So you didn’t get into TBR Dream Marathon 2012 the first time? Here’s your second chance (if you reserved online!)
As we expected, not everyone from the first wave of reserved runners registered for the race. Hence, the unclaimed slots were freed up. Now, we are passing the slots on to the waitlisted runners.
Here’s the catch. To keep things simple and expedite the registration process (we want to start running already!), we are allowing 100 wait listed runners to sign up. BUT, there are only 70 slots available.
Let me repeat:
- No. of slots available for TBR DREAM 2012: 70 slots
- No. of runners on the Wave 2 Reserved Runners List: 100 runners
What does this mean? It means that the 70 slots will be given to the first 70 runners who register and claim their registration kits. Not all 100 will be accommodated into the race. We feel terrible about this, but we do hope you understand that we limit our slots to ensure each of our TBR Dream runners is well cared for.
- First come, first served basis. As mentioned, there are 100 names on the wait listed sheet below. BUT, there are only 70 SLOTS open. First 70 to register will claim the slots.
- Onsite cash registration. To keep things fair, payment will only be accepted in cash and only at our registration center. Only for those out of town, we will accept emails to confirm your slot. Please email
- Reserved runners from the 1st Wave of Runners have forfeited their slot. They cannot sign into Wave 2 of Registration.
DATE: Thursday, October 13 to Sunday October 16, 2011
TIME: 12 noon to 10 PM
VENUE: Runner’s Runner Booth at 2/F R.O.X. Bonifacio High Street
WHO CAN REGISTER: You may register only if you are a RESERVED RUNNER. Click HERE to download master list for WAVE 2.
RUNNER’S RUNNER Hotline: 624-0642
For inquiries on your reservation or on TBR Dream Marathon, contact Macel at email:
1. Confirm slot in TBRDM 2012 Reserved Runners List – Wave 2. NOTE: If your name is not on the list, please do not register.
<<<<Click HERE to download the file>>>>>
2. Pay registration fee of P2,500 at Runner’s Runner at ROX.
3. Submit the signed waiver. You may download TBR Waiver_2012 and print a copy to speed up the process but we’ll have printed copies onsite too.
4. Claim registration kit. Note: Authorized representatives may claim your Registration Kit upon presentation of the Runner’s Valid ID and Letter of Authorization.
WHAT DO I GET IN MY REGISTRATION KIT? (inspired by Chevrolet-New Balance Power Run image)

You get a TBR DM Folder containing your TBR DM Welcome Note, 22-week Training Program by Coach Jim Lafferty, and information for training and race day. You also get a TBR Dream Card for discounts with our partners and to note your participation in our clinics and talks. We’re also giving you a TBR Dream Official cotton shirt plus a RUN bumper sticker.

This is our updated size chart for TBR DM Official Shirt. Choose your size based on the size chart above (unisex) to expedite onsite registration.
- We have limited stocks available for particular sizes, BUT we will replenish our stock for all sizes. Runners will be advised on this blog when and where to claim the new sizes.
- For Wave 1 of TBR DM registered runners who’ve claimed their shirts, please note we added two new sizes. If you wish to exchange sizes, we accept exchange if the shirt is unwashed and unused. We will advise when and where the claiming of shirts will be.