Two months to go. Or 8 weeks. Or exactly 60 days.
Yes, I’ve got 60 days to go before I run my first full marathon: The Standard Chartered Singapore Marathon on Dec. 6, 2009. You didn’t know I signed up, did you?
Truth is, I registered way back in August for the Singapore Half Marathon eyeing Subic International Marathon for my first full. Then, I changed my mind (or more like cowered in fear of the tough concrete and high elevation of SCTex) so I downgraded my Subic distance to half instead and set my sights on Singapore for the full 42.195km.
Phew, I am excited, to say the least. But, I’m also nervous and overly paranoid about re-injury.
For those of you who don’t know, injury has hit me the past two times I dreamed of doing a marathon: Runner’s Knee around November 2007 then ITBS December 2008. Both times I was aiming for a February full marathon.
It’s cliche to say that the setbacks only made me stronger. But, it is absolutely true. It didn’t just make me a stronger runner, it made me a smarter one, too.
I can look back at those two dreadful periods in my running life (tissue, please) and tell you in all honesty that I am glad I experienced them all: the seemingly endless search for the magic cure and the perfect shoe, long hours at yoga and the gym wishing I was on the road instead, missed runs, and sleepless nights pondering when I could run again. All these and more gave me the knowledge and experience to know that my body wasn’t ready to take on a full at 2008 or early 2009, that it is much wiser to wait for the right time than to rush weak legs into an event they are not primed for, that a bull (no matter how stubborn) can learn patience to become a better, stronger runner.
I started training a month ago, but when I think of it, I actually began training a full two years back when the contagious bug that is the marathon entered my bloodstream.
I’m hoping you catch the virus, too (if you haven’t got it yet). So, this begins my “Marathon Diary” (M.D.) series from now until Marathon Day (hey, it’s M.D., too!), December 6. I’ll share with you bits and pieces (or even long tales) about my marathon training, the people who will support me along the way, the gear that will help me achieve it, and any marathon thoughts that come to mind (I’m sure there will be many.) Until then…