Condura Skyway Marathon 2012

Monday, 13 February 2012  |  Race Reports

Date: Sunday, Feb. 5, 2012
Venue: Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang

TBR Rating:

Apologies for the eight-day late race report, but for a race this huge, better late than none at all.

One of the most anticipated races of the country, the Condura Skyway Marathon 2012, turned the South and the Skyway into a grand runner’s playground at the stroke of midnight.

The race set-up was impressive with each wave (runners were segregated into waves, much like the New York City Marathon, to reduce traffic on the narrow Skyway entrance) starting before the Skyway Alabang entry while runners and spectators witnessed the gun start from above. The excitement—or anxiety—was palpable as runners of all shapes and sizes gathered for one of the must run races of the country. The race hosts, main host Noel Zarate and the host for  each wave start, did a great job in keeping the energy high for the event.

– Race start for a wave of 10k runners –

– Oooh, how exciting –

– Spectators watch from the top, myself included after I finished my 21k –

Needless to say, the highlight of the Condura Skyway Marathon was, er, running on the Skyway. The course took runners of all distances on the Skyway unlike in past years when only longer distances had the pleasure of running on higher ground. The weather was cool, even cold, at times on the Skyway. Marshals, medical teams, water stations, kilometer signs, and portalets, the basic requirements of a race, were available. Noticeably lacking were sports drinks that, for 21k, were only present at the turnaround and 15k. Except for this, the race was outstanding and well executed. The Skyway was, as expected, traffic free, clean, well-lit and reserved for runners to run to their heart’s delight.

The Condura-Filinvest Village was a grand set up that provided runners a place to eat, recover, mingle, and celebrate with others. Runners were given lootbags, free bananas, and impressive medals that one could truly be proud of.

To Ton and Patrick Concepcion, Event King, Neville Manaois, and the rest of the Condura Skyway Marathon team, congratulations on yet another outstanding race!


As for my run, there’s little to say about it. I registered for the half marathon; it was to be my first 21k for the year.

Just like the years that have passed, Condura is usually the race that jolts me out of the long, slow mode of running that started December and manages to extend itself until February. (Raise your hand if you’re with me!) I’m almost embarrassed to admit that instead of racing it, Condura turns out to be my test race to check my current fitness level. Most of the time, it’s Condura that flashes the “uh oh” sign and gets me revved up to train harder for the rest of the season.

– with Amela and Gladys May. Photo courtesy of Gladysmay Pascua-

At the assembly area, I got to chat with Anton and Mia Gonzales, Ton Gatmaitan, Cong. Gilbert Remulla, Tristan Choa, Rovilson Fernandez, and Sen. Pia Cayetano. (Wow, everyone really showed up for Condura regardless of the gun start time. For our 21k, race start was an early 3:00 AM.)

My first 16k was uneventful. It was fast and I pushed hard.  Uhm, maybe too hard for my unprepared legs…

– Skyway fun! Photo courtesy of Ken Mendola –

I ran with ease until, all of a sudden, my legs suddenly felt heavy. Simply put, I bonked. I couldn’t push any harder. Worse, I started getting chills and I felt dehydrated. I realized I lacked salt in my body due to my healthy diet the past weeks and knew I needed to drink Gatorade to replenish, but there wasn’t any. So, what was the best thing to do aside from drinking water? I walked and enjoyed the view. Isn’t that why we run on the Skyway? Hah!

I managed to pick myself up intermittently through the last few kilometers and run sprints every now and then. But, for the most part, it became a run-walk race for me until the end.

I crossed the finish line at 2:16 with a pace of 6:31/km. Not bad and not great either.

– with friends JaneJane from Cebu (she finished 4th! Congrats Jane!) and Rovilson. Photo courtesy of Spongebob Runner –

What was good though was what followed after. I met up with friends, most of whom ran the 42k, for a breakfast buffet at Bellevue to celebrate.

– TBR DM Batch 2012 Meet up. I missed it! Waaah! Photo courtesy of Ken –

– The people I run (and eat) with. Congrats to Miriam (PR!), JunB, JunC, and Lit for their marathon finish! –

Love is All Around

Thursday, 9 February 2012  |  Bullish Insights

I’m neck deep in work for TBR Dream Marathon. Man, I haven’t even blogged about my Condura Skyway experience!

I’m also way in over my head training like these crazy triathletes. Yes, I can truly say now that they are absolutely insane for training this long and often!

The past couple of weeks, while I’m trying not to swallow any more chlorinated water from the pool, losing my head in all the little details of race organizing, rushing the kids off to school, or running up a hill hoping to get my speed back, I ask myself why I put myself through all this. It would be so much easier to NOT blog, NOT organize a race, NOT train for a marathon or triathlon, NOT meet other people and just live my own happy life at home.

Then, I look in the mirror, see the person in front of me, and realize that she wouldn’t be happy living a quiet life at home. This girl’s gotta live her life to the fullest even if it results in sweat, blood, tears, sleepless nights, and perhaps (knock on wood) a few scratches from bike rides. Gulp.

So, a few minutes ago, while I was going at a frenetic pace working on my laptop as I usually do, I opened an email that made me stop and remember yet another reason why I put myself through such hell. At the risk of sounding cheesy—which must be allowed during this time of year so close to Valentine’s, right?—I realized that I also put myself out there because there’s so much good to witness in the world.  In TBR Dream alone, I already sense there’s so much love to give, share, and receive among the runners and volunteers.  What more in the world around us?

Here’s an email from a TBR DM participant. It warms my heart whenever I meet runners who truly understand the essence of TBR Dream, why we put it up and what we want to accomplish. Love is all around guys and girls! Thanks Edna!

I’m Edna Mamuyac, a participant of TBRDM 2012. I work in a Tourist Bus Company and I would like to offer one tourist bus to shuttle the participants of TBRDM on race day, March 18, 2012, for free. Our bus has a capacity of 49 regular seats and 11 jump seats. It will be up to you to make the arrangements of pick-up points and who will ride the bus. This is my way of saying thank you for being a part of TBRDM.


For those interested in the bus ride, we’ll work out the details on the bus ride with Edna and get post information on this blog soon.

Gatorade Sweat Test Participants

Thursday, 9 February 2012  |  News + Promos

Congratulations to the accepted participants to the Gatorade Sweat Test! See you on the testing date. Please note we accepted a total of 50 runners are listed below to include TBR Dream Team and friends:

1 Alfred Roderick A. Estefani
2 Allan Gregor Bulos
3 Ariel Abril
4 Carlo Molod
5 Christian Jay de Castro
6 Craig Logan
7 Daves Espia
8 Edward Kho
9 Enrico Mostoles
10 Eugenio Saluta
11 Irene Zyra A. Diama
12 Jenny Aggangan
13 Jonard Aries Gamboa
14 Jose Ritchel G. Viñas
15 Joseph Yapchulay
16 Joy Bagason
17 Juan Carlo M. Peralta
18 Jun Cruz
19 Katherine Andaya
20 King Nicklaus Quimpo
21 Kristine Joy Cerame
22 Leo Tugade
23 Lester Castillo
24 Lit Onrubia
25 Loy Danila
26 Macel Janeo
27 Mara Guevara
28 Marc Anthony Villanueva
29 marie grace alano
30 Marie Joyce Negapatan
31 Mark Mostoles
32 Marvin Trilles
33 Mary Gold dela Cruz
34 Mary Maureen Albarracin
35 Michael Arcilla
36 Michelle Logan
37 Mike Janeo
38 Miriam Valero
39 Obel Mercado
40 Paul Steven F. Famador
41 Raymond Posadas
42 Reylynne de la Paz
43 Rhodora Celis
44 Ricardo P. So Jr
45 Rikki Suarez
46 Rizzalyn Damaso
47 Rjay Mercado
48 Rod Nepomuceno
49 Rosalia S. Castro
50 Rosemarie Beltran

Gatorade Sweat Test exclusively for TBR Dream Marathoners

Wednesday, 8 February 2012  |  News + Promos

At TBR Dream, we go the extra mile to make the race extra special for our first- and second-time marathoners. And, we partner with companies and brands that have the same values. Thanks to our generous sponsors and friends as well as selfless volunteers, we get to give the best race we can possibly give to our runners.

One of our major sponsors, Gatorade, has gone out of their way to offer our TBR Dream Marathoners this: an exclusive Gatorade Sweat Test! They usually offer this test only to their high-profile athletes, endorsers, and/or sponsored teams. Experts from the Gatorade Sports Science Institute conduct the tests using strict standards. They provide the Gatorade and water for you to drink.  And, they use materials and other equipment to conduct the tests, so it can be quite costly.  Perhaps they thought little ol’ me needed some wise hydration advice last November so they conducted the test on me too! Read about it HERE.

We’re lucky that Gatorade decided to offer this to 40 of our TBR Dream Marathoners.  Wish we could accommodate all, but I didn’t win the last grand lotto.

If you are a TBR Dream Marathoner and you wish to find out about your own sweat rate and how much fluids you should drink when you run, sign up for this rare opportunity for the Gatorade Sweat Test.

Below are the details:

What: Gatorade Sweat Test exclusively for TBR Dream Marathoners
When: Saturday, 18 February 2012
Assembly time: 5:00 AM
Start time: 5:30 AM
Where: Ultra Track Oval
Fee: The test is free. But please pay for your own entrance to the Ultra Track Oval.

– Eat last main meal 2-3 hours before the test time;
– Be in Running attire but be ready to strip down to underwear in the restroom (not in public!) for the weigh-in and also for the weigh-out (bath towels needed to towel down after the test and prior to weigh-out);
– Once you are weighed in, you cannot drink from any other source except the Gatorade and Water that the staff supplies. There will be designated water and Gatorade Bottles with your names at the hydration station.
– You will be briefed on-site prior to the test. Please come on time.

1. Measure Body Weight
2. Urine Test (collection of urine)
3. 1 hour 30 minutes running on track oval
4. Cool Down
5. Towel down and Weigh out.

There are only 40 slots for the Gatorade Sweat Test. Registration on a first-come, first-served basis only. Please sign up only if you are sure that you can make it so as not to waste the slot. Click below to access the sign in sheet. Accepted runners will be posted in this blog.


TBR DM 2012: Now Open for Dream Chasers and Personal Pacers

Tuesday, 7 February 2012  |  News + Promos

In 2010, when we planned for the first TBR Dream Marathon, the essence of the race was built on community, on paying-it-forward, on giving back to running just as much as running had given us. We knew we couldn’t do it alone and we hoped that the entire community of runners—first- and second-time marathoners committing to train for their marathon, experienced runners reaching out and paying-it-forward, cheerers and spectators coming onto the site to boost the runners’ spirits, corporate sponsors and friends generously donating and giving what they can—would come together to make this race truly the most ideal setting for runners to experience their first marathon. It was a lofty dream, but we—together with the entire community of selfless, generous runners—made it a reality.

– 5 Dream Chasers escort TBR Dream Marathoner to the finish last March 2011. Photo courtesy of Vener Roldan –

– Dream Chaser Banggi (who joined TBR DM the following year) helps runner Odie. Photos courtesy of Junrox –

For TBR Dream Marathon 2012, we will once again call on volunteers to help and support our first time marathoners. We will be accepting 60 Dream Chasers and 40 Personal Pacers. There will also be volunteers from Team Secondwind manning the station at the last 5km of the marathon, which we call The Secondwind Zone.

Chin Chua
– Team Secondwind supporting Roxy last TBR DM 2010. Photo courtesy of Chin Chua –

RUBY GAN escorted by Dream Chaser Peter Ros and Mitch Felipe
– Ruby Gan finishes TBR Dream 2012 with Dream Chasers on both sides –

If you are NOT interested in running your own race on March 18, 2012 and you are willing to wake up in the wee hours of the morning to help others run 42km by providing them support, without receiving anything in return but a smile and a huge Thank You, then this is your chance to “pay it forward.”

Please see below for details on how you can volunteer at TBR Dream Marathon 2012:


Dream Chasers are runners who will be stationed at various points on the course (4 stations with 15 Dream Chasers along the route) to provide support to the runners when they need it most. Dream Chasers will be given official Dream Chaser dri-fit shirts. This will serve as their official uniform. Must be an experienced runner, but not necessarily a marathoner.
* TBR Dream Alumni will be prioritized.
* Dream Chasers are required to attend the pre-race meeting to be announced by Edward Kho.

1) Be on standby at the Dream Chaser station along with other Dream Chasers from start to finish of the race
* Each Dream Chaser station will have 15 Dream Chasers with one being the DC Leader
* Dream Chaser stations will be placed along the route much like water stations
* Each station will work as a team and may brainstorm on ways to make the run easier, more entertaining, or more fun for the runners. Ideas may be implemented with approval from TBR Dream Team.

2) Provide the following support to the TBR Dream Marathoners who request for help:
* Run with the runner a few kilometers (never exceeding more than 5km)
* Motivate
* Chat
* Provide food or hydration
* Cheer! Cheer! Cheer!

* Serious passion for running
* Positive, pleasant, cheerful attitude
* Willing to provide exceptional moral support throughout the entire race
* Believes in “paying it forward” to first time marathoners who need the same support as he/she received in the past


Personal pacers must be experienced marathoners chosen by a TBR Dream Marathoner to run with him/ her throughout the entire marathon.
* Personal Pacers must register to be an official TBR DM Personal Pacer.
* Personal pacers will be charged a P500 fee to cover hydration, emergency, and other operational services and will be issued a race bib.  The race bib will be distributed during a Pacer briefing organized by Edward Kho.

* Pace one (1) registered participant throughout the entire 42km
* Your name must be “attached” to the name of a registered participant. Participant must accept you as his/her personal pacer
* Bikers not allowed. Pacer must be on foot.

[ Sign in sheet ]
Signing up to be a Dream Chaser or Personal Pacer is on a first come, first served basis, but organizer reserves the right to invite and prioritize runners and likewise reject applications.  We will not accept reservations or special requests.

Please expect the accepted the names of accepted Dream Chasers and Pacers to be announced on both and within this week.  We will need ample time to screen and process the requests.  Since these slots are in high demand, we apologize in advance to those who will not be accepted.  While we wish we could accommodate all requests, we prioritize the safety and security of our TBR Dream Marathoners and limit the number of people on the course.

UPDATE: Link has been removed. Thanks to the 260 runners who signed up as volunteers! We’ll announce the accepted volunteers soon.