TBR Dream 2016: Oh the Fun We Had at Bull Session 1!

Saturday, 3 October 2015  |  Running + Triathlon

DSC_0128– The previous batch of Dreamer, Batch 2015, surprised us all with a warm welcome (complete with banner!) and full pacer support for the new batch of Dreamers. So heartwarming! This is what TBR Dream is all about –

It was the first Bull Session for Batch 2016 of TBR Dream Marathon this morning.  This is always something I look forward to because we get to run with our Dreamers and chat with them along the way.  It’s a chance for me and the rest of the Dream Team and Pacers to know our runners and for them to meet each other as well.  Here are some photos taken by our Official Photographers, Photo-Ops, this morning.  Judging from the smiles on their faces during the run… and the happy chaos that ensued after, I would say it was a success!  (Warning: Tons of photos of  hyper and enthusiastic soon-to-be marathoners! lol) (more…)

5 Tips for Marathon Training for Busy Runners

Monday, 28 September 2015  |  Running + Triathlon

21 – After yesterday’s long run with good friends Lit, Noy, and Jay. Missing in pic were Rico and Mench who ran even longer –

Life is moving at a crazy, fast pace lately (how I wish I could say the same for my running lol.)   I’ve found myself juggling corporate work, race organizing, blogging, and motherhood along with Osaka Marathon training. It’s definitely a challenge, but, like anything in life, if you want something bad enough, you’ll try to make it work. And, with proper time management and commitment to the tasks at hand, I’ll tell you that it’s quite manageable…even fun if you’re cray like me! Should you find yourself in the same predicament in the future (or now!), here are my top 5 tips for training for a marathon while you’re busy with the rest of your life: (more…)

TBR Dream Marathon 2016: Bull Circle 1 on Sep 23

Monday, 14 September 2015  |  Running + Triathlon


Body Pump: Do’s and Don’ts for Your First Class

Friday, 4 September 2015  |  Running + Triathlon


It’s been several months back when I tried my first Body Pump class at Fitness First. Before then, I would watch other members wait patiently for the previous class to end and, when the door to the studio would open, they would rush into the room, reserve their spot, and methodically prepare their bar, dumbells, weights, and mat on their space. It got me curious. So, one day, I decided to try it. (more…)

Wake Up to Fitness

Tuesday, 25 August 2015  |  Running + Triathlon

IMG_3146– My bagong gising look at Fitness First lol –

I read an article on Time.com last week on the “12 Things Extremely Successful People Do Before Breakfast.”  It was interesting to note that, among work-related matters such as prioritizing a top business item or having a passion project and family matters such as spending time with family and bonding with the partner, No. 2 on the list was exercise.  Successful people, no matter how busy their lives are, exercise in the morning before it falls off their to-do list.

The writer elaborated that these successful people made the time to exercise because it reduced stress, helped manage the effects of a bad diet, and provided better sleep at night.  As I read this, I said: Yes, yes, and yes!

Now, I’m not even half as successful as these guys.  But, at least I can say I have one thing in common with them: I also workout first thing in the morning!  Here are more reasons why you should too (if you don’t yet):

1+ Gives you more focus later in the day.  Life isn’t about working out.  After a morning workout, you are more alert and you have more focus for the important stuff, such as school, work, or family.

2+ No room for excuses. If you plan to workout later in the day, there’s a greater chance that you’ll come up with an excuse such as traffic, a deadline, or even an officemate’s birthday party later that evening.  Don’t even give yourself a chance to flake on your gym instructor.  Just go out and do it upon waking.

3+ Speed up your metabolism throughout the day.  We all know that exercises boosts our metabolism.  By exercising in the morning, your metabolism starts working early in the day allowing you to burn more calories later.

4+ Helps you make better food choices.  When you exercise in the morning, you feel better about your body throughout the day and you become more conscious of how you care for it.  You tend to lean more towards healthy foods that provide fuel and nourishment for your body. On a lighter note, you also don’t want to waste all the calories you burned at the gym by downing a donut.

5+ You feel better about yourself.  Working out doesn’t only make you look better, it also makes you feel better.  Breaking a sweat in the gym or working out outdoors releases endorphins  that just make you feel good throughout the day.  Now, can you imagine how much better (or more successful!) this world would be if we all just woke up early to exercise?!