adobo Run After Dark – 29 October 2011

Saturday, 27 August 2011  |  Race Announcements

Running at night + beer + shopping + entertainment all on the long weekend of Halloween. What more could you ask for?! Gotta start training for this guys and ghouls!

Adobo Run 2011 poster rev6-1

adobo Run After Dark 2011 is a fantasy-themed run for an estimated 5,000 runners. This electrifying, one-of-a-kind event kicks off the Halloween-All Saints’-All Souls’ Day long weekend. After last year’s initial adobo Run After Dark, the organizers are ready to mount the 2nd edition with more pizzazz and surprises. There will be an after-run party with live music, free flowing beer, a sideline bazaar, spectacular performers (samba percussionists, poi dancers, fire breathers, carnival queens), fireworks display, dazzling lights show, and fantasy costumes.

What: adobo Run After Dark 2011
When: 29 October 2011
Where: Aseana Business Park, Bay City, Pasay-Paranaque (near MOA)
Race Categories: 15k, 5k, 3k Costume Run
Event Organizer: Crush Communications

Assembly Time: 7:00pm
Gunstart: 15K → 8:10pm | 5K → 8:20pm | 3K → 8:30pm


  • Click HERE to download registration form
  • Registration fee: P750 (all categories)
  • Registration Period: (may end earlier depending on availability)
    • Manual registration – Oct. 3 to 23, 2011 – Runnr Trinoma, Toby’s Megamall, R.O.X. Bonifacio High Street
    • On-line registration – Sep 1 to Oct 23, 2011 (delivery of race kits starts on Oct 3, 2011) –
  • Race Registration Inclusions: Race singlet, Runningmate Timing Chip, Bib Number, Finisher’s Certificate, Loot Bag, Party Stub, Finisher’s Medal (for top 500 15k & 5k runners, respectively)

Adobo Run 2011 Singlet design
– adobo run singlet design –

Adobo Run 2011 loot bag
– adobo run lootbag –

Adobo Run 2011 medal
– adobo run medal –

Adobo Run 2011 3k route
– 3k route –

Adobo Run 2011 5k route
– 5k route –

Adobo Run 2011 15k route
– 15k route –

Contact details:


Friday, 26 August 2011  |  Bullish Insights

I’ve been getting chills on and off for the past few days this week.  Every day I don’t quite feel 100% fine hence just 7k total mileage the past days and zero gym or swimming. Every evening, as we get into bed, I show the kids the goosebumps on my arms and beg them to turn the air conditioning down but they giggle and grin and head off to lala land while I freeze and sneeze and toss and turn with this cold that never really comes.  No surprise, I guess. They’re little bull runners, after all!

My plan is to completely disregard this cold-that-never-comes and run my long run tomorrow.  Sunday, I’ll go for a 5k recovery run at Earth Run where I hope and pray “recovery” would mean getting over sore muscles and this annoying cold.


This morning, as I was preparing for TBR Dream 2012 (yes, you all know plans are underway) I went through all the stories sent in by TBR Dream Marathoners 2011.  Woah, I got goosebumps from reading about how our little dream of a race had made such a significant impact in their lives.  Here are bits and pieces of some of the stories sent in…(To the runners who sent their stories in, thank you so much! I wasn’t able to reply to each one, but I surely will. Just give me time to sift through my Inbox!)

There is nowhere in the world where one runs a marathon in a more loving and nurturing environment than in the TBR DM. The pacers, the dream chasers, the hydration station attendants, the organizers, the fellow runners, the families, the onlookers, everyone was cheering at us and buoying our spirits up, as if our dream-come-true is theirs too. Some runners faltered along the way, labored painfully, grappled with injuries, struggled with each mile, but these people kept them on, pushed them literally…Each of us runners were facing our own bout but we moved as if we were one spirit, straining into one direction and wanting every comrade of the road to finish too. In the TBR DM, everyone who crosses the finish line is a winner and everyone who steps on the thin line that defines a marathoner owns the limelight to himself. There was no competition there, only a contest against oneself, and there, we conquered. And as we did, our families and friends and supporters roared and hugged and held because our victory became theirs. (For full story, click HERE.)

– Aisa Manlosa

Anton Badiola
I practically threw out any plans of targeting a particular finish time and just cherish every kilometer and enjoy the great company. We had a blast every time Coach Jim would pass us by with his motorcycle shouting loudly and egg us to move on. We would talk about how this year’s edition of TBR Marathon was setup from the Bull Sessions, Talks, Send-Off Party and the marathon itself. With all the exceptional things given to us by the TBR Team, it seemed like Jaymie paid us to do the marathon – it was just that good.

– Anton Badiola

TBR Dream Marathon 2011, race day… I describe it as one HELLISH experience but I don’t mind doing it all over again. There were a lot of emotions from the start, pains and soreness along the way, but crossing that finish line gave me and every participant an inexplicable feeling that would make one cry and smile at the same time. I’d like to thank Jaymie and the entire TBR Dream Team. TBR Dream Marathon is the best marathon setting anyone could ever ask for. We appreciate all the time, efforts, and sacrifices you’ve done in making this happen. Thank you for sharing your knowledge and passion with us. I pray to God that He may bless you abundantly for you to be able to continue this good deed and help more runners in the future.

– Mike Janeo

TEARS OF ELATED JOY.  That is how I would describe my feeling as I ran the last few hundred meters to the finish line.  The last few meters to the finish line just kept repeating in my mind, it was truly a EUPHORIC MOMENT for me. When Joy & I saw the sign 42K, she told me she will run ahead and she will see me at the finish line.  The moment she ran ahead of me I just could’nt stop running, I kept going and going and going and I was crying already.  Good thing I was wearing shades so my tears were not easily seen.  It was just me who crossed the finish line when I saw the TIMEX clock 6:48 (as I recall) so it was a glorious MOMENT indeed!  And you know what the BEST part was? Just a few steps near the finish line, my eldest son JAVIER approached me, HELD MY HAND and gave me a big smile and TOGETHER we crossed the finish line.  Then my youngest son, ENZO gave me hug and it was just a PERFECT moment.

All Dream Marathoners were acknowledged by the host as we crossed the finish line. I felt like a Hollywood star, cameras flashing and the host gave me a compliment that I still looked FRESH even after running the TOUGH 42K.  Then the TBR medal was placed on me and I surely felt like a REAL WINNER, whoohoohoo!!!

– Donna Gojo-Segunial

I’ve been treated like a “fragile being” by family and friends who cared about me — so many things I shouldn’t eat or do, just because I had asthma. When I was rushed to the ER and a doctor tells me my asthma was back (and with vengeance), I was told I can never take part in any endurance sport ever again — I was told I can never run. But finishing your marathon defied all odds. I was able to complete 42.2km even when they told me I could not. (Click HERE for full story)

– Gail Villanueva

To most serious runners, finishing a marathon in 7:51 may be something to scoff at. But I hold my head high. I, after all, finished! More than gunning for a faster time, it was the experience that mattered most. So all those tears were all about being surrounded by happy, shiny people who have nothing but my best interest in their hearts, thus making my first marathon worth running, despite the pain.

– Dittie Galang

I’m thinking of setting up a website just to hold all of the stories from TBR Dream Marathon.  For TBR Dream Alumni, it would be a great site to look back on.  And, for those who dream of something bigger in their lives, it would be a great place to draw inspiration from.  Soon!


1000 Runners for 1 Heart: A Run for Sofia Ysabel on 27 August 2011

Thursday, 25 August 2011  |  Race Announcements

I almost wept when I read this. I never met Sofia Ysabel’s mom but, as a mother myself, I could feel her pain…

You were in my arms as you peacefully took your last breath…

While the grief is great, your Dad and I are, in a sense, consoled/happy that it happened the way it did. That we were there during your final hours. That we got to hold and kiss you. That it happened peacefully. No hint of pain. It was like you were just sleeping through all the activity around you.

Excerpt from

The running community is coming together to show their support for the Rosal family this coming Saturday, August 27, 2011 in a run called One Thousand Runners for One Heart: A Run for Sofia Ysabel. If you’re available and you would like to help, late registration will be available near the starting line near the fountain of the Venice Piazza at McKinley Hill.


Click HERE for the race website.  Visit its Facebook page HERE.

Here’s more information…

Three months ago, Sofia Ysabel Rosal was born with Down’s Syndrome and Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS), a congenital heart disease. She has undergone dialysis to address kidney failure apart from the other tests and procedures that were regularly administered to keep her condition stable. But through all these, Sofia remained strong and steadfast in her will to live a full life with her family. Last July 23, Sofia’s battle finally came to an end. However short her life was, it was fully lived as she stood as an inspiration and a shining example of how one should face a life filled with seemingly insurmountable adversities.

Sofia’s strength and determination has inspired friends and family to put together a fund raising activity to support her family since the cost of her treatment had reached alarming heights. “One Thousand Runners for One Heart: A Run for Sofia Ysabel”, is a 3k and 5k fun run happening on August 27,2011 (6:00am) at the Venice Piazza , McKinley Hill, Taguig City.

Registration is now open at R.O.X Bonifacio High Street and The Brick Mckinley Hill. Registration for both 3k and 5k is Php 500 with the proceeds to be turnover to Sofia’s family. Part of the proceeds will be donated to charity benefiting patients with congenital heart disease. Professional runners, leisure runners, and first- time runners are all welcome to run, not to beat previous records but to be one of a thousand runners running or walking for Sofia , the little girl with a big brave heart.

TBR Dream Marathon 2011 Certificate and Souvenir Programs Out Tomorrow

Thursday, 25 August 2011  |  Race Announcements

Belated Happy 5th Month Anniversary to our TBR Dream Marathoners 2011! It’s been 5 months since you crossed the finish line of your first marathon and most of you, as I’ve seen and heard, are going strong and dreaming big!

As promised–and I’m sincerely sorry for the delay–we’re giving you your TBR Dream Certificates and your PDF Souvenir Programs. These will be made available to all FINISHERS of TBR Dream Marathon 2011.  (Click HERE to view results.)

– Just a sample above of me finishing in dream finish time hah! –

Here are details for pick up:

4 weeks Friday to Sunday from August 26 to Sept 18, 2011. Exact dates would be:
– August 26 to 28, 2011
– Sept 2 to 4, 2011
– Sept 9 to 11, 2011
– Sept 16 to 18, 2011

– Midnight Mercato: Fri-Sat 10pm-3am
– Mercato Centrale: Sat-Sun 7am-2pm

Mercato Organizers Booth at Mercato Centrale.
Address: 34th St. Bonifacio Global City beside MC Home Depot near Starbucks Drive Thru

Mercato new_low

– Midnight: Angela 0908-756-8859
– During the day: Miko 0999-655-0138
– For special requests (such as mailing to the province or corrections), please email macjaneo(at) with this in the subject line: TBRDM2011 FINISHER

– A representative can pick up upon presentation of valid ID of runner.
– Certificates and PDF souvenir programs left unclaimed after Sept. 18, 2011 may no longer be claimed.

Manny Pacquiao and TBR at Misibis Bay

Friday, 19 August 2011  |  Bullish Insights

In the middle of reviewing both kids for their exams a couple of days ago, this stressed out mom couldn’t have received a better gift: an invitation from the lovely people of Misibis Bay to revisit their resort.  Before I could answer “Yes!”, they added: Congressman Manny Pacquiao will be there, too.

Fast forward to two days after and here I am resting comfortably in one of Misibis Bay’s luxurious suites completely starstruck after spending time with the best boxer in the world, Cong. Manny Pacquiao, and wife Jinky.

– Beach front at Misibis Bay –

– Most of the suites face the pool –


While the rest of the press were eating and chatting earlier today, I managed to steal a long 5 minutes of one-on-one chit chat with Cong. Manny Pacquiao! Boy was I lucky!

– Once in a lifetime chance to be this close to the Pacman. Check out what he’s reading! –

– Starstruck! –

– with Jinky Pacquiao –

What did we talk about? Running, of course!

I learned that Manny runs six times every morning of the week except Sundays.  It’s in the afternoons, 1pm to 4pm, that he trains for boxing.  He runs anywhere from 40 mins. to 1 hour and uses time as gauge rather than distance.  His longest run to date has been 1 hour and 15 mins.  He added that he loves hills and trains in Rizal when in Manila and Griffith Park when in the US.


Before I knew it, the rest of the press came to ask more questions.



While I was satisfied with learning about Manny’s running regimen, I was of course interested to hear what else he had to say on other matters:

* ON OTHER SPORTS ASDIE FROM BOXING: diving, jet ski, basketball, billiards, pingpong, badminton, and running

– Manny toured Misibis in this segway. That’s one good way to escape the paparazzi. For us runners, a sure way to PR! –

* ON WHAT SETS HIM APART FROM OTHER BOXERS: his faith in God.  He prays the rosary daily nine days before each fight and offers mass before and after the fight

* ON HIS KIDS FOLLOWING IN HIS FOOTSTEPS: he started boxing at age 12 and he’s quite relieved that his kids are not at all interested in boxing

* ON HIS BOXING STRATEGY:  There’s a lot of strategizing involved in boxing.  It’s hard.  But, if you plan it well, then it becomes easier.

* ON MOST VALUABLE MATERIAL ITEMS: his trophies and belts

* ON THE BEST INVESTMENT HE’S MADE: buying MP Tower, the first gym he trained in when he went to Manila.  It was old and decrepit when he purchased it, but he tore it down and built a 7-story building

* ON RETIREMENT: No comment at all

Here’s a video of Manny explaining how he trains for his fights by analyzing his opponents:


I couldn’t believe it.  The Manny Pacquiao reading The Bull Runner Magazine.  Faint!


Misibis Bay is located in Cagraray Island in Albay. It’s a 45 minute flight from Manila to Legazpi and less than an hour land trip from the airport to the resort. For more info, call 661-8888 loc 3007 or visit their website at

Read about my Misibis Bay Fitness Escape here and here.