Wow. I didn’t realize how difficult it would be to choose the grand prize winner for 5 to 5/5 (hence the delay…sorry!) It seemed as if most, if not all of those mentioned below, deserved a brand new pair of shoes. Hopefully, we can find ways to provide for this in the future. For now, we just have one winner!
A couple of entries were touching…
I would give a pair of running shoes to my father whom I haven’t spoke with in a couple of decades. I’d use it as an excuse to have long walk or jog with him, just to be with him. JP said on May 06 11 at 8:23 AM
I would give a pair of running shoes to my Mom because I get this strong feeling that she has great interest in running (every time she asks me details of a run, results of my runs, or how I feel after a run), but she wouldn’t buy a pair for herself because she always (and when I say always, it’s ALWAYS) prioritize us, her sons. Jay said on May 05 11 at 4:17 PM
Another was oh-so romantic…
I would give a pair of running shoes to my girlfriend because I can use this for my marriage proposal with a ring taped inside. ronald said on May 05 11 at 9:56 PM
One was thought-provoking…
I swear by everything that I’d give the other pair of shoes to the commenter below me, whoever he or she may be. Running sees no ethnicity, age, or gender, never asking for anything but the runner’s passion. Why should I? Cougcat said on May 05 11 at 7:20 PM
But, I finally decided that, for this contest, the recipient of the shoe had to 1) lack the funds to purchase a pair for himself, 2) use it for RUNNING, and 3) truly deserve it based on the submitted entry.
These entries made it to the list. (Note: a number of you were disqualified when you went above 2 sentences! )
(1) I would give a pair of running shoes to my cousin, Frankie Solis, because she’s our family’s running coach: she encouraged me, my sister and her two sisters to run by accompanying each of us to our first race. Sadly, even though she’s is so good at it (1st place among those under 20 in the All Women’s Run at MoA)… she still uses her badminton trainers, that’s why I think Frankie deserves a free pair: for starting the love of running among the girls in our family. jemi said on May 05 11 at 4:02 PM
(2) I would give a pair of running shoes to that young girl who ran a 5k race on her rubber slippers because I know it will take her places, literally and figuratively! Note: She belongs to an indigent family and here parents could not afford to buy her a pair of rubber shoes. She’s a member of her school’s athletic team. Dennis Uy said on May 05 11 at 4:02 PM
(3) I would give a pair of running shoes to Joel, a former janitor in our office, because I saw him run as a bandit in one of the races that I joined. I didn’t knew then that running was his sport and giving a pair of shoes will definitely go a long way to continue his passion. mark terrado said on May 05 11 at 4:05 PM
(4) I would give a pair of running shoes to this Manong Danny who joins our weekly running group. He is a tricycle driver who still loves this sports so much that he even outruns the young ones and challenges even our coach! FierceChick said on May 05 11 at 4:12 PM
(5) I would give a pair of running shoes to Janet Lopena (elite runnner, running mate at MOA) because one time I saw her running her shoe broken into two and at that time I know that she can’t afford to buy shoes, asap. leoda said on May 05 11 at 4:53 PM
(6) I would give a pair of running shoes to our village security guard who runs after his night shift along the 6 km main avenue (out and back). He runs in thong slippers. sup said on May 05 11 at 5:19 PM
(7) I will give a pair of running shoes to a less fortunate but deserving student who’s a member of the track team. He/she might be a coach Rio in the making who will continue to contribute to the growth of the sport of running in our country. Lyn said on May 05 11 at 10:33 PM
(8) I would give a pair of running shoes to my dear friend, Dean Mark because of his passion for running. He’s been winning in different local races in bicol but would suffer from blisters everytime because his shoes from ukay-ukay is half size smaller than his actual shoe size. Marvin said on May 06 11 at 7:08 AM
(9) I would give a pair of running shoes to my young friend Marlon because he has been running barefoot in 100m dash competitions and has no parents who could buy him a pair. angie trinidad said on May 06 11 at 8:48 AM
(10) I would give a pair of running shoes to Louis, a deaf runner and amateur triathlete I met on a run last week. He has inspired me to be thankful for what you have and shown me that running outpaces any differences. Donald Piret said on May 06 11 at 9:32 AM
(11) i would give a pair of running shoes to dr. rachito abellanosa of bukidnon, so he can give it to some of the indigenous youth he’s been training to run marathons. sahlee said on May 06 11 at 10:00 AM
Then, to keep it fair, I held a raffle among the entries above through Based on the assigned number per entry above, the winner of the grand prize for the 5 to 5/5 contest is…

Congratulations MARK TERRADO for winning over P10,000 worth of running items! Your ex-janitor, Joel, is in for a pleasant surprise! Please expect an email from me within the next few days!