Thursday, 8 March 2012  |  Bullish Insights

Hey, you, TBR Dream Marathoner, you! I hope you haven’t forgotten about our Send Off Party tonight!

Here are more reasons why you should come, aside from the fact that you just love our company:

1)  Our hosts are Tessa Prieto-Valdes and Boy Ramos.  Fun!

2) We have over 9o prizes to win!  Yes, 90++!!!  Thank you sponsors! Mwah!

3 Timex Watches
1 pair of Oakley Shades
2 Sun Broadband Kits
2 Yurbuds Inspire Design Earphone Set
5 Otterbox GCs worth Php2,000
5 pcs Tiger Tails from Chris Sports
5 Products from Nathan Hydration
2 Women’s Top from New Balance
2 Men’s Top from New Balance
10 Gift packs from Unilab
5 Gift Packs from Enervon HP
10 Gift packs from P&G
10 Gift Packs from Milo
5 Gift Packs from Messy Bessy
6 Gift Packs from Gatorade
4 Secondwind Visors
1 Bodivance shirt
1 Bodivance bag
20 hydration bottles

* Some items may change.

3) You get to claim your RACE KITS!  Woohoo!

4) Ripple 100 will present a special video for us at the end of the night.  Bring your tissue, please.

5) We have a batch photo at the end.  See, you can’t miss it, right?

6) Last, but not the least, you get to bond with your batchmates and celebrate the upcoming marathon that will change your life!

See you!


Thursday, 8 March 2012  |  Bullish Insights

How ironic that, as we prepare for our own race, I have little time to run myself.  I must confess.  For the past few days, I’ve been an angry biatch. Every little thing annoys me—from the over sensitive supplier who can be the next teleserye star to the chipped nail on my index finger.  I blame it on stress.  I blame it on PMS.  I blame it on inefficient people who you wish gave 100% effort even just 90% of the time.  But, I put the blame most on running.

I haven’t run for way too long. Uhm, to be exact, it’s been 4 days.  (Hey, this is my blog. I can exaggerate here, right?)

Today, I woke up feeling great.  And, I thought I could spare an hour to run despite the crazy, busy sched.  I still haven’t found the perfect shoe for my bunions, so I opted for the widest shoe in the house: My Nike Frees.

I ran a quick 7k on the treadmill at the gym.  All of you know that I’m treadmill-averse.  But, on this particular day, I missed running so much that I absolutely loved it.  Loved the fact that I was, in my mind, racing with the other 4 slowpokes to my right.  (I am anonymous in the gym so they won’t know who they are and I’m not hurting anyone’s feelings!)  And, guess what, I won! Hah!  Loved the sweat dripping down my face.  I swam last Sunday and chlorinated-water dripping down my face while I’m catching my breath just doesn’t cut it for me.  And, I loved the fact that I found 1 hour just to do what I loved the most.

Now, I’m a happy camper.  I’m all smiles. If I saw that dramatic supplier, I’d give him a hug and treat him to lunch.  (Okay, maybe not THAT happy.)

Aaah, running.  I’m crazy while I’m with you.  But, crazier without you.

Half Marathon PR at Run United 1…Not!

Sunday, 4 March 2012  |  Bullish Insights

Yup, that was my goal!  I wanted to break my PR for the half marathon which I ran at Run United 2011.  So, for the most part of January and February, Run United 1 was constantly on my mind.  I was thinking of Run United 1 when I ran my tempos, when I strength trained at the gym, and even while I ate (I wanted to lose weight before RU so I could run faster).  I was so focused on RU that I was half expecting the husband to throw a fit of jealousy over “RU” with whom I was spending too much time with.

Too bad then that, after a solo tempo run a couple of weeks ago, I felt my Morton’s Neuroma acting up again.  (I interrupt this blog post for a special message to Morton’s Neuroma: “I hate you!”)  So, as always, I backed off with the mileage and went on a mad hunt for wider shoes to keep Morton’s at bay.  As of now, the Neuromas have subsided with rest, but I’m still in search of that perfect shoe with a wider toe box before I run any distance above 10k.  (To the big running shoe brands, especially Asics, KSwiss, Brooks, and New Balance, please please bring in a few D widths for women with bunions and Neuromas like me!   Promise, I’ll buy more shoes if you do!)  For now, the only one that let’s me run short distances without discomfort are my Nike Frees.  Love ’em!

So, how was your Run United run?  Tell me because I feel like the outcast in high school who was left out of the biggest party of the year!  So frustrated was I this morning that I jumped into the pool, swam 2.2km, then had a good breakfast of pancakes and slathered it with tons of peanut butter!  Hah! Take that, Mortons!

TBR Dream Marathon 2012 Race Items in Photos

Saturday, 3 March 2012  |  Race Announcements

Just a few words to describe most of the items our TBR Dream Marathoners will be receiving, using, or seeing during the race on March 18, 2012…

IPICO TIMING TAG to be wrapped around the ankle and returned after use. Same as what triathlons abroad use. Runners receive this upon check in on race day.

photo (1)

TBR REFLECTORIZED ARMBAND for you to use during the race (and yours to keep after!). Runners receive this upon check in on race day.


The official uniform of our 60 DREAM CHASER volunteers that you’ll spot along the course…


The TBR DM 2012 FINISHERS’ SHIRT you will receive after crossing the finish line…


This is what TBR DREAM TEAM and TBR DM Organizers will wear during the race. Say “Hi!” or “Thanks!” or smile if you see someone in it. Most likely, on race day, none of those in red would’ve slept a wink to make sure the race goes smoothly for all of you. (If it’s me that you spot, just say: “Hoy, ganda ng shirt mo!” Kidding! But, seriously, I love how this shirt came out. My favorite so far, next to the blue cotton official TBR DM shirt you all received upon registration.)


The FINISHERS’ LOOT BAG. Yes, it’s a real bag!  Brand name: Longchamp-ion.  Man, I’m too corny.


Last but not the least, the FINISHERS’ MEDAL that will forever remind you of the first (or second) time in your life when you accomplished your marathon dream…

– Front –

– Back says: Where everyone who crosses the finish line is a winner. Yes, that’s TBR Dream for you! –

TBR Dream Marathon 2012 Course Map and 15 Reasons Why You Should be Excited About Race Day

Friday, 2 March 2012  |  Race Announcements

Attn TBR Dream Marathoners 2012: Here’s the official course map for TBR Dream Marathon!

The TBR Dream Marathon course takes runners through a 21km loop twice to cover 42.195 km within the scenic and safe roads of NUVALI, Sta. Rosa, Laguna.

Date: SUNDAY, 18 MARCH 2012
Assembly area: Near The Fields & Clubhouse, NUVALI Blvd., NUVALI, Sta. Rosa, Laguna
Assembly time: 1:00 AM*
Race start: 2:00 AM
Dream Village: Post-race Event Area at The Fields & Clubhouse
For inquiries: Call TBR Dream Marathon Hotline Look for Macel: SUN 0922-771-8014

* Please make sure you CHECK IN for the race.  During check in, you will receive the following: (These will NOT be included in race kits to ensure that none are left behind on race day)
2) Reflectorized TBR Armband to be worn during the race for your safety


Below is a close-up of the TBR DM Course Map for the Abrio-Solenad area near the Start/Finish area. After running the two loops, the runner exits Abrio-Solenad area and makes a RIGHT towards the Finish Line.


For a location map to NUVALI, please click HERE to access the NUVALI website.

Click HERE to download printable PDF files of TBR DM 2012 Course Maps.


We’ve prepared a lot of things for you on the course:

  1. Water stations – 8 water stations at approximately every 1.5km.  Oh, and there’s ice to make sure the water is cold.
  2. Gatorade stations – 8 Gatorade stations at approximately every 1.5km.
  3. Key stations – These are pumped up stations.  We have 2 key stations which will have the following: sponges, bananas, Toblerone, Tigertail, Bodivance, ice and petroleum jelly.  Yes, we think of everything!
  4. Basic First aid – Medic at every other station.
  5. Portalets along the course.
  6. Dream Mobile – Friends and family can hop on this shuttle for free to cheer for you on the course.
  7. Band and Music – We have a band at the major turnaround and music at the Start / Finish.
  8. Dream Chasers – We have 4 Dream Chaser stations with 15 Dream Chaser volunteers in each tent waiting to cheer and motivate you along the way.
  9. Secondwind Zone – At the Abrio-Solenad area, Team Secondwind will be ready to support you during the marathon
  10. Matadors and Flamenco dancers – Matadors will hand you your medal while girls in flamenco dancers (they won’t dance though) will give you a cold towel.
  11. Photos along the course.  Smile, you’ll never know who’s taking your photo.  Action shots and finish line shots will be available for download a week after the race.
  12. Finish line photo – After you get your medal, go straight to our photowall and smile again!  A photographer will shoot you with your shiny new Finisher’s Medal.  Photo will be available for download a week after the race.
  13. Dream Village – This is the first time we’re doing this!  We’ve got massage and stretching, icing, free samples along with your lootbag and Finisher’s shirt.
  14. Free breakfast – Yes, that’s right.  Get your free breakfast and dine in our Dream Village with your marathon buddies.
  15. Solenad Shuttle – NUVALI’s e-jeep can take runners and guests to and from Solenad area.

More info at our TBR Dream Send Off Party on March 8, 2012.  See you there!