– Cinque Terre, Nov 2016 –
2016, you were a breath of fresh air. After the past few years of tears, troubles, and trying my best to remain strong, I finally felt that, this year, I didn’t have to try as hard. As my wise 12-year-old daughter put it: “This year, there was less drama.” That’s her referring to the oh-so tumultuous life of a 5 Seconds of Summer fan, but it was just the same with me.
This year, there was more time to focus on work (I went back to full time corporate life after over a decade), nurture old and new friendships (I’m antisocial but, hey, I expanded my world and that’s an achievement lol), care for my kids (they’re both mini adults now that I can engage in smart and witty conversations with), and, last but not the least, there was more time to nourish my soul. (more…)