was fine and dandy.



Life has been moving at breakneck speed with more work, heavier training, and a slew of events to attend. Don’t forget the kiddos who always demand the most time from me—and are always top priority.

Due to the chaotic schedule, I didn’t have any plans of joining a race for the weekend. After all, I had work on both Saturday and Sunday mornings. I wasn’t crazy enough to squeeze in a race to make life more complicated! I did know that I would have to cover the 22km long run required by my NYC Training Program.


Hubby, Lit, JunC, Mariel and I met at 4:30 am to run long on Saturday morning. I advised them that I had to leave by 6:30 am. Either we start early, run fast, or both, I thought.

Time flew quickly during this run. It was definitely due to great conversation.

Since I had to rush off to a meeting, hubby and I could only run until 6:30 a.m. We ran the last 10 minutes as quick as we could. Good thing Lit switched to Chi-running-instructor mode during the last 3 minutes. He asked me to lean more, let gravity pull me, loosen my shoulders and my ankles and off I went at 4:30/km during the last few hundred meters. When we slowed to a stop, the absence of the usual panting and exhaustion that comes from sprinting was noticeable. I could speak straight and I didn’t feel too tired. Aaack, it was awesome. It made me an even bigger believer of Chi running.

Despite the sprint though, I covered only 18k, 3k short of my target. I knew I had to make up for it the next day. So, we signed in for the FS Run the following day.  Apparently, I am crazy.


I woke up to realize that I would be running alone that morning. Hubby wasn’t feeling well. By 4:30 a.m., I was parked at Bonifacio High Street ready to run a few rounds before the race started.

Wait a minute. When was the race going to start anyway? A friend said 5 to 5:30 a.m. But, another one said it was 5:45. Later on, they said it was moved to 6:15. Unbelievable. I had to be in Ultra by 7 a.m. That meant I had to run a 10k in 15 minutes. Duh.

By the time the race started, I was getting anxious about how late I was going to be. I didn’t get to enjoy much of the race as the only thing on my mind was: Let’s get this over and done with.

It felt like a tempo run to me. I ran fast, but didn’t give it my all. I particularly loved the uphills, which have just been my favorite kind of training the past few weeks. I practically crave for them each week.

According to my Garmin, I crossed the finish at 53:12 for an exact 10k distance. Average pace was 5:17/km.

I then rushed over to change, buy a Starbucks tuna pandesal for takeout, pulled out my low fat chocolate milk from the cooler (truly works for muscle recovery!), and drove to Ultra for a shoot I was 30 minutes late for. My average pace was probably 4:30/km doing all that.

What a hectic weekend! I am so relieved it’s over.

Shoe Review: Vibram Five Fingers

Monday, 13 September 2010  |  Gear + Gadgets

God knows how long I was pining for these shoes. Oh, most of you know too because of this old post: My Birthday Wishlist last May 2009.

Good things come to those who wait. Last month, local distributors of Vibram, Barefootwear Inc., gave me a pair for road testing.

– Bikila for Men (left) and Women (right). I got the pink one –


Vibram is an Italian brand which is behind the soles of brands such as Prada, Ferragamo, Nike, and Merrel. Three years ago, they decided to make their own footwear called FIVEFINGERS. Last 2007, Vibram Five Fingers was awarded as one of Time Magazine’s best inventions of the year.

Last May, Barefootwear Inc. opened the ONLY stand alone Vibram Kiosk anywhere else in the world at Powerplant Mall in Rockwell. (Let’s go Pinoy!)

– with Cherry of Barefootwear Inc –

Vibram Five Fingers is designed to mimic the feeling of walking or running barefoot making us walk or run in the most natural way – the correct way for that matter which is with the forefoot / mid foot first. They are designed to improve and enhance the natural capabilities of our feet and legs..turning our body into the TECHNOLOGY and not depending on other rubber shoes for the technology.


According to Barefootwear Inc., here’s why you should run barefoot:

  1. Stronger muscles in the legs and feet – since FiveFIngers mimics the sensation of being barefoot, wearing it allows you to exercise, stretch, relax and strengthen muscles you normally don’t get to use when wearing rubber shoes or leathers shoes
  2. Corrects the way you run – makes you land on the balls of your feet / mid-foot – as compared to wearing regular shoes which give us the tendency to land on your heels first. Landing on the heels of your feet releases more pressure/shock to your legs/knees and slows us down.
  3. Allows your feet to rest and relax – perfect for post-race/post-activity since it can relax and stretch your feet after running or being enclosed inside a shoe. It’s like giving your feet a vacation.


Carlos and Cherry of Barefootwear Inc. showed me the various models.

– VFF models for runners: Speed (P5,540) and Bikila (P5,750) –

Vibrams have five different styles to choose from with SPEED and BIKILA (named after barefoot runner and Olympic gold medalist Abebe Bikila) as top picks for runners.

  1. SPEED P5,540 – designed specifically for a more natural walking experience. Built on an entirely new platform, the Speed features a Dri-lex® covered 3mm polyurethane insole (thickest under the ball) and a 3 mm anatomical pod outsole design, that offers more plating protection and distributes forefoot impact without compromising important ground feedback, essential to a proper forefoot strike running form. A more athletic padded collar and topline, a lace closure and Mesh upper for improved ventilation.
  2. BIKILA P5,750 – encourages a more natural, healthier, and more efficient forefoot strike. While many have been running in their Vibram FiveFingers for years, the Bikila is the first model designed specifically for near barefoot running. Also features the same insole and outsole technology like the Speed.

Other models:

  1. CLASSIC P3,950 – for Fitness Training, Cross Fit, Travel, & After Sport
  2. SPRINT P4,450 – for Running, Fitness Training, Cross Fit, Yoga & Pilates, Water Sports, Flats Fishing & Travel
  3. KSO P4,950 – for Running, Fitness Training, Cross Fit, Light Trekking, Bouldering, Water Sports & Travel

I was pleased to know that Vibrams have undergone some improvements from the first time I fitted a pair in Singapore last December 2009. Soles are now thicker and provide more protection for the feet. This was definitely a welcome change as I had hesitated about purchasing a pair before.

– Helpful staff measure your feet and teach you how to slip your feet into VFFs the proper way –

Don’t let the tiny selling area fool you. The store, no matter how small, allows you to test the shoes on various kinds of running surfaces: grass, rocky, or concrete. If you’re not satisfied, they allow you to walk or run towards the end of the mall. Just make sure you head on back!

I chose the bright pink model which was released only before the last Boston Marathon.


First time I wore my Vibrams was at the Mommy Milkshake Marathon. Admittedly, I was a bit apprehensive and conscious about wearing them. It attracts a lot of attention, not just from curious adults, but also from kids who, for some reason, find it utterly cool. More than that, I was concerned about running an easy 3k on the pavement of Bonifacio High Street. I threw caution to the wind and hoped for the best.

As it started to rain during the race, I literally got my feet wet but I was thrilled. I initially thought I would be extra careful where or how my feet landed, that I would be conscious of my form, or worse, I would encounter pain. But, there was none of that. It was so comfortable and natural that I was able to focus on the race (and my daughter), not the shoe.

– At Mommy Milkshake Marathon wearing my Bikilas for the first time –

I wore it again when hubby and I took the kids biking and running in Filinvest. It was nice to know my first experience wasn’t a fluke. Again, I felt comfortable in my Vibrams.

When I removed the Vibrams and walked around the house barefoot, I seriously felt like my feet were more attuned, if you will, to the ground. I felt a more pronounced arch, as if it had been sitting on an arch support for hours. Great to know it wasn’t just my legs that got a good workout, but those tiny muscles in the feet too!



  • very functional – if you wanna go barefoot, this is one safe way to do it without worrying about injury from elements on the ground.
  • ample protection of the sole and toes
  • comfortable and snug fit
  • attractive design
  • washable – throw it in the washing machine for easy washing


  • stinky and sweaty feet – My friend Alvin warned me about this and he was right. Once you start sweating, you feel your feet doing the same inside the shoe. Perhaps one should try wearing ininji socks in them?
  • price – costs almost the same as most running shoes

For the serious runner who wants to practice barefoot running safely, I highly recommend the Vibrams. It’s a well-made, high-quality barefoot running shoe that protects your feet from harmful elements while still allowing you to feel the road.

I plan to use my Vibrams once a week in easy runs below 5k. Admittedly, I am not ready to run above 10k in them. The jury is still out regarding the real benefits of barefoot running. I also don’t know if it’s recommended for a flat-footed runner like me. But, I can attest that the Vibrams truly exercised my feet, which I would like to believe will strengthen them in the long run. If this is true, then I should have super strong feet come New York City Marathon and all my future marathons. Vibrams, that I will have to thank you for.

Vibram is at Level R1 Bridgeway Kiosk, Powerplant Mall

Website: www.barefootwearinc.com

Related articles:


TBR Dream Marathon Update

Thursday, 9 September 2010  |  News + Promos

To all future marathoners out there, hang on to your seats. Registration for TBR DREAM MARATHON will be coming soon! (I’ve gotten a few texts and emails from antsy and eager runners about how it’s taking so long! Relax, guys and girls.)

A few important changes—I would call them improvements—for the race:


Yes, we have decided to move race date to Sunday, March 20, 2011 from previously announced March 6 to accommodate supporters or cheerers of runners in another event, Bataan Death March.  We realize that, while their will be no conflict with the interested participants, the supporters would’ve been torn between both races and, at the end of the day, runners of both races would lose out on much needed cheering and support from their friends. This early we decided to move our race day.


In the 1st TBR Dream, we provided 16 weeks of training. This time, we’re giving our participants 22 full weeks to prepare for the race.  Training will start October 18, 2010.

I had a good, long meeting with our race director and coach, Jim Lafferty, yesterday and he said that the new program is even more friendly for beginners. The first 2 weeks will include walking to start you off slowly.

That’s about it. Apologies for the lack of posts as I’ve been quite busy juggling tons of work with heavy training for NYC.  It’s a crazy life, but I’m enjoying every minute.

New Balance Power Run Moved to 20 Feb 2011

Friday, 3 September 2010  |  Race Announcements

A letter from Anton Gonzales of Planet Sports:

Greetings from your family at New Balance. We were intending to stage our Power Run on November 7 but have decided to move the date to 20 February 2011. This is to pave the way for the exciting introductions of our 2011 footwear and apparel line as we aim to relate the dates of our product releases with our big runs on a regional basis. We will be present as sponsor in some of the big races in the next few months. Thank you.

Run Happy,

Anton Gonzalez
Planet Sports Inc.