Thank You!

Monday, 24 May 2010  |  Race Reports

There are a million stories to share from TBR Dream Marathon last Saturday. But, I’ll save that for the rest of the week.






What comes first is a million thanks to everyone who shared in this dream and made it a reality.  My heart is bursting with gratitude to the outpouring of support not just for myself but for all the 300 runners who committed to running their first marathon.  Thank you so much to the following:

TBR DREAM MARATHONERS: To the TBR Dream Marathoners who trusted us with their first marathon, thank you!  We appreciate your patience, dedication, generosity and support.  We did this together!  Congratulations!  As we always say “You’ll never forget your first.”  It was our first too and it will be unforgettable.





JIM LAFFERTY: One fateful day in Ayala Alabang, I told Jim about my dream to inspire and motivate runners to run their first marathon, he replied “Create your own TBR race.” He gave me the confidence and guidance to see it through.  He expected more from me than I ever thought possible.  For that, I will forever be grateful.


NEVILLE MANAOIS: My vision was a race that had heart and soul. I wanted a marathon that treated runners not as numbers on a race bib, but as individuals who dreamed for something bigger than themselves.  The first (and only) person that came to mind was Neville. He took care of me in the last 10km of my first marathon and my only request to him was that he cared for all TBR Dream Marathoners the same way.

EDWARD KHO: We’ve only known each other for less than a year, but Edward dropped everything to help TBR Dream without expecting anything in return.  He said that when he spent time with the marathoners, he didn’t feel tired at all.

RAYMUND MARTELINO: It couldn’t be a race that was all heart, so Raymund was the rational and objective side of TBR Dream when it came to matters of business.  During the race, he took on a dual role as legal counsel and race volunteer.

CREATIVE JUICE: CJ, led by my sis, Janice, and bro-in-law, Gary, expertly managed our logistical concerns for the race and sponsors. By doing that, we were able to focus on the runners. The entire staff worked long hours for us with a smile.


NUVALI: NUVALI came into the picture as a venue sponsor, but as the months went by, NUVALI was more like a partner in TBR Dream providing all out support and assistance not just on race day, but also in Bull Session clinics.  Thank you to NUVALI GM and TBR Dream Marathoner, Jun Bisnar, and the rest of the NUVALI team.


DREAM CHASERS: Sure we planned for a lot of perks: face towels, food, drinks, and a medal to greet you at the finish.  But, the one thing that stood out in this race which we are proud of, is that it wasn’t about TBR; it was about the running community coming together to help the TBR Dream Marathoners achieve their dream.  I heard stories of selfless Dream Chasers who stood under the sun, running with one participant after another, leading them towards the finish.  Hats off to each one of our Dream Chasers!




VOLUNTEERS: It wasn’t easy to spend 10 long hours handing out drinks to the runners, but our hydration station marshals did this and more.

MY DEAREST FRIENDS: You are too many to name, but I thanked each one of you personally.  Thank you for believing in this dream and providing your support.  You didn’t just help me, but you helped to change the lives of hundreds of individuals.





RUNNERS’ FRIENDS AND FAMILY: To the family, friends, and supporters of each runner, you were as much a part of this momentous occasion as the participants themselves.  By your presence, you showed your runner how important they are in your lives.






THE HUBBY: He listened to all my bullish plans and crazy dreams and never told me it was impossible.  He celebrated with me during my tiny triumphs during race planning and put up with me when I was tired, sick, or stressed. For all that and more, thank you! Mwah!


CO-PRESENTERS: Nike Park, Oakley, and HSBC.  The TBR Dream Marathon was conceptualized to be the best and most ideal first marathon for runners.  We wanted to work with top-notch brands who were known to give the best in their respective categories.  To Nike Park, Oakley, and HSBC, thank you!


MAJOR SPONSORS: Secondwind Running Store, Nature Valley, Cecon, Gatorade, Phiten, P&G, Finish Line, Photovendo, and NUVALI

REGULAR SPONSORS: Hammer Nutrition, Timex, Dole, Alaxan FR, Hersheys, ROX, Res Toe Run, Chris Sports, Tang Fruit Teaz, Tiger, Krispy Kreme, Starbucks, Hidden Spring, and Jack N’ Jill Nova

MEDIA PARTNERS: Men’s Health, Multisport, RunTV, Run Radio


* Some photos courtesy of Raymund Martelino and Junrox Roque.

TBR Dream Marathon Photos

Monday, 24 May 2010  |  Race Announcements

Congratulations once again to TBR Dream Marathoners!

Click below to download your race photos courtesy of PHOTOVENDO:

The Bull Runner Dream Marathon | Photovendo images

Official results from Finishline will be posted later in the day.  Thank you for your patience!

The Day Before The Dream

Friday, 21 May 2010  |  Bullish Insights

There are a lot of wonderful things that have been happening since we launched TBR Dream Marathon. I’ve been caught in the whirlwind of activities that comes with organizing a race especially for today’s set up, but, at the same time, when I fall witness to the magical events that take place, time slows down and I stand in awe, amazed at how lives can be changed by the prospect of 42km.

I’ve met our TBR Dream Marathoners and I’ve heard more than a handful of running stories, how running changed their lives, or how they will use running to change others’ lives:

Mai Lim, Mayen Moraleda, Bic Ferreria, Thea Torres, Bob Antonio, Riki Quiroz with Hector Yuzon – This group of TBR Dream Marathoners are inseparable. With their camaraderie, one would thing they’ve been friends for years. Truth be told, most of them met only when Hector Yuzon, through his store Second Wind, gathered this bunch together and trained them for their first marathon at TBR Dream. One of them told me the journey itself has been life changing.


Hubby and Lit – We only met Lit for our Chi Running session last year. But, as he and hubby signed up for their first marathon at TBR Dream, they started training together. Now, the two of them text each other more often than hubby and I probably do (but I’m not a jealous wife so that’s fine!) and they’ve made plans of running international marathons together next year.


– Hubby, Lit, and Jun Bisnar –

Mikko Barranda, JV Ong, Marty Austria, Carlo Coronel, Jeff Adriatico and Louis Banzon – created a group called Time For Change (TFC) while training for TBR Dream. Through pledges, they hope to raise funds for Tahanang Walang Hangdanan Inc. to purchase 2 computer printers, as well as household items for 120 families. Email mikko_barranda(at) if you wish to help.

– Mikko Barranda –

Michelline Suarez – used TBR Dream Marathon to raise funds for cleft palate operations for needy children. Specifically, Gabriel’s Symphony Foundation. “I was born a cleft palate and consider myself extremely fortunate that my parents could afford surgery for me.” I heard from Mailet Bonoan of Gabriel’s Symphony that Michelline has raised P100,000.


– Michelline Suarez –

To all TBR Dream Marathoners, dream big and run strong. See you tomorrow!

Dream Big. Run Strong.

Thursday, 20 May 2010  |  Bullish Insights

This video was made by JV Ong, a TBR Dream Marathon participant. One day to go!

Thank you JV for the video. I hope you don’t mind my publishing 🙂

Forget the Numbers

Thursday, 20 May 2010  |  Bullish Insights

People just love numbers.  Most especially some runners.

We all count how many kilometers we’ve run.  What pace we’re going at.  How long we’ve been using a pair of shoes.  This is all good since logging all these information can help you improve your performance.

I must confess: I too am time conscious and pace conscious, especially during races.  But, I think one shouldn’t be focused on numbers and data entirely.

I’ve made it a habit to run regularly without a watch or an ipod.  To enjoy the run for the run itself.  Nothing else.

This is all also what we’ve been talking about in TBR Dream Marathon.  Forget the numbers.  When it comes to your first marathon, just focus on finishing the 42 kilometers.  Enjoy the journey.  In TBR Dream Marathon, everyone who crosses the finish line is a winner.

When it comes to blogging, I have the same philosophy.  I write with no concern for the rankings.  Do I check my blog ranking regularly?  Not at all.  I’m no techy, even if I’m a blogger.  Do I care about search engine optimization and all?  For a month or two, then I got tired.  Do I write about specific items just to get amazing hits?  Never.  (Tip for bloggers: If you want to get high ratings, just write about running shoes and you’ll rise up the ranks.  I write about shoes only when I feel strongly about a shoe or I’m reviewing one).

I’m more of a runner who just talks and writes about running.  Heck, I practically live and breathe it.

I used to be a part of topblogs, but I quit it when I noticed it was turning into another race to be a top Pinoy running blogger.  I only heard about it twice, once through and recently through Women’s Health May 2010 issue where they featured running blogs.  According to Women’s Health May 2010 from, these are the rankings for top running blogs in May (although I seriously think that my friend Jinoe’s site is more of a forum):

Runrio – 2,597
Running Ninja – 8,570
Bald Runner – 9,592
TBR – 11,546

So, I got curious and checked my ranking just for the 2nd time in my life…

Runrio  –  7,492
TBR – 15,306
Running Ninja – 15,850
Bald Runner – 19,837

Aaaah, notice the huge changes in rankings?  Why would you spend so much time checking this if it changes every single day?  It’s such drudgery. I promise you I will never look at rankings again. I would rather be out there on the road running.