Hey 2017, thank you for the injuries, disappointments, failures, and tears because, as much as I hated them, they allowed me to appreciate the triumphs, surprises, successes, and laughter this past year. Here are the 17 things I learned from you:
1- Strength is determined when you achieve power and success, but more so when you rise again after failure.
2- There is no problem that cannot be fixed… even if it’s any of these B’s: boyfriends, bosses, bitches, or bunions. Never ever give up.
3- DNF is not a sign of weakness. (Read exactly what I’m talking about HERE.)
4- Reading books bring so much more joy and intellectual stimulation than Instagram, Netflix, or men in most cases.
5- It’s okay to be offline. FOMO must not be feared in the first place. BUT, it’s important to know what FOMO, TTYL and IKR lest you want to be called “Tito” or “Tita.”
6- Online shopping is the best. Except for running shoes. (Lazada, I love you. Mwah!)
7- It’s never too late to fall in love with lifting weights and building muscle. (Having said that, I would still prefer to run long and slow in perfectly cool weather outdoors than spend time with machines!)
8- I love protein. I love salmon. I love protein. Oh, did I say that already?
9- Intermittent fasting is liberating! And, this is coming from an ex-breakfast-obsessed-person!
10- Everyone should travel alone at least once a year. It provides the same happiness as running. It is freedom, adventure and power all at once.
11- You experience the most growth when you experience (and overcome) the greatest pain, biggest failure, or toughest heartbreak… or all of the above at the same time.
12- Slowing down and being content with life is not a sign of aging; it’s a sign of confidence, acceptance, and maturity.
13- Live your own life according to your own rules. Do not settle. Do not compromise. Forgive, but don’t ever forget what that a$$@%# did to you!
14- Be kind. We’re all trying our best. Yes, even that idiot who thinks being a race bandit isn’t cheating.
15- There’s no excuse for being stupid, lazy, or rude.
16- Your children are your best teachers. They test your character the most and constantly inspire you to be the best person you can be.
17- No matter what the world tells you. You are enough.