I arrived in Kuala Lumpur safe and sound on December 10 while my thoughts were with the Philippines as Typhoon Ruby wreaked havoc in the south and was expected to hit Manila by that evening. In KL, the weather was gloomy and wet too, but I instantly felt Nike’s warmth and hospitality as I was greeted by the Swoosh sign at the airport accompanied by a huge blue Nike sports bag. Just 5 minutes at KL and I knew this was going to be a great running adventure with Nike.
After a hearty buffet meal, I was asked to change into the contents of that blue bag. I opened the bag to find a brand spankin new pair of Nike Zoom Structure 18, a complete set of running attire, an extra shirt and flipflops all with the famous swoosh sign emblazoned on them. This was way too cool. I didn’t know where we were headed or what they were going to make me do on this Nike Regional Running event, but I was all in! (more…)