With all systems go for the 5th Condura Skyway Marathon this coming Sunday, I thought it would be fun to reminisce about the Condura Marathon as seen through my Bull’s eye going all the way back to 2008 before they had 42k or set foot on the Skyway. (Man, I feel so ancient!)
By the way, if you manage to read until the bottom, you’ll find out how to win one of 10 free Condura Skyway Marathon race kits! Good luck!
Race start at BGC was small and intimate. First time we had seen floodlights light up a race start that way and oooh it seemed so high tech!
Click HERE and HERE to read my race report.

Nanette Medved was still preggy. So unlike the fit and slender mommy she is now that makes us all wail in jealousy.

That’s me in my usual just-got-out-of-bed look with Mon of Happy Feet (Happy Feet! The coolest running group back then!) and Pat Concepcion (Yup, he was wearing all black already way back then and until now!)

Coach Rio’s hair was still in its infancy stage. (Mon, Pat, Coach Rio, and Aljo)

2009: Condura Skyway Run for the Whale Shark
Condura was the first race to ever have people running on the Skyway. It was surreal for most of us runners to finally do this!
Click HERE and HERE for my race report.
Concepcion brothers, Ton and Patrick, up on stage for the awarding.

I launched TBR Magazine at Condura Marathon. (Thanks again Ton and Pat!)

We also launched the iamNinoy Running Group! Shucks, I miss seeing these yellow shirts in races.

After the race with my favorite (and probably one of the smartest) TBR readers, Cougcat. Miss you, Anton!

2010: Condura Run for Dolphins
Condura finally went into the marathon! Plus, it was on the Skyway again! How could I resist Ton Concepcion’s personal invite to run the 42k even if I had run 42k in QCIM in October and Singapore Marathon in December 2011. Three weeks after Condura, I ran Hong Kong 42k too. It was an awesome five months of marathoning, but I wouldn’t recommend it and I don’t think I would do it again!
8,500 runners participated in this event. Click HERE and HERE for my race report.
With Team Secondwind at the race start.

Ran the Skyway with my bestest running buddy Annie who had come home for a brief trip from Singapore where she was based. She had left for Singapore the year before and when she did I was crying buckets worried that running would never be as fun (or fast) without her.

Ran my 3rd marathon here at 4:24 (PR) paced by my good friend Alvin.

Mark Parco and his now famous Dolphin cap. Missing in pic is his wife Tiffin with her cap. (We sorely miss this fun and wacky couple! Come back to Manila soon!)

2011: Condura Skyway Marathon – Run for the Dolphins
Condura had raised the bar for races giving local runners a world-class race that was at par with other international races.
13,000 runners participated in the event. Click HERE to read my race report.
That’s me running 21k without training. Whoa boy, I think history will repeat itself in this Sunday’s race. Gulp.

Congratulations for reading through this 4-year historical blogpost. Hey, it was fun, wasn’t it? As thanks, here’s a chance to win one of 10 free race kits to the Condura Skyway Marathon this coming Feb. 5, 2012.
Prizes: 5 race kits to 10k, 5 race kits to 16k
Winners: 10 winners will win 1 race kit each to the distance of his/her choice
How to join:
1) Post a comment below telling me what your favorite Condura race was and why? (1-2 sentences only please.) If this Sunday’s race will be your first (assuming you win the race kit), tell me why you’re looking forward to running it and why (1-2 sentences only)
2) Please indicate your complete name and what distance you prefer
How to win:
– First 5 commenters who indicate 10k race kit as their preferred prize will win one 10k race kit each.
– First 5 commenters who indicate 16k race kit as their preferred prize will win one 16k race kit each.
– Missing info in the entry will lead to automatic disqualification.
– Double submissions will lead to automatic disqualification.
How to claim:
Winners will be announced on this blog by tonight, Jan. 30, 2011, 6 pm. You may go directly to Riovana at Bonifacio High Street to claim your prize. Please present a valid ID.
By the way, if you don’t want to join the contest, and you just want to comment, feel free to do so!