Running Aid for Women
Over 60 participants (with males a minority, of course) showed up for the 1st Running Aid for Women held at ROX last night. Speakers were Beth Siojo, long time runner and Pinoy Ultra Runner founding member, and myself, newbie runner and self-confessed running addict.
– preparing for the presentation with Neville and Margaloo –
Beth discussed ultramarathons for women, which is where her passion lies as evident in her beaming smile during her entire talk. She gave practical tips on running on the road and trails, discussed running gear, and inspired women to take up running even beyond 50km as she has done over the years.
– Beth inspires future ultramarathoners –
Beth and I are very different: she’s been running since highschool, I only started in 2006; she runs up mountains while I’m allergic to them; and she loves ultramarathons while my ultimate dream would be to run a sub-4-hour marathon (and, knock on wood, run fast marathons annually after that) rather than to run 100km.
It was because of the contrast that I thought it was such a clever idea for the Pinoy Ultra Runners to have featured us on the same stage. I saw running from the eyes of a veteran runner and I realized that, despite the differences, we shared one major bond: our passion for running.
And, when I looked at the audience, it was pretty much the same thing. We had various levels of experience in running, but that was insignificant. One was not better than the other for running faster, longer, or better. What mattered was that we all loved running or, at the very least, wanted to fall in love with it.
I won’t tell you how my talk went; let the participants be the judge of that. But, what I can say is that I had a great time talking about one of my greatest passions to an audience that was so eager to listen (I don’t get that too often at home…kidding!)
– That’s me dropping beans into reluctant volunteer Car’s shoes –
To Pinoy Ultra Runners: congratulations once again for a successful event. Looking forward to the next one.
– with my favorite reader, CougCat, soon after he finished his homework. Thanks for both the virtual and real cookie! –
– Dinner at Pancake House after the talk. The place was filled with runners! –
More pics to follow in the next post. I gotta leave now for the Nike Training Clinic at Ultra…