Its time for some running girl talk. So, guys (and any other squeamish people out there), step out for a quick 5k while us girls discuss some important matters, specifically the best way to manage our menstruation.
Getting our monthly period is more of an inconvenience than anything. We have to deal with bloating, cravings, discomfort, occasional pain, and moodiness (well, our boys usually usually suffer more with this one). It’s much worse for us runners who have to suffer through this discomfort during speedwork or long runs. Groan.
A female runner once asked me if I run when I have my period. Me? Of course I do! Nothing stops this bull from running.
What’s the best way to deal with the nasty monthly visitor? Just one word, ladies: Tampons!
Tampons! One cannot have enough of them. Check out my hefty stash…

As you see, I have various brands of tampons: Tampax Pearl Compak, Tampax Pearl, Playtex, and Playtex Sport. I’ve tried them all and they all vary in size, comfort, material, and efficiency. Some are just plain uncomfortable (Playtex: thumbs down, Tampax Pearl: too long), while others are so efficient you completely forget you’ve got your period. You can run freely without worries of any mess or staining.
My favorite brand: Tampax Pearl Compak. No, not just the regular Tampax Pearl; it’s gotta be the “Compak” one. This brand is small (“compak”, remember?) so it’s comfortable even when you’re active. It’s also portable; it can fit in your hydration belt if you need to change during a long run or race! If you get the triplepack box, it has three variants: Super, Regular, and Lite depending on your needs.

On a recent trip to the US, I bought loads of boxes of these only to find them being sold in S&R. (Next time I came back they were gone though!) Well, the boxes at S&R didn’t have the neat little Tampon purse that came with mine…hah!

So, never ever let your monthly period hinder you from running. Just always have a stash of Tampons waiting to be used. Oh, and absolutely no need to stock up as much as I do!