Finding Balance with Artificer

Wednesday, 1 February 2017  |  Bullish Insights, Gear + Gadgets


I wake up each morning (except Monday rest days!) to workout after dropping the kids at school and before heading to work. I try to eat clean, drink lots of water, and keep stress at a minimum. I pretty much think that I live a healthy and clean life.

But then I read about the health risks that our gadgets and electronics can bring us and I suddenly question how safe I am. According to experts, our mobile phones, televisions, ipads, laptops and other electronics deregulate the bioelectric flow in our bodies and can leave us feeling dull and tired.

What can we do to protect us? That’s where Artificer, a line of innovative accessories with patented AERO technology, comes in. They say it aids in rebalancing and regulating the body back to its most effective and natural state. (more…)

2017 Go… Go… Goals!

Sunday, 8 January 2017  |  Bullish Insights


“Consider goals as launching pads to something far greater.”
– Cyndi Laurin

It’s been a tradition for me to start each year with goals instead of resolutions. I find that setting goals gives me something specific and attainable to work for, while resolutions…well, we know most of those are forgotten before the end of January.

So, here we go go go for my 2017 goals: (more…)

Thank You, 2016!

Saturday, 31 December 2016  |  Bullish Insights


– Cinque Terre, Nov 2016 –

2016, you were a breath of fresh air.  After the past few years of tears, troubles, and trying my best to remain strong, I finally felt that, this year, I didn’t have to try as hard.  As my wise 12-year-old daughter put it: “This year, there was less drama.”  That’s her referring to the oh-so tumultuous life of a 5 Seconds of Summer fan, but it was just the same with me.

This year, there was more time to focus on work (I went back to full time corporate life after over a decade), nurture old and new friendships (I’m antisocial but, hey, I expanded my world and that’s an achievement lol), care for my kids (they’re both mini adults now that I can engage in smart and witty conversations with), and, last but not the least, there was more time to nourish my soul. (more…)

21 Reasons Why I Run + Gatorade 11/22 Registration

Monday, 14 November 2016  |  Bullish Insights, Race Announcements


I’ve been running for exactly a decade now.

When I look back at how it all began, alone on my old treadmill in our den, it really all started with just one single step. One seemingly insignificant step that changed me and my world entirely… and all for the better.

Since then, I’ve gone farther and longer and I don’t think I’m ever going to stop. Why do I do it? Here are 21 reasons why I run: (more…)

40 New Year’s Resolutions for my 40th Year

Monday, 4 January 2016  |  Bullish Insights


Hello, 2016!  I usually set clear goals, not resolutions, at the start of every year.  Goals always motivated me to strive harder to achieve more each year.  It was all: Go! Go! Go!  This time, as I get closer to turning 40 (gulp! Just 5 more months!), I’m turning a bit introspective and observing not just what I’ve achieved but who I’ve become.  (Naks, am I not sounding a wee bit more mature too? hah!)  So, without further ado, here are 40 resolutions and goals (resolugoals!) for 2016, the year I turn 40! What are your resolutions?

1. Run two marathons. Three if I can squeeze one more in.

2. Hit the trails.

3. Get more women, especially moms, into running.

4. Run tempos every Thursday. No excuses.

5. Swim at least once a week to loosen up.

6. Do core work 3x a week.

7. Get into pilates.

8. Find more time for yoga.

9. At least two days in a week with no sugar or dairy in my diet.

10. Eat more veggies.

11. Learn one new healthy recipe to cook at home per week.

12. Drink more water.

13. Help others eat clean.

14. Blog more often. But…

15. Reduce time spent online… especially Instagram.

16. Be more tolerant of idiots who know not what they do. Haha!

17. Gossip less.  Better yet, don’t at all.

18. Speak only of good and positive things.

19. Smile… even when I’m PMS-ing.

20. Be kind to all.  Even people I don’t need, know, or like.

21. Never judge.

22. Give at least two compliments per day.

23. Laugh more.  About anything and everything.  Even myself.

24. Travel more.

25. Work harder.

26. Launch my new project.

27. Invest and save more.

28. Spend less on coffee and pedicures.

29. Be happy being alone. But…

30. Appreciate my true friends.

31. See the good in every one. No matter how hard some times!

32. Spend more time with Mom and siblings.

33. Honor the independence and personality of my kids.

34. Be present. At all times.

35. Train myself to always think positive.  Even when shit hits the fan.

36. Always remember how strong I am.  After all, I am a marathoner! Raawr!

37. Do something good everyday.

38. Let go of people and things that don’t add value to my life.

39. Forgive.

40. Make every single day count.