TBR RACE REVIEW: Century Tuna Superbods Run 2010

5 TBR medals – Excellent | 4 TBR Medals – Very Good | 3 TBR Medals – Average |
2 TBR Medals – Poor| 1 TBR Medal – Terrible
- gigantic event with 11,000 plus runners
- timing chip
- spectacular set-up: wide open spaces for post-race event, supermarket, go-see, freebies, program, etc
- plenty directional signs along the route
- marshals lined the route
- abundant water and Gatorade in long tables (given out by Brazilian models!)
- organized parking and assembly area
- LCD screens for the start/finish
- display of finisher’s name on LCD screen upon finish
- challenging 10k route
- convenient and easy registration and race packet redemption
- immediate release of results (Click HERE for results)
- Run pix and Photovendo
- early start of 10k
- cars along the route (runners were literally running through traffic)
- dark areas despite floodlights
- many runners lost their way despite marshals directions and directional signs (or some due to wrong directions of marshals)
SPECTACULAR. GRAND. UNBELIEVABLE. All the superlatives were rolling out of my tongue as I viewed the gargantuan stage set-up, LCD screens in the starting line, and all 11,000 plus runners sprawled across the expanse of road across Bonifacio High Street. This was definitely the biggest, most high-tech, and world-class race I had the pleasure of joining.
Early on, due to the magnitude of the event, I quite frankly expected the worst. I expected traffic, chaos, crowds, and a runner’s worst nightmare: a whole lot of pushing and shoving during the race leading to the slowest performance ever. Yes, there were reports of misdirected runners, close-call road accidents, or advanced gun start of the 10k, that some runners complained about. But, fortunately for me, mine was a near-perfect experience.
This was THE race to be in. This was the kind of race that brought surprises, made my heart race with excitement, and gave me a thrill over the entire running experience. As I stood there amid the organized chaos after the race, I thought: How far running has come in the Philippines…and I can’t wait for even more surprises!
Bravo to Century Tuna and Run Rio for staging, for me, was one of the best race events of the year!

– So many runners at the finish line. Amazing! –

– Huge fair after the race. Raymund, Vimz and I were like highschool kids in a school fair –
What do you do 2 weeks after Condura marathon and one week before HK marathon? Can one race in a training shoe (New Balance 1225) that’s just being broken in? I had no clue. I just knew I registered for 10km for Century Superbods run and I was in the mood to race.
I stood at the assembly area with Atty. Raymund (Everybody Loves Raymund) and his friend, Jolon and waited only a few seconds before the race started. Here’s the funniest short clip about our foolish mistake! You have to see it…Click HERE.
We sped off into the dark along with all the other 10k runners. It’s been so long since I joined a 10k event that I completely forgot about warming up (something I do during 21k runs). We were running at sub-5 min/km pace and my legs felt stiff and heavy. Argh. We were running way too fast.
A couple of kilometers after, I reminded Raymund that we should slow down. We kept a steady pace at 5:30 min/km instead. Still, the pace kept me challenged all throughout the run. I realized how the past week’s workload and late nights had taken a toll on my body.
There it was again. That long uphill near I.S. that tormented me during the last 2kms of Condura Marathon. The same one I’ve run over and over again during training runs. I mustered up my strength and pretended I had fresh legs and went at it. For a while, I zoned out again and kept a strong pace climbing up. Before I knew it, the hill was gone and the roads were flat again.
That 10k was fun and fast. It’s been so long since I raced that way; I didn’t know how much I missed it! According to my Garmin, my time was 53:54 for 10.14km. Average pace: 5:18 min/km.
Official time was 54:11. And, for another surprise to end a wonderful run, I placed 12th overall for females out of 628 runners. Woohooo!
Cick HERE for results.

– with pace buddy Atty Raymund (Everybody Loves Raymund) –

– In a sea of 11t runners, we managed to bump into the fastest of ’em all: Eduardo Buenavista with Raymund, Vimz (The Kulit Runner), and myself –

– Poor hubby didn’t reg for the race thinking he’d be camping out with Lil Bull Runner. Plans changed and the sched freed up but it was too late. Hubby ran around BHS instead during the race –

– with Raymund, Vimz (The Kulit Runner), and Edward –

– with Renze of Newton, his friend, and Raymund –

– The day wouldn’t have been complete without a photo with the giant Century Tuna can! –
* Thanks to Vima (Kulit Runner) for some of the photos.