I have this crazy friend. His name is Javy Olives. I first met him almost three years ago along with his wife, Hannah, while we were running loops around Bonifacio High Street for a Nike test run. He introduced himself as Rice Cooker. A couple of years later, after learning about his bad knee and how he still manages to train and race while wearing his black brace, I called him Robocop.

– Javy Olives will do the IM China for ICanServe on May 29, 2011 –

– Javy and Hannah Olives on the cover of Runners World Jan 2011 issue –
Last year, he ran the first TBR Dream Marathon. He was among the front runners. He crossed the finish line below 4 hours. Then, he did a headstand…as he always does in his races. I told you he’s crazy.

– Javy after TBR Dream Marathon 2010 –
Soon after TBR Dream, he promised to pace me for Nature Valley 21k. We had such high hopes. But, since I was out of shape (yes, I blame myself for the mess up), we ended up walking midway. Needless to say, we ended the race far below expectations. Later on, he told me the entire experience was “like a bad date not worth repeating.”

– with Javy at the start of Nature Valley run. How optimistic we were! Hah! –
This year, my crazy friend and now Teammate at Hammer will join Ironman China on May 29. He’s doing all this for the benefit of ICanServe Foundation. I’ll let him share with you his story below. But, I do ask for your help on his behalf. Helping him will help other women with breast cancer. All the best in China, Javs!
Read Javy’s blog: Tri’n Hard
This will confirm what you probably already knew. I am crazy. Last year’s Ironman left me wanting more, so I’m doing it all over again in China come May 29. Those grueling thirteen hours stripped me down to my core. I learned about pain, patience, sacrifice, hope and the power of the human spirit. Best of all, I learned that nothing is IMpossible. This time around, I am psyched to swim 4 kilometers, cycle 180 kilometers and run 42.2 kilometers not just for myself, but for something much, much bigger.
Twelve years ago, my sister was diagnosed with an advanced stage of breast cancer. She helped start a breast cancer foundation and made one vow: that women diagnosed should not go through it alone, in the dark or in shame. Today, the ICanServe Foundation provides hope and help for women with breast cancer. It promotes early breast cancer detection through high impact information campaigns and early detection programs.
In the time it will take me to complete the Ironman, 240 women will be diagnosed with berast cancer, and 60 of them will die because of it.
I’d like to TRI and make a change in any little way I can, and I would love for you to help me. Here are some ways you can:
- 1. Donate a flat amount that feels comfortable for you and your wallet.
- 2. Pledge any peso amount for every kilometer I complete. (The Ironman is a 226 kilometer event)
If there are cancer survivors you would like to honor, let me know. I will gladly scribble their names on my jersey to remind me why I am out there that day.
Through your generous pledges and donations, every stroke, step and stride I take will help chemotherapy patients on treatment and help subsidize community-based screening programs. Like I said, no one should be helpless or clueless when it comes to cancer.
So there..maybe I’m no so crazy after all.
Click ICanTri for ICS PLEDGE FORM to download the pledge form or email javy.olives(at)gmail.com