Looney Tunes Active Fun Run on Aug. 30

Wednesday, 29 July 2009  |  Race Announcements

I realized last week that I’ll be out of town for this much-awaited race for our family. I felt awful about it, but thankfully after a brief explanation, the kids understood.

The hubby and little bull runners are registered for this event already. I hope he takes a lot of photos!

Click here to visit the website.

22x28 poster (Medium)

What’s in Your Bag?

Wednesday, 29 July 2009  |  Gear + Gadgets

Having left a ton of stuff before yesterday‘s run, I thought I’d prepare a Running Checklist to avoid little mishaps in the future and to help newbie runners determine what to dump (or remove) from their bags before a workout. Below is a detailed list of what I personally have in my gym bag. Feel free to customize as you deem fit (especially the men hehe):

  1. ipod shuffle
  2. sports watch (my husband’s Timex or Nike+ Sportsband). Garmin Forerunner 305 is worn on my wrist already.
  3. Amphipod hydration belt with 1 to 3 bottles depending on the distance.  1-2 bottles filled with Gatorade, 1 bottle water.
  4. Garmin heart rate monitor chest strap
  5. cap (if I’m not wearing one yet)
  6. Body Glide to prevent chafing
  7. bottle of water
  8. Gatorade (currently loving Tiger which has 25% more electrolytes)
  9. 2 Hammer espresso or chocolate gels
  10. 1 pack Nature Valley granola bar – peanut butter or plain
  11. 1 pack Sports Beans
  12. 1 pack Skyflakes/ Graham crackers
  13. 2 sets of sports wear (shirt/ singlet, shorts/ leggings)
  14. 2 sports bras
  15. 1 pair of socks (Nike, Runnr, or Burlington. Stopped wearing Thorlos a few months ago after it gave me terrible blisters)
  16. 1 set of casual attire (if necessary)
  17. Betula slippers (better than flipflops since it has the same technology as Birkenstocks. Good arch support)
  18. Toiletries (shampoo, conditioner, soap, deodorant, Block & White deodorant powder which is the best thing after a run, panty shields, etc.)
  19. Band aid
  20. Hair brush, extra Goody no slip ponytail holder, headband, gel
  21. 1 medium towel, 1 face towel (After a run, I soak the face towel with water and use it on my entire body. Use the medium towel to dry up.)
  22. 1 small pack tissue
  23. Gold’s Gym membership card, gym schedule
  24. P200 cash for emergencies
  25. Camera (for a race)
  26. Cellphone
  27. couple of TBR magazines in case I bump into a friend/ fellow runner
  28. Runner’s World magazine

Forgetful Jones

Tuesday, 28 July 2009  |  Bullish Insights

My sister and i often joke about how forgetful we’ve become ever since we were injected with anesthesia during our children’s births. We forget a story midway through a conversation, we leave one or two items more often than we would like to admit, and we even forget about our own age sometimes!

Years ago, I labelled my sister as “Forgetful Jones,” that brown-haired cowboy in Sesame Street who can’t remember a thing. But, this morning, I would have to admit that I deserved that name more than she does.

I thought I was all set for my 9 a.m. run this morning. But, on the way to my run, I realized I left my hydration belt and heart rate strap at home. No worries, I thought. When I reached my starting point, I wanted to take a couple of sips of Gatorade as I always do before proceeding to run, but I realized it was left in the freezer to chill. No water bottle either! So, I took a small sip from my little girl’s sippy cup instead.  I searched my bag for my ipod but I realized that I left the earphones stuck to my laptop since I used it to listen to Run Radio’s podcast last night. Luckily, the hubby had just returned from his run, so I borrowed his earphones. As I proceeded to run, my ipod failed to start because I forgot to charge it. I turned on my Garmin and discovered it was low batt as well. I completely forgot to recharge it after I rebooted it to fix its problems last night.

I seriously thought these were ominous signs. Was God telling me not to proceed with the run? That I may possibly trip over a rock, sprain my ankle, or get struck by lightning?  I set these gloomy thoughts aside, said a short prayer, and went off to run.

My program said I should run an easy 5k at 7 min/km pace, so that’s what I planned on doing. Like a purist runner, I ran through the roads soaking in every sight and sound sans the ipod and Garmin to distract me from the beauty of my surroundings. With the pace much slower than even my usual slow runs, I felt more relaxed as I fully let go of all the concerns of the day and allowed my mind to wander aimlessly.  Initially, I was off to a bad start with all the gear I left behind, but ironically, this was one of the best runs I’d had in months.

For the first time in weeks, I was able to enjoy a run the way it was meant to be savoured, like a glass of wine or a first kiss. Completely lost in my running revelry, this Forgetful Jones started remembering how it was to run in the early days. I recalled how I ran with just P100 shorts from SM, a cotton shirt, and a bottle of Astring-o-Sol filled with water for hydration without a care in the world about all my gear, when all I followed was the time and a 1-hour run was worthy of a big celebration, when the running community was so small and almost everyone was a friend. Everything was so plain and simple then.  How things had changed. How I missed those good ol’ days—and how I missed these kinds of runs.

By the time I made my way back, I had finished 7k at an easy 7 min/km pace according to my Nike+ Sportsband. I’m not superstitious, but those two coincidental 7’s, plus an awesome, invigorating run like that, made me feel like I could take on the world.

Condura Run on Feb. 7, 2010!

Tuesday, 28 July 2009  |  Race Announcements

It’s confirmed.  Straight from Ton Concepcion’s mouth…

After reading your (TBR) survey, Patrick and I are pleased to announce that the Condura Run 2010 shall be on FEBRUARY 7, 2010, SUNDAY. This will run through the Skyway.  Feb. 7 is still cold and it gives us and the runners more time to prepare. We are planning this early so that we can make the Condura Run a memorable event for the runners.  We shall announce from time to time surprises that the runners will love.  Thank you.

Race distances: 3k/ 5k/ 10k/ 21k.  As for the 42k, Ton did not confirm.

Race organizer: still finalizing details.  A little birdie gave me a clue “It will be the best of both worlds.”


Hmmm…February is going to be yet another busy month for runners.  We’ll have the following:

  • Feb. 7: Condura 21k or 42k.  Why join?  The Skyway!  Well-organized.
  • Feb 21: Run Rio 32k.  Why join?  Daang Hari! Well-organized.
  • Feb 28: Standard Chartered Hong Kong Marathon 42k.  Why join?  Hong Kong!  Well-organized.

Uh oh, this is a tough choice.  Can’t we join all three of them?

Run with M.E. Race Report

Monday, 27 July 2009  |  Race Reports

TBR Review: Run with M.E.
Organizer: Ateneo Management Engineering Alumni
Venue: Ateneo de Manila

– Challenging course: a mix of ascents and descents on the road, rocks, and a run through the Ateneo Highschool field
– Ample supply of water at stations
– Directional signs and race course marshals
– No singlet but was announced early on as funds were directed to the beneficiary: 40 scholars

– Race start mixed runners of all distances
– Narrow strip of road climbing up from the gym
– Long lines to claim free shirts given to the top 50 finishers for each race distance

– with Manman Jalandoni, member of the race organizing committee from Ateneo ME alumni –

Run with M.E. was a relatively small race with around 1,000 runners showing up for the event. The usual spoils of a bigger event were not available, and rightfully so since this race was a fund raising event to send 40 scholars to school. Despite the limited budget, organizers successfully provided runners with an enjoyable event covering basic requirements for a good race. The atmosphere was more laid-back and friendly, less hectic than the more commercialized races, but just as fun. Congratulations to the Ateneo M.E. Alumni! I hope you make this an annual event.


It was 1996. My best friend and I joined the Ateneo Taekwondo Team to obtain exemption from P.E. classes. One training day, our coach surprised us with a new warm up: one run around school grounds. My best friend was a smoker while I never smoked a cigarette in my life (and I never will.) But, there we were, both gasping for air as the rest of our team mates happily jogged along. That was the last time I ran in Ateneo.

Yesterday morning, I found myself at the starting line of Run with M.E. ready to conquer the roads that once challenged me. I was near the front of the starting line along with my hubby and right behind the elites. The race organizer announced that 5k would go first, 10k and 3k would follow. Perhaps we were busy chatting or we were too excited to run, but when the gun was fired, it was only then that we realized that were running the 10k and we shouldn’t have been there! So, we ran a few steps forward to let the 5k run their race, laughed about our foolish mistake, and made our way back to the starting line for our real start.

When the race started, I didn’t have a plan. Nothing, nada, zilch. Then, my Garmin—whose software I updated the night before thanks to good friend Alvin’s advice—died once again. I relied on my Nike+ Sportsband instead, but couldn’t quite read see the pace as I was maneuvering the slippery, scary roads. So, my impromptu plan was to give 90% effort: fast but not the vomit-at-the-end-of-the-race fast.

We ran downhill towards the gym and up again a very narrow, rocky path. Then, we ran on the main road that led us to Ateneo High School. As I was running, I couldn’t help but feel nostalgic about my fun and carefree college days. I passed our old hangout, the cafeteria, and even those far off classrooms at Bellarmine Hall which I deplored walking to (as if it was so far!) Then, I spotted my old Theology teacher, Fr. Dacanay. I called out his name and he stared at me blankly. I yelled out “Old student!” in between breaths and he smiled back. If I had more time, I would’ve stopped to remind him that I was the student who arrived late for class and, in front of everyone, he ordered me to get out because no late comers were allowed. How embarrassing, but I loved him still.

My favorite part of the race was the run around the high school soccer field. It was unique for a race and a good break from the tough roads. After one loop, we ran on the road again and made our way back towards the Blue Eagle gym for another 5k loop.

By 5k, I was exhausted. It was due to lack of training, really. But, I pushed myself and focused on finishing the race at almost the same pace as I had started.

As I ran around the same loop again, nostalgia took a backseat. I was already tired and out of breath. I stopped at every water station to sip water and pushed myself forward again. The second half of the race came and went quickly. I basically shut my eyes to run as fast as I could.

I finished the race at exactly 53 minutes for a distance of 9.07km according to my Nike+ Sportsband. Hubby’s Garmin says it was 9.67km while my friend Harry’s Polar registered 9.33km. Not bad at all for an overly sentimental runner who hasn’t done any speedwork in weeks.

– with fellow Ateneo alumnus Dingdong (RunMD) –

– with Pinoy Ultra Runners Jeremy, Hector (of Second Wind Running Store), and Neville –

– with Cougcat and his wonderful parents, Thess and Arnold.  Arnold, thanks for pacing me in the last kilometer! haha –

– with takbo.ph peeps. Where were the takbo.ph women, guys? –

– with Ron, runner and host of Auto Review –

– Ron and his son Paolo (camera man) interviewed me. I was so passionate about what I was saying, I had my eyes closed! –

– with Ian of Botak –

– with TBR readers. Did we get to introduce ourselves to each other? –

– P&G Runners, Kristy and Pablo –

– with Bald Runner and Kim. Kim, let’s run soon! –

– Exchange gifts with BR. I gave BR his Nike Structure Triax, the prize he won as the chosen commenter in TBR Mag… –

– BR gave me the BR 1,000km Club shirt. Thanks BR! –