Nike Hood to Coast Relay

Sunday, 2 August 2009  |  Race Announcements

Two months ago, I got a call from Tony Atayde of Nike asking me what my plans were for August.  Scratching my head, I answered “Uh, no plans for now…” And, excitedly he interrupts me to talk about the Nike Hood to Coast Relay, the largest relay in the world with 1,000 teams of 12 runners each running from the ski lodge at the 6,000-ft level of Mt. Hood down to the Pacific Ocean at the town of seaside where a beach party awaits the runners.  The race is held in Oregon, USA annually where Nike’s headquarters is located.  This year, it will be on August 28 to 29.

I wondered why Tony was telling me all this until he paused and said “We would like to invite you to join.  Will you be available?” I smiled and answered “Tony, even if I were busy, I would clear my sched just for the trip!”


– Nike Hood to Coast website –

And so began my training and preparations for one of the biggest adventures of my life.  

I “met” my other Southeast Asian team mates online by way of email where we were all asked to confirm our participation, enter our 10km race times, submit our sizes for apparel and shoes as well as our preferred flights.  Most of the runners from the two teams Nike is sending will be coming from Singapore; there are only 3 of us from Manila.  I believe our team will be called the Singaporean Chili Crabs, but I have to confirm if this is final as I’ve never tasted those crabs myself. Hah!  

As early as mid-June, we were sent a training program created by Racer’s Toolbox, especially for our teams.  I started out following this to the letter until my long runs, including the Run for Home half marathon, was throwing it out of whack so I decided to use my own program instead.  I also informed my PT at the gym about the race, so he’s thrown in some exercises that should help me in trail running.

I emailed rockstar trail runner Rick Gaston (365me) for some training tips which scared the hell out of me (ex. “The third leg will be hard because of the sleep deprivation.” or “At night in the dark, you can spot your van in the distance and it will be a reassuring presence.”), but it also got me even more excited about this adventure.

I hope that we’ll have enough time to tour Nike Campus which is, as I was told, an experience in itself to visit.  If one is lucky, they say you’ll spot Lance Armstrong on his stationary bike or Tiger Woods walking by your side. Good thing Lance is a good friend of mine already, well, via twitter that is…heehee!

Official HTC Relay countdown begins now!  26 days to go…woohoo!

Official website of Nike Hood to Coast Relay 
Open Space
Run Oregon blog

Rest in Peace, Tita Cory

Sunday, 2 August 2009  |  Bullish Insights

I woke up at 5 a.m. yesterday and hurriedly got ready for a Saturday morning run with friends.  As hubby and I were getting dressed, we got a text message that ex-President Corazon Aquino had passed away.  I paused to watch the news on TV and with the confirmation of the news,  a wave of sadness swept through me.  I couldn’t believe the country’s most gentle and kind-hearted Tita had passed away.  (I never met her, but call her “Tita” because it feels as if she was everyone’s second mother.) 

Last March 2009, I was invited by Tita Cory’s nephew, Jamike Lopa (Try-Athlete) and his wife, Mayi (In a Nutshell), to join the steering committee of the iamNinoy Runners Group, which aims to encourage other runners to become modern day heroes, just like our martyred national hero and Tita Cory’s husband, Ninoy Aquino.  By donating P500 to the iamNinoy runners group, a runner gets a yellow iamNinoy shirt to wear at race events and helps the iamNinoy beneficiary, 5775 movement, which aims to reverse the current education crisis in the country.

The next iamNinoy event will be the Kenny’s Urbanite Run on August 15, 2009, where we encourage all iamNinoy members to wear the yellow shirt to symbolize their commitment to help.  With Tita Cory’s recent passing, the yellow shirt will take on even more meaning for all of us.  Personally, it will be my way of paying my respects and celebrating the life of such a great woman.  I’d like to tell the world that iamNinoy, but in some way, iamCory too.

Our deepest condolonces to the Cojuangco-Aquino family, especially Rapa, Jamike and Mayi.  Rest in peace, Tita Cory.

This yellow ribbon was sent to me by Jamike.  You may want to use as profile pic in your facebook account. Just right click, save, and upload to your FB profile.

Run Radio – Episode 2

Saturday, 1 August 2009  |  Bullish Insights

Run Radio Episode 2 wasn’t as sweat-busting and nerve-wracking as the first one.  

Last night, my partner, Jay Nacino (Prometheus Cometh) and I, as well as our producer, Marga Deona (The Changeling Child), were much more relaxed and prepared for the show.  We brought along a more comprehensive script, our own notes, plus a ton of learnings from the debut last week.  All these helped to ease the nerves and allowed us to enjoy the experience even more.  One hour felt like a minute!  It was so much fun.

Thanks to all those who listened!  For those who missed it, download the podcast here.

– J&J –

– with guest, Coach Ige Lopez –

– with Jay, Marga, Dr. George Bodegon, and Hector Yuzon –

– Just before our Run Radio group hug! hah! –

* Photos courtesy of Angel Nacino. Thanks, Angel!

Hunting for a Hydration Belt

Friday, 31 July 2009  |  Gear + Gadgets

I’ve had my AMPHIPOD RUNLITE 4 for almost two years now.  We’ve been through it all together—big and small races, training runs, and even runs abroad. He’s been a great buddy, quite demonstrative as he’s always hugging my hips, providing adequate hydration during each and every run.  One of my helpers loved him so much that she even took one bottle home with her…argh.  Now, I’m left with three bottles instead of 4.


– Amphipod Runlite 4 –

Lately though, I feel like my amphi has been slipping away—literally.  Ever since I started wearing compression tights, whether its Skins or CW-X, the amphipod will slide up towards my waist and bounce at every step.  During the Run for Home half marathon, I re-adjusted my amphi almost every 5 minutes to keep it from disturbing me during the run.  I’ve considered wearing it over my singlet, but despite the belt being the in thing now in the fashion world, I don’t think it looks good for active wear. 

So, lately I’ve been wondering if the other hydration belts have a better, snugger fit?  And, if so, I’m actually considering getting another one.  Should it be the FUEL BELT I saw at Runnr?

– Endurance 4 Bottle Belt –

Or the NATHAN which I also spotted at Planet Sports before?

– Nathan Speed 4 –

While I’m thinking about this, here are a few tips for beginners on how to maximize your hydration belt:

  1. Fill it not just with water, but your favorite sports drink, too.  If I’m carrying 4 bottles, I place water in 2 and Gatorade in the other 2.  I use the water to drink along with my gels and also to pour over my body if it gets hot.  
  2. Use the pouch for long runs.  I don’t bring my pouch on short runs since pockets in clothing can hold a car key or a gel.  If I’m carrying the pouch, I put gels, car keys (if I’m driving alone), one piece tissue for emergencies (from a sneeze to a toilet nightmare), and ipod wrapped in a plastic ice bag to prevent it from warping.
  3. Choose a belt that will progress along with you.  Don’t buy a belt with only one bottle because you’re just running 5ks now.  If you see yourself running long and far in the future, get a belt that will carry you through marathons and maybe ultramarathons.

New Balance Power Run on Sept. 27

Friday, 31 July 2009  |  Race Announcements


I attended the press conference of the New Balance Power Run – Raising Hope slated for Sept. 27, 2009 at California Pizza Kitchen yesterday.  The upcoming race will be staged at Bonifacio Global City with eXtribe as race organizer.  Distance will be 3k/ 5k/ 10k/ 21k.

While I look forward to joining the upcoming race, I could help but wish that it was 1) at Clark, Pampanga like last year, and 2) 25k instead of 21k again like 2008.  Needless to say, I thought the New Balance 25k Power Race last year was amazing and I simply wanted to go through the same exact experience all over again.  That’s how satisfied I was with that race!  

When I expressed that sentiment to Bing Buenaventura, New Balance brand manager, and later on to Anton Gonzalez, President of Planet Sports, they both assured me that they had a few surprises for the runners sometime in November.  We shall wait with bated breath.

As for September 27, I’ll definitely see you there.  Here are more details from the PRESS RELEASE:

Any runner will tell you, running is addictive.  It gives one pleasure beyond words.  It just leaves the runner the energy and thrill of doing the activity repeatedly.  
This same passion for running has been the venue to make a statement and raise funds for different causes. As the brand known to foster great love for running, New Balance moves into encouraging individuals to have “a new balance in life.” A lifestyle that simply balances self and others, work and play, health and leisure. This “new balance in life” attitude becomes evident as New Balance turns its premier running event, New Balance Power Race, as a venue to raise funds that will support important programs related to cancer. 
Dubbed as the 2009 New Balance Power Run… Raising HOPE, is set to happen on September 27, 2009 at the Fort Bonifacio Global City, Taguig. The proceeds of the 2009 New Blance Power Run… Raising HOPE will benefit Carewell (Cancer Resource and Wellness Community), Philippine Cancer Society, and ICanServe Foundation.   
These three organizations have been at the forefront of providing support to help improve the lives of men and women diagnosed with cancer. These organizations work with business groups and individuals to spread the advocacy on cancer awareness. But still, there is a lot of work that needs to be done to let individuals and their families challenged with cancer know that there can be hope and there is a better way to cope with cancer.
The community’s generosity plays an important role in helping these organizations fulfill their goals. As the number one running footwear, New Balance is encouraging all running enthusiasts to participate and be counted in this benefit run and channel their energies and spirit to a positive endeavor.  The activity can be a venue for them to reach out and help through doing what they love.  The 2009 New Balance Power Run…  Raising HOPE will feature 21K, 10K, 5K, and 3K with registration fees of Php 500.00 for the 21K, Php 350.00 for the 10K, Php 300 for the 5K and Php 250.00 for the 3K category.  
“As an organization, we wanted to create a positive impact in our community.  And, as a brand that embraces the love for running, we decided to do something about it,” Anton Gonzalez, president of Planet Sports Inc. said.  “From the past events, we saw the runners’ passion, especially during the New Balance Power Race.  With their help, we aim to lead the way to direct this passion to something that is more valuable and they can be more proud of.” 
Proceeds of the New Balance Power Run… Raising HOPE will support Philippine Cancer Society’s endeavor to reach 25,000 participants for the Lecture Series, about 15,000 women for breast and cervical examinations and schools for youth anti-smoking campaign in 2010. The Power Run will support Carewell Community’s program to help people with cancer and their families cope more effectively with cancer by providing support groups and counseling, medical consult and referrals, wellness talks and fun activities. For ICanServe, the Power Run will aid the “Ating Dibdibin” project, a community-based screening program that promotes breast cancer awareness, early detection and support for of breast cancer patients.
Now is the best time to put on those running shoes and drive that passion for a cause.  From August 8 until September 20, interested participants to the 2009 New Balance Power Run… Raising HOPE may visit the following New Balance outlets in Glorietta, Shangri-la Mall, Festival Mall, Planet Sports Rockwell, Planet Sports Trinoma, Planet Sports V-Mall, Secondwind UP Diliman and Runner Bonifacio High Street to register. Registration form is also available at  HYPERLINK “” The first 500 to register for the 3K run will get a NB Power Run- Dole T-shirt while finisher medals await participants of the 5K, 10K and 21K.
The 2009 New Balance Power Run… Raising HOPE is supported by Smart, Rider, 100Plus, Planet Sports, Businessworld, Solar Sports, Ipanema, The Athletes Foot, Summit Mineral Water, Phiten, Department of Tourism, Dole, California Pizza Kitchen, Alaska, K2 Interactive, Bridges, Cyrus Logistics Inc., The Philippine Star, Action&Fitness Magazine, Wave 89.1, and Audiowav. 
More information on the New Balance Power Run… Raising HOPE is available at  HYPERLINK “”

Any runner will tell you, running is addictive.  It gives one pleasure beyond words.  It just leaves the runner the energy and thrill of doing the activity repeatedly.  

This same passion for running has been the venue to make a statement and raise funds for different causes. As the brand known to foster great love for running, New Balance moves into encouraging individuals to have “a new balance in life.” A lifestyle that simply balances self and others, work and play, health and leisure. This “new balance in life” attitude becomes evident as New Balance turns its premier running event, New Balance Power Race, as a venue to raise funds that will support important programs related to cancer. 

Dubbed as the 2009 New Balance Power Run… Raising HOPE, is set to happen on September 27, 2009 at the Fort Bonifacio Global City, Taguig. The proceeds of the 2009 New Blance Power Run… Raising HOPE will benefit Carewell (Cancer Resource and Wellness Community), Philippine Cancer Society, and ICanServe Foundation.   

These three organizations have been at the forefront of providing support to help improve the lives of men and women diagnosed with cancer. These organizations work with business groups and individuals to spread the advocacy on cancer awareness. But still, there is a lot of work that needs to be done to let individuals and their families challenged with cancer know that there can be hope and there is a better way to cope with cancer.

The community’s generosity plays an important role in helping these organizations fulfill their goals. As the number one running footwear, New Balance is encouraging all running enthusiasts to participate and be counted in this benefit run and channel their energies and spirit to a positive endeavor.  The activity can be a venue for them to reach out and help through doing what they love.  The 2009 New Balance Power Run…  Raising HOPE will feature 21K, 10K, 5K, and 3K with registration fees of Php 500.00 for the 21K, Php 350.00 for the 10K, Php 300 for the 5K and Php 250.00 for the 3K category.  

“As an organization, we wanted to create a positive impact in our community.  And, as a brand that embraces the love for running, we decided to do something about it,” Anton Gonzalez, president of Planet Sports Inc. said.  “From the past events, we saw the runners’ passion, especially during the New Balance Power Race.  With their help, we aim to lead the way to direct this passion to something that is more valuable and they can be more proud of.” 

Proceeds of the New Balance Power Run… Raising HOPE will support Philippine Cancer Society’s endeavor to reach 25,000 participants for the Lecture Series, about 15,000 women for breast and cervical examinations and schools for youth anti-smoking campaign in 2010. The Power Run will support Carewell Community’s program to help people with cancer and their families cope more effectively with cancer by providing support groups and counseling, medical consult and referrals, wellness talks and fun activities. For ICanServe, the Power Run will aid the “Ating Dibdibin” project, a community-based screening program that promotes breast cancer awareness, early detection and support for of breast cancer patients.

Now is the best time to put on those running shoes and drive that passion for a cause.  From August 8 until September 20, interested participants to the 2009 New Balance Power Run… Raising HOPE may visit the following New Balance outlets in Glorietta, Shangri-la Mall, Festival Mall, Planet Sports Rockwell, Planet Sports Trinoma, Planet Sports V-Mall, Secondwind UP Diliman and Runner Bonifacio High Street to register. Registration form is also available here. The first 500 to register for the 3K run will get a NB Power Run- Dole T-shirt while finisher medals await participants of the 5K, 10K and 21K.

The 2009 New Balance Power Run… Raising HOPE is supported by Smart, Rider, 100Plus, Planet Sports, Businessworld, Solar Sports, Ipanema, The Athletes Foot, Summit Mineral Water, Phiten, Department of Tourism, Dole, California Pizza Kitchen, Alaska, K2 Interactive, Bridges, Cyrus Logistics Inc., The Philippine Star, Action&Fitness Magazine, Wave 89.1, and Audiowav. 

More information on the New Balance Power Run… Raising HOPE is available here.